
Uzbek New Alphabet Uzbek New Alphabet Õzbek Yeni Nasteliq  Alifbo

A-𐤠  a-ⲁ (al)   E-Є  e-ę  (ec) I-𐰃  i-į  (iy)   O-𐰗  o- o (œ)  B-𐤡  b-β (bo)  V-𐌖  v-ѵ  (vu) G-ꓨ  g-g (ga)  Ğ-𐌾  ğ-ӻ  (ği) D-𐓉  d-Ԁ  (do)  X-𐊉  x-ӿ  (xa)  Z-Ⲍ  z-ⲹ (ze)  J-ꓙ  j-ⳗ  (ji)  P-Ҧ  p-π (pa)  F-𐍆  f-ƒ (fe) H-Ӈ  h-ћ (hi)  K-𐌺  k-𐊋 (ka) L-𐤋  l-l (li)   Y-Ұ  y-ү (yu) M-𐌼  m-ⲙ (me)   Çč-ς (ca) Š -Ⲱ-ßşѡ  (шe)   Õ-Ѻ  ō-ө (õd) N-Ŋ  n-ⴄ (nu)   R-𐍂  r-𐑾 (ri) S-𐍃  s-𐊖  (se)   T-Ⲧ  t-ԏ  (ti) U-Ư  u-ų (uv)  Q-Q  q-𐌒 (qo)

Oʻzbek alifbo yozuvi https://en.m.wikipedia.orgview_html.php?sq=Qlik&lang=&q=Uzbek_language

VIII-IX asrlar oraligʻida oʻzbeklarning ajdodlari qadimgi uygʻur, xorazm va Oʻrxun-Enasoy yozuvlarini qoʻllagan. Oʻrta Osiyo arablar tomonidan egallanganidan soʻng, arab alifbosi isteʼmolga kiradi. 1928—1940-yillarda lotin alifbosi amalda boʻlib, 1940-yilda SSSRdagi boshqa koʻplab tillar singari oʻzbek tili ham kirill yozuviga oʻtkazildi.[2] Oʻzbekiston mustaqil boʻlganidan keyin, 1993-yilda lotin alifbosiga qaytildi.

Tarix tahrir Eski oʻzbek yozuvi Asosiy maqola: Eski oʻzbek yozuvi https://en.m.wikipedia.orgview_html.php?sq=Qlik&lang=&q=Chagatai_language Eski oʻzbek yozuvi arab grafikasiga asoslangan boʻlib, u quyidagi harflarni oʻz ichiga olgan: ى ﻩ و ن م ل ک ق ف غ ﻉ ﻅ ﻁ ﺽ ﺹ ش س ژ ز ر ﺫ د خ ﺡ چ ﺝ ت ﺕ پ ب آ ا . XIX asrda /g/ tovushi uchun گ hamda /ŋ/ tovushi uchun ڭ harflari kiritilgan.[2] Biroq oʻshanda oʻzbek yozuvining aniq meʼyorlari boʻlmagan va turli nashrlar har xil imlo qoidalaridan foydalanishgandi. Qoʻqonlik maʼrifatchi Ashurali Zohiriy oʻzining 1916-yilda nashr etilgan „Imlo“ darsligida shunday deydi: https://uz.m.wikipedia.orgview_html.php?sq=Qlik&lang=&q=Ashurali_Zohiriy#p-lang

"Bizning hozirgi (eski) imlomizda qoida degan narsa aslo rioya etilmagʻonligidan har kim oʻzicha qanday yozmoqni xohlasa, oʻshanday yoza bergʻon; bu adabiyotimizning kengayishiga sad boʻlib, yoshlarimizning qiynalishidan boshqa ajnabiy millatlarning qoshida tilimizning masxara qildirib, madaniy tillarga baho qoʻygʻonda, qimmati hech boʻlishiga sabab boʻldik. Shunga binoan bul „Imlo“ risolasini yozdim. Eng zarur qoidalarni darj etdim… „hoye rasmiya“ni imlomizgʻa kirgʻizdim."[3]

1919-yilda Toshkentda Fitrat boshchiligida til-imlo va adabiyot masalalari bilan shugʻullanuvchi toʻgarak-seminar — „Chigʻatoy gurungi“

jamiyati tashkil topadi.

