
Hi, my name is Lyle Howard. I'm all about science fiction. I'm a little older than most Wikipedians, and my interests are skewed to the period before 1970, when (in my opinion) the best science fiction was written.

I agree with Stanley Kauffmann that most science fiction films are of much lower quality than the best science fiction novels. Star Wars, including all of its spin-offs, is not worth writing about, IMHO. The same is true for almost everything on the Syfy Channel, as well as every version of Star Trek, both TV and films, since season two of TOS (which we old-timers refer to simply as "Star Trek").

Some writers who I consider to be over-rated: Ray Bradbury, A. E. van Vogt, Richard Matheson, Judith Merril, Robert Bloch.

I have a special affection for Damon Knight, whose short stories are generally acknowledged to be the best that science fiction has produced. His novels are under-appreciated and I am developing Wikipedia pages for all of them.

These are some of the articles I've already created:

Damon Knight related articles Other
  1. In Search of Wonder
  2. Far Out
  3. Beyond the Barrier
  4. A for Anything
  5. Mind Switch
  6. The Last Word
  7. Dulcie and Decorum
  1. The Long Loud Silence
  2. Telek
  3. The Red One
  4. High Vacuum
  5. Atta
  6. Timeliner
  7. Mach 1: A Story of Planet Ionus