User:Louisokon/Surefoot american international school

Surefoot American International School

        Surefoot American International School is located in Calabar. It was built on Christian foundations. SAIS was founded by Mrs.Obioma Liyel .The school was founded in 2008. Gradually the school has grown.
        When the school was founded it was a small school in a vast compound. Gradually the population grew bigger.Two new school buildings were built.Soon the school had lots of facilities. From 2008 all classrooms had electronic boards, white boards and air conditioners. Now all the classes have air conditioners. Some of them have electronic boards and white boards while some only have white boards. 
        The facilities are well built and properly managed. The school has a library, a science laboratory,a basketball court, a school hall and lots more. SAIS opened the five star boarding facility in 2011. All the rooms have four beds with a lot of space for every student.The hostel can contain up to three hundred students. One hundred and fifty boys and one hundred and fifty girls with a lot of space for everyone.
        The school is based on the American currriculum.They import American text books. Students study Math, English, Art, Science, French, Social Studies, Music and Physical Education. From time to time students have guest teachers. Sometimes educational programmes are held in the school hall. Some students are invited to the events,because they are very educative.
       Students also have extra curricular activities. After school there are clubs. The clubs are not compulsory. Students can go to the Art Club, the Taekwondo Club, the Swimming club, the Science club and lots more. Students also go to field trips. Sometimes they are taken outside the country.
       SAIS has different events all year long. Every year there is a Science fair, a cultural day, a fun fair and lots more. Every week there is a Friday assembly. The assemblies take place in the School hall. Parents are always invited. This makes the school hall full on the morning of an SAIS Friday. 
       Students have their ceremonial uniform.It isn't very different from a normal uniform. Students wear their school trousers or skirts. They wear a red school uniform t-shirt and a school blazer. On a normal day male students wear shorts, while the females wear skirts. Both male and female students wear a matching school uniform t-shirt for the day. Everyday there is a specific uniform to wear. Students have to wear a red t-shirt on Monday, a white t-shirt on Tuesday, a blue t-shirt on Wednesday, a yellow t-shirt on Thursday and any choice of the uniform t-shirts on Friday.
       SAIS is a nice place for children from all over the world. They can learn new things. They can have good friends. They can stay happy. Surefoot American International School should be rated as a three star school on International standards. SAIS is a good school.