Bu xakda „Ishtirokiyun“ gazetasi shunday yozgan edi: https://uz.m.wikipedia.orgview_html.php?sq=Qlik&lang=&q=Chig%CA%BBatoy_gurungi#p-lang

"Toshkentda yosh buxoroliklarning faol aʼzolaridan Fitrat afandi ila o‘zbek yoshlari tarafidan „Chigʻatoy gurungi“ nom(li) yangi bir jamiyat tuzilgan. Milliy ishlar komissariati tarafindan tasdiq etilib ishka kirishkan. Bu jamiyatning maqsadi: Turkistondagi eski va yangi turkiy asarlarni jam qilib, turkiy tilini ixyo qiluv haqinda materiyol hozirlamok, lugʻat va adabiyot dunyosin boyitmoqdir".[4]

«Chigʻatoy gurungi» jamiyati faoliyatida alifbo va imlo masalalari alohida o‘rin tutadi. Bunga quyidagi omillar sabab bo‘lgan:

1) eski o‘zbek tilidagi 8-9, yangi o‘zbek tilidagi 6-7 unli fonema faqat 3 ta harf - ا (alif), و (vov), ي (yo) bilan ifodalangan;

2) ayrim harflar polifonemali grafema tarzida qo‘llangan: و (vov) harfi «v» undoshini va «u», «o‘» unlilarini (demak, uchta fonemani), ي (yo) harfi ham uchta fonemani - «i», «e (ye)» unlilarini va «y» undoshini ifodalagan;

3) «t» undoshi uchun ikki harf - ت (te), ط (to); «s» undoshi uchun uchta harf - ث (se), س (sin), ص (sod) ; «z» undoshi uchun esa to‘rtta harf - ذ (zol), ز (ze), ض (zod), ظ (zo) qo‘llangan;

4) har bir harfning to‘rt xil shakli - so‘z boshida, o‘rtasida, oxirida yoki yolgʻiz holda qo‘llanadigan allograflari bo‘lgan.

Bunday holat maorif-ta’lim ishlarida va yozuv amaliyotida qator qiyinchiliklarni yuzaga keltirgan, ravon o‘qish ko‘nikmalarining shakllantirilishiga halaqit bergan. «Chigʻatoy gurungi» jamiyati ayni shu qiyinchiliklarni hisobga olib, alifbo va imlo muammolari bilan shugʻullanishga majbur bo‘lgan. Jamiyatning «Imlo to‘dasi» a’zosi Elbek https://uz.m.wikipedia.orgview_html.php?sq=Qlik&lang=&q=Elbek

tomonidan «Bitik yo‘llari» kitobchasi yaratiladi, unda arab yozuvini o‘zbek tili tovushlari tizimiga moslashtirish lozimligi aytiladi, shu maqsadda alifboga «u» unlisi uchun, «o‘» unlisi uchun), «o» unlisi uchun, «a» unlisi uchun, «i» unlisi uchun, «e» unlisi uchun harflarini kiritish tavsiya etiladi.[5]Abbreviaturalar tahrir Misol uchun Kiril Lotincha toʻgʻri Lotincha notoʻgʻri МЧЖ MCHJ[1] MChJ, MCJ ЕВБ YVB YEVB, YeVB, EVB Oʻzbek alifbosi islohoti tahrir Oʻzbek alifbosi yoki imlo qoidalarini isloh qilish boʻyicha bir qancha takliflar ilgari surilgan.

