
Me waking up every morning.
They do now.

Hello! I am....... [look at the title please]. I live in the UK in a secure and undisclosed location.

Among my interests are video games, hip-hop music and the Warhammer 40,000. I also like Star Wars, The Simpsons, The IT Crowd, the movie Speed (not the second one, though), and Avatar: TLA. Not the TLA movie, though. We don't talk about the film around these parts.

My favourite rappers are Eminem, Kendrick Lamar, and Kanye West. I also like Wu-Tang Clan, The Notorious B.I.G., Megan Thee Stallion and JAY-Z. I maintain that the East Coast is better than the West. I mean, the East had Wu-Tang Clan and Biggie, so what more do you want? The are the greatest.

I love The Simpsons. It's a strong contender for 'funniest show ever', although I must admit South Park and Monty Python's Flying Circus match my brand of humour perfectly (see below). Sideshow Bob is the best character, change my mind. By the way, I do, for one, welcome our new insect overlords.

People tell me I have a good sense of humour. I beg to differ. My humour is composed of being cynical, making fun of stuff in a deadpan, emotionless way, making cruel jokes, making little sense and lovingly referencing the best couple of all time.

I collect Warhammer 40,000 plastic miniatures, or as I like to call them, plastic crack (cause it's so addictive). I have two armies: about 750 points of Adepta Sororitas (My "Nuns w/ Guns") and about 2000 points of World Eaters (My "Khorne Khonquerors"), and almost 2500 points of Tyranids (The "Bugs in Blue"). My Sororitas army features a Canoness, a Palatine, 10 Battle Sisters, 5 Repentia, 5 Seraphim, 10 Dominions, 3 Arco-flagellants, 1 Penitent Engine, and a Vindicare Assassin. My World Eaters army features 20 Berserkers, 20 Jakhals, 2 Chaos Spawn, 3 Exalted Eightbound, a Lord Invocatus, Khârn the Betrayer, 10 Chaos Terminators, a World Eaters Terminator Lord, 2 Chaos Rhinos, a Helbrute, a Master of Executions, and 3 Chaos Bikers. Finally, my Tyranid army features 40 Termagaunts, 20 Genestealers, 10 Barbgaunts, 10 Hormogaunts, 10 Gargoyles, 3 Tyranid Warriors, 5 Ripper Swarms, 3 Von Ryan's Leapers, a Deathleaper, a Winged Tyranid Prime, a Winged Hive Tyrant, The Swarmlord, a Broodlord, a Tyrannofex, 2 Biovores, 6 Spore Mines, and a Psychophage. Yes, it is a lot of stuff.


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