User:Matty j

Matthew Douglas Johnston is a 33-year-old Canadian citizen, student and compulsive Wikipedian. His hobbies and interests include reading, playing the guitar, philosophy, running, baseball and mathematics.

Matthew was born in Hamilton, Ontario, and raised in Burford, a small rural community in Brant County. He is instructor at the University of Waterloo having just obtained his Ph.D. in applied mathematics there.

A few of Matthew's favourite things include:

Matthew Douglas Johnston at home

Colour: Blue
Number: Twelve
Food: Steak, medium-well
Alcoholic beverage: Sleeman's Cream Ale
Non-alcoholic beverage: Dr. Pepper
Bands: Stone Temple Pilots, Linkin Park, Velvet Revolver, Soundgarden, System of a Down
Song: Trippin' On A Hole In A Paper Heart - Stone Temple Pilots
Movies: Memento, A Clockwork Orange
Book: Nineteen Eighty-Four - George Orwell
Author: John Grisham