Uzbek Alphabet History Between the 8th and 9th centuries the ancestors of Uzbeks used the ancient Uyghur, Khorezm and OrhunEnasoy scripts. After the conquest of Central Asia by the Arabs, the Arabic alphabet came into use. In 1928-1940, the Latin alphabet was used, and in 1940, like many other languages in the USSR, the Uzbek language was transferred to the Cyrillic script.[2] After Uzbekistan became independent, it returned to the Latin alphabet in 1993. غ ع ẓ ṭ ḍ ṣ ặ z r ầ ấ ẓ ạ j t t p b ậ ạ . In the 19th century, the letters g for the sound /g/ and gh for the sound /ŋ/ were introduced.[2] However, at that time there were no clear standards of Uzbek writing, and different publications used different spelling rules. Ashurali Zahiri, an educator from Kokan, says in his textbook "Spelling" published in 1916: We made a mockery of our language in the eyes of other foreign nations and caused it to be worthless. Accordingly, I wrote the "Spelling" pamphlet. I introduced the "official" spelling. In 1919, the "Chigatoy Gurungi" society was established in Tashkent under the leadership of Fitrat. In this regard, "Ishtirokyun" newspaper wrote: "A new society named "Chigatoy Gurungi" was established in Tashkent by Fitrat Efendi, an active member of young Bukharans, and Uzbek youth. It was approved by the Commissariat of National Affairs and started working. The purpose of this society is to collect old and new Turkish works in Turkestan, to prepare materials for the development of the Turkish language, and to enrich the world of vocabulary and literature. . This was caused by the following factors:

1) 89 vowel phonemes in the old Uzbek language and 67 vowel phonemes in the new Uzbek language are represented by only 3 letters ا (alif), w (vov), y (yo);

2) some letters are used in the form of a polyphonemic grapheme: the letter w (vov) has the consonant "v" and the vowels "u", "o'" (therefore, three phonemes), the letter y (yo) also has three phonemes " represented the vowels i, e (ye) and the consonant y;

3) two letters t (te), ṭ (to) for the consonant "t"; Three letters for the consonant «с» т (se), с (sin), ш (sod); For the consonant "z" four letters ذ (zol), z (ze), ḍ (zod), ẓ (zo) are used;

4) four different forms of each letter are words had allographs used at the beginning, in the middle, at the end or alone.

This situation created a number of difficulties in educational work and writing practice, and destroyed the formation of fluent reading skills. "Chigatoy Gurungi" society was forced to deal with the problems of alphabet and spelling, taking into account these difficulties. Elbek, a member of the "Spelling gang" of the society, creates a booklet "Bitik yollari", in which it is said that the Arabic script should be adapted to the system of sounds of the Uzbek language, for this purpose, the alphabet is used for the vowel "u", for the vowel "o") , for the vowel "o", for the vowel "a", for the vowel "i", for the vowel "e" it is recommended to enter the letters.[5]

The Uzbek language has been written in various scripts: Latin, Cyrillic and Arabic.[1] The language traditionally used Arabic script, but the official Uzbek government under the Soviet Union started to use Cyrillic in 1940, which is when widespread literacy campaigns were initiated by the Soviet government across the Union. In Uzbekistan, the Latin script was officially reintroduced, along with Cyrillic, in 1992, and a full transition to Latin script is awaiting implementation. In neighboring Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan, people use Cyrillic. In the Xinjiang region of China, some Uzbek speakers write using Cyrillic, others with an alphabet based on the Uyghur Arabic alphabet. Uzbeks of Afghanistan also write the language using Arabic script, and the Arabic Uzbek alphabet is taught at some schools in the country.

A page from an Uzbek book printed in Arabic script. Tashkent, 1911. History edit Arabic script edit For more information on Uzbek Arabic Alphabet, see Southern Uzbek language.

The Uzbek alphabet written in a variant of the Perso-Arabic script in the Nastaliq style. Like all Turkic languages in Central Asia and its literary predecessor Chagatai, Uzbek was written in various forms of the Arabic script historically. Following the Russian revolution and Soviet takeover of Russian Turkestan, in January 1921, a reformed Arabic orthography designed by the Jadidists was adopted, which replaced the harakat marks used for short vowels with a fully alphabetic system that indicated every vowel and removed all letters that occurred only in Arabic loanwords and did not have a distinct phonetic value. It had six vowels and twenty-three consonants. Notably, unlike the Cyrillic and Latin alphabets that followed, it did not contain a letter to represent /f/, due to the argument that it was always assimilated to /p/ in the orthophony. Some had also proposed that there be no letter to represent /h/, due to many dialects assimilating it to /x/, but this was not implemented in the end.[2]

The Arabic script is still used for writing Uzbek in Afghanistan and by Afghan-Uzbek diaspora elsewhere. In the early 21st century, with the publication of dictionaries[3][4] and literature by Afghan-Uzbek scholars, as well as the adaptation of Uzbek Arabic script by domestic as well as international news outlets (such as BBC News Uzbek Afghanistan, Link), https://en.m.wikipedia.orgview_html.php?sq=Qlik&lang=&q=Southern_Uzbek_language

the Arabic script has undergone a process of documentation and standardization.

ا / آ ب پ ت ث ج چ ح خ د ذ ر ز ژ س ش ص ض ط ظ ع غ ف ق ک گ ل م ن نگ و ۉ ۋ ھ ی ې

Latin script edit The question of the transition of the Uzbek language to the Latin alphabet was raised back in 1920. In January 1921, it was discussed at the regional congress in Tashkent, but then supporters of romanization did not receive approval from numerous adherents of reforming the Arabic script. This issue was raised for the second time in 1926 at the First Turkic Congress in Baku. At this congress, the transition of all Turkic languages of the peoples of the USSR to the new Latin alphabet, Yañalif was approved. To implement the transition to the Latin alphabet, the New Alphabet Committee was created under the Presidium of the Central Executive Committee of the Soviets of the Uzbek SSR. Various projects for the new alphabet were widely discussed on the pages of the press, various meetings, meetings, and conferences. Significant discussion flared up on the issue of displaying synharmonism in writing; As a result, it was decided to display synharmonism in writing, for which 9 letters were introduced into the alphabet to display vowels.[5]

In 1929, as part of comprehensive programs to "educate" (politically influence) Uzbek people, who for the first time now had their own cartographically delineated (administrative) region, Uzbek writing in the Uzbek SSR was switched to Latin script. The latinization of Uzbek was carried out in the context of latinization of all languages in the Soviet Union.[6] The new Latin script also brought about the letter f to represent /f/ and distinction of back and front vowels, adding a number of new characters for them.

At the Republican Spelling Conference in Samarkand, held in May 1929, a new Uzbek alphabet of 34 characters was approved:

A a B b C c Ç ç D d E e F f G g H h I i J j K k L l M m N n O o Ө ө P p Q q R r S s Ş ş T t U u V v X x Y y Z z Ь ь ' In 1934, the script underwent another reform, which reverted the addition of back-front vowel distinctions.[2] The letters Ө ө, Y y, Ь ь were removed from the alphabet, while the letter had its usage reduced, being primarily replaced by A a. This reform simplified Uzbek spelling, but did not solve all its problems.[7] In this regard, in 1937, a team of scientists under the leadership of A.K. Borovkov https://uz.m.wikipedia.orgview_html.php?sq=Qlik&lang=&q=Aleksandr_Borovkov#p-lang

began to develop a new version of the Uzbek alphabet and spelling. The alphabet compiled by this team had the following order: A a, B b, V v, G g, D d, E e,  Z z, I i, J j, K k, L l, M m, N n, Å å, O o, P p, R r, S s, T t, U u, F f, X x, C c, Ş ş, Ç ç, Q q, H h. However, at this time the Cyrillization process was already gaining momentum in the USSR, which made the reform of the Latinized alphabet irrelevant.[5]

Cyrillic script edit In 1939, a commission was created at the Collegium of the People's Commissariat of Education of the Uzbek SSR to develop the Uzbek alphabet based on the Cyrillic alphabet. This commission developed an alphabet that included all 33 letters of the Russian alphabet, as well as six additional characters Ң ң, Ҷ ҷ, Ө ө, Қ қ, Ƶ ƶ, Ҳ ҳ and an apostrophe. However, this project was heavily criticized by linguists and educators for its cumbersomeness and the presence of extra letters. Most critics proposed eliminating the letters Щ щ and Ы ы from the alphabet. Some considered it necessary to also exclude the letters Е е, Ё ё, Ц ц, Ю ю, Я я. It was proposed to take the letter A a for the sound [ɔ], and to use Ə ə for [ä]. In addition to the main project of the Uzbek Cyrillic alphabet, a number of others were proposed:[5]

Yañalif Main https://en.m.wikipedia.orgview_html.php?sq=Qlik&lang=&q=Ya%C3%B1alif

project Project I Project II Project III Project IV Project V ç ҷ җ чʼ дж ç дж q қ q кʼ къ q к ğ ғ v гʼ гъ gh г h һ ҳ хʼ хъ h х ŋ ң ң нг нг ng нг ө ө ө уʼ ў ө ү o о о ў о у a о ā о о а о ә а а а а ә c ц ц ц ц тc ş, š, c щ шч/щ щ щ шч/ш щ je е йе/е е е йе/е е ja ё йо/о ё ё йо/о ё i ы и ы ы и ы ju, jy, u, y ю ю ю ю йу/у ю y я я я я йа/а я е э е э э е э ʼ ъ ʼ ъ ъ ʼ ъ ʼ ь ʼ ь ь ь In 1940, Uzbek was switched to the Cyrillic script under Joseph Stalin:

А а Б б В в Г г Д д Е е Ё ё Ж ж З з И и Й й К к Л л М м Н н О о П п Р р С с Т т У у Ф ф Х х Ц ц Ч ч Ш ш Ъ ъ Ь ь Э э Ю ю Я я Ў ў Қ қ Ғ ғ Ҳ ҳ The Uzbek Cyrillic alphabet contains all the letters of the Russian alphabet, apart from Щ and Ы, plus four extra ones, namely Ў, Қ, Ғ and Ҳ. These four letters are considered as separate letters and not letter variants. They come in alphabetical order after the letter Я.

The letters Ц and Ь are not used in Uzbek native words, but are included in the alphabet for writing loanwords, e. g. кальций (calcium). However, Щ and Ы are not included, so they are replaced by ШЧ and И in loanwords and names from Russian, e. g. the Russian surnames Щедрин (Shchedrin) and Быков (Bykov) are rendered Шчедрин and Биков in Uzbek Cyrillic.

Despite further reforms, this alphabet is still in use both in Uzbekistan and neighboring countries (Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan). Modern Latin alphabet edit А а B b D d Е е F f G g H h I i J j K k L l М m N n О о P p Q q R r S s Т t U u V v X x Y y Z z Õ õ Ğ ğ Ş ş Ç ç Ŋ ŋ ʼ Until 1992, Uzbek in the USSR continued to be written using a Cyrillic alphabet almost exclusively, but now in Uzbekistan the Latin script has been officially re-introduced, although the use of Cyrillic is still widespread. The deadline in Uzbekistan for making this transition has been repeatedly changed. In 1993, President of Uzbekistan at the time Islam Karimov proposed a new Uzbek alphabet with c /ts/,ç,ğ,ŋ,õ,ş, until it was replaced with the current 1995 alphabet. The letter J with stroke is said to have been the equivalent of Cyrillic letter Zhje.[8] The order of the first Latin alphabet post-independence was as follows: A a, B b, C c, D d, E e, F f, G g,H h, I i, J j, K k, L l, M m, N n, O o, P p, Q q, R r, S s, T t, U u,V v, X x, Y y, Z z,Ç ç,Ğ ğ, Ŋ ŋ, Õ õ, Ş ş, ʼ.[9]

