
If you see this, please do write your name down in the Guestbook and link it to your user page. You can also add a small quote or comment if you wish. And please format it in a way that makes sense, or looks nice. Thanks!

I am a tarantula enthusiast, who enjoys reading/making articles of tarantulas. Though more recently, I have focused more on physics in my personal life. If I get something wrong or is there is a problem with any of my articles, please let me know. If you have any questions or suggestions, please let me know. If I haven't answered for a while please ping me, but avoid sending me emailing me for any matter which can be discussed publicly.

As of now I do not have a degree or career of any sorts, as I do not have the age. I mainly make articles about tarantulas, they're some exceptions. I am also a user of iNaturalist, under the same name, though as I am a resident of México, I mainly focus on such. I am also very bad at formatting and templates, as I do not have a lot of computer expertise. Feel free to help.

My profile picture in most media.
Pages I have Created (Newest to oldest)
50 Trachycosmidae 49 Haplocosmia himalayana 48 Grammostola iheringi 47 Psalmopoeus reduncus
46 Hapalopus formosus 45 Murphyarachne 44 Anqasha 43 Amazonius (spider)
42 Pamphobeteus vespertinus 41 Pamphobeteus fortis 40 Nhandu coloratovillosus 39 Heterothele gabonensis
38 Cyriopagopus paganus 37 Augacephalus ezendami 36 Stromatopelma calceatum 35 Pamphobeteus antinous
34 Lyrognathus giannisposatoi 33 Dolichothele diamantinensis 32 Cyriocosmus perezmilesi 31 Chilobrachys huahini
30 Bonnetina minax 29 Cyriocosmus leetzi 28 Harpactira cafreriana 27 Eucratoscelus pachypus
26 Pterinochilus lugardi 25 Acanthoscurria insubtilis 24 Phrixotrichus scrofa 23 Aphonopelma mooreae
22 Monocentropus balfouri 21 Cotztetlana villadai 20 Cyrtopholis femoralis 19 Ornithoctonus aureotibialis
18 Pterinochilus cryptus 17 Amazonius burgessi 16 Hapalotremus chespiritoi 15 Ischnocolus vanandelae
14 Vitalius buecherli 13 Umbyquyra gurleyi 12 Guyruita metallophila 11 Plesiopelma paganoi
10 Eupalaestrus crassimetatarsis 9 Cyclosternum palomeranum 8 Cymbiapophysa marimbai 7 Bumba tapajos
6 Sahydroaraneus hirsti 5 Hemirrhagus diablo 4 Cymbiapophysa 3 Hemirrhagus billsteelei
2 Schizopelma bicarinatum 1 Hemirrhagus akheronteus
Some pages I have edited (Not even close to up to date)
1 Longilyra 2 Hemirrhagus 3 Pseudoclamoris gigas 4 Cymbiapophysa
5 Ephebopus cyanognathus 6 Harpactira pulchripes 7 Cerro de Chipinque 8 Aphonopelma bicoloratum
9 Chilobrachys dyscolus 10 Acanthophrynus 11 Aphonopelma moderatum 12 Avicularia minatrix
13 Caribena laeta 14 Ceratogyrus marshalli 15 Chilobrachys fimbriatus 16 Encyocratella
17 Grammostola actaeon 18 Megaphobema robustum 19 Orphnaecus philippinus 20 Phormictopus auratus
21 Thrixopelma ockerti 22 Cardiopelma 23 Pterinopelma sazimai 24 Omothymus
25 Theraphosa 26 Chilobrachys 27 Pamphobeteus 28 Selenocosmia
29 Psalmopoeus 30 Aphonopelma 31 Tarantula 32 Tapinauchenius
33 Caribena 34 Murphyarachne 35 Xenesthis 36 Acanthoscurria
37 Lasiodora 38 Nhandu 39 Chaetopelma 40 Phlogiellus
41 Lampropelma 42 Hapalopus 43 Phormingochilus 44 Davus
45 Ephebopus 46 Bumba (spider) 47 Dolichothele 48 Haploclastus
49 Holothele 50 Euathlus 51 Ischnocolus 52 Vitalius
53 Cyrtopholis 54 Iridopelma 55 Homoeomma 56 Haplocosmia
57 Pterinopelma 58 Coremiocnemis 59 Thrixopelma 60 Annandaliella
61 Neoholothele 62 Sparassidae 63 Pholcidae 64 Dolomedes
65 Cheiracanthium 66 List of Theraphosidae species 67 Recluse spider 68 Argiope (spider)
69 Thomisidae 70 Missulena