
Today is Tuesday, 26 November 2024, 00:04 (UTC/GMT).
There are 6,915,969 articles on the English Wikipedia.
"Welcome to Wikipedia." Let's be frank, it can be strangely addictive: [1]
Note: this user often uses Cornish time
I used to think I could remain aloof from the excruciating Wikipedia detail....
Teddyevans123, once again pegged out online, on the left, by his fellow editors
Welcome to "the pea jar"

"On why Wikipedia is never finished..."

Great eds have little eds upon their backs to bite 'em,
And little eds have lesser eds, and so ad infinitum.
And the great eds themselves, in turn, have Admin eds to go on;
While these again have greater still, and greater still, and so on.
--- Augustus De Wales -- (De Morgan, Augustus (1872). A Budget of Paradoxes. Longmans, Green, and Company. pp. 376-377.)

Please, beware: Proverbs 18:2

vital link for fool-proof anonymity
Ah-ha... so this is what good Administrators do!
Great to see British Dance Band so close to Islamic recitation and Vintage gospel: (... [2])
Ice eggs

Ice eggs, also known as ice balls, are a rare phenomenon caused by a process in which small pieces of sea ice in open water are rolled over by wind and currents in freezing conditions and grow into spheroid pieces of ice. They sometimes collect into heaps of balls on beaches where they pack together in striking patterns. The gentle churn of water, blown by a suitably stiff breeze, makes concentric layers of ice form on a seed particle that then grows into the floating ball as it rolls through the freezing currents. This formation of ice eggs was photographed in 2014 on Stroomi Beach in Tallinn, Estonia. The temperature was around −20 to −15 °C (−4 to 5 °F), and the diameter of each ball around 5 to 10 centimetres (2 to 4 in).

Photograph credit: Aleksandr Abrosimov

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some musical links.... from yesteryear