Education in many areas of Uzbekistan is in the Latin script, and in 2001 the Latin script began to be used on coins. Since 2004, some official websites have switched over to using the Latin script when writing in Uzbek.[10] Most street signs are also in the new Latin script. The main national TV channel of Uzbekistan, Oʻzbekiston Telekanali (owned by MTRK), https://en.m.wikipedia.orgview_html.php?sq=Qlik&lang=&q=National_Television_and_Radio_Company_of_Uzbekistan

has also switched to the Latin script when writing in Uzbek, although news programs are still broadcast in Cyrillic script (compare with another TV channel owned by the same company, Yoshlar, broadcasts news programs in Latin script). Additionally, in Afghanistan Uzbek continues to be written in the Arabic script.

In 2018, the Uzbek government launched another reform effort for the Uzbek Latin alphabet. The new proposal called for replacing some digraphs with diacritical signs.[11] In March 2021, the proposed changes were put up for public discussion and debate. They called for replacing Ch ch, Sh sh, Gʻ gʻ, Oʻ oʻ with Ç ç, Ş ş, Ḡ ḡ, Ō ō (and, in loans, Ts ts with C c).[12][13] This would largely reverse the 1995 reform and bring the orthography closer to those of Turkish, Turkmen, Karakalpak, Kazakh (2018 version) and Azerbaijani.[14] This was met with mixed reactions from the citizens. The proposal was put up again for discussion in May of the same year, this time with a deadline of 1 November 2021.[15]

In February 2021, the Uzbek government announced that Uzbekistan plans to fully transition the Uzbek language from the Cyrillic script to a Latin-based alphabet by 1 January 2023.[16][17] Similar deadlines had been extended several times.[18]

Generally the younger generation prefers to use the Latin alphabet, while the older generation, who grew up in the Soviet era, prefers the Cyrillic alphabet. The Latin alphabet is mainly used in business and tourism, and the Cyrillic alphabet is mainly used in official government documents.[19]

According to a report in 2023, Uzbek publishing houses still mostly used the Cyrillic alphabet.[20]

In September 2023, linguists proposed another project for reform of the Latin alphabet. Thus, in the new alphabet it is proposed to modify four letters: Ў/ў, Ғ/ғ, Ч/ч, & Ш/ш respectively to Õ/õ, Ğ/ğ, C/c, Ş/ş. This is the third attempt to reform the Uzbek alphabet since 2018.[21]

Alphabet reform projects between 2018 and 2023 Sound Current alphabet November 2018[22] May 2019[23] March 2021[24] November 2021[25] September 2023[26] /o/ Oʻ oʻ Ŏ ŏ Ó ó Ō ō Õ õ /gh/ Gʻ gʻ Ğ ğ Ǵ ǵ Ğ ğ /šhe/ Sh sh Ş ş /çe/ Ch ch Ç ç C c /ŋ/ Ng ng no change Ŋ ŋ no change /ц/ Ц ч no change C c Correspondence chart edit Below is a table of Uzbek Cyrillic and Latin alphabets with represented sounds.[27][28] Note that in Arabic script, vowel-initial words begin with a silent ا (traditional alphabet; may be replaced with an etymological ع in loans) or with a silent ئ (Yangi Imlo alphabet).

Latin[N 1] Yañalif (1929–1934) Yañalif (1934–1940) Cyrillic equivalent Name[29] Yangi Imlo Arabic IPA English approximation A a A a [a] Ә ә А а a ە (final ه) /æ/ chai, cat Ә ә [æ] B b B б Б б be ب ب /b/ bat D d D d Д д de د د /д/ den E e E e Э э / Е е e ې ې /e/[N 2] bet F f F f Ф ф ef ف ف /ф/ fish G g G g Г г ge گ گ /ɡ/ go H h H h Ҳ ҳ ha ھ ھ and ح /h/ house I i I i [i] I i И и i ى ی /i/ me Ь ь [ь] J j Ç ç Ж ж je ج ج /dж/ joke Ж ц ژ ژ /ʒ/[N 3] vision K k K k К к ka ك ک /k/ cold L l L l Л л el ل ل /l/ list M m M m М м em م م /m/ man N n N n Н н en ن ن /n/ next O o О о o ا ا (initial آ) /ɔ/ hot, call (Received Pronunciation) P p P p П п pe پ پ /p/ pin Q q Q q Қ қ qa ق ق /q/, /χ/[N 4] like a "k", but further back in the throat R r R r Р р er ر ر /r/ (trilled) rat S s S s С с es س ث and س and ص /s/ sick T t T t Т т te ت ت and ط /т/ toe U u U u [u] U u У у u ۇ و /u/ put, choose Y y [я] V v V v В в ve ۋ ۋ /v~w/ van X x X x Х х xa خ خ /χ/ "ch" as in German "Bach" or Scottish "loch" Y y Й й ye ي ی /j/ yes Z z Z z З з ze ز ذ and ز and ض and ظ /z/ zebra Õ õ Ō ō [ø] Ö ö Ў ў ö و ۉ /o/ row Ө ө [ø] Ğ ğ Ғ ғ gʻa غ غ /gh/ like a French or German "r" Sh sh Ş ş Ш ш sha ش ش /sh/ shoe Ch ch Ç ç Ч ч che چ چ /ts/ chew Ŋ ŋ НҺ Нг нг nge ڭ نگ /ŋ/ king ʼ ʼ (mьʼlym) ʼ (mьʼlum) ъ tutuq belgisi (ʼ) ("apostrophe"); ayirish/ajratish belgisi (ъ) ئ ء / أ / ؤ / ئ and ع /ʔ/ Both "ʼ" (tutuq belgisi) and "ъ" (ayirish belgisi) are used either (1) to mark the phonetic glottal stop when put immediately before a vowel or (2) to mark a long vowel when placed immediately after a vowel [N 5] The Cyrillic letters Ё ё, Ю ю, Я я correspond to the sound combinations yo, yu, ya.

The Cyrillic letters Ц ц and ь (capital Ь occurs only in all-capitals writing) are used only in loanwords. In the modern Uzbek Latin alphabet ц becomes ts after vowels, s otherwise; ь is omitted (except ье, ьи, ьо, that become ye, yi, yo).

The letters c (apart from the digraph ch) and w, not considered distinct letters of the Uzbek alphabet, are named tse and dubl-ve respectively. In mathematics, x, y, z are named iks, igrek, zet. https://en.m.wikipedia.orgview_html.php?sq=Qlik&lang=&q=Uzbek_alphabet#/editor/7 Sof Õzbekça Gapir: Õzbekistonda hato it sevuçilar jemiyat bor. Lekin negadir õzbek til kõngil jemiyat yõq Devlat til obrusi berilgonda sõng xursand bõldik xotirjem bõldik. Kõça nomlari õzbekça laştir bilan kõp nersa-ga erşib bõlmaydi. Ona til-ŋi asil holiga keltirmoq įçun hali juda kõp mehnat qilmok lozim. Tohir Malik-ŋi õşbu fįkr-lari oredan 34 yil õtseda, hanuz dolzarbi-giça qolmekda. «» õzbek tilga devlat til maqo-mi berilgan 34 yil munosebati bilan oktabr-ŋi — «Õzbek til oylig» deb e’lon qilgan. Mazkur oylik davomi-da tehriyat jəmo-asi har kuni õtgan vaqt içda turli neşir-lerda çop etilgan, dolzarbik hanuz yõqot-magon meqola, nutq, fįkr-lar-ŋi qeyta berib boradi.

Erta-ga Devlat til heqida-gi qonuň qabul qilğon-ga 34 yil bõladi. Šu davr içda qonuň kõpgina modaleri əmal-ga oşirgan, kõça-ler, deha-ler nomi õzbek tilda yozilgan, mavze-lar-ŋi tarix nom-lari tiklan-di. Lekin įş-lar hali oldin-da.

Õzbek tilga devlat maqoni berilgan 34 yil tõliş munosebati bilan Õzbekiston