User:MainlyTwelve/Dirtbag Left II

The Dirtbag Left is a term coined by Amber A'Lee Frost[1] to refer to a loose group of leftist American media figures who employ vulgarity [as a means of criticizing mainstream American liberalism and conservatism]. Will Menaker has referred to the term as "...a nice way of describing a kind of scurrilous and funny approach to left-wing politics...". Those described as members of the Dirtbag Left include the hosts of podcast Chapo Trap House and YPG volunteer fighter Brace Belden. Publications The Baffler, Street Fight Radio, and Current Affairs have also been associated with the Dirtbag Left. It has also been associated with the Democratic Socialists of America as many members of the Dirtbag Left are also members of, and have promoted, the DSA.

  1. ^ Tolentino, Jia (18 November 2016). "What Will Become of the Dirtbag Left?". The New Yorker. Retrieved 27 May 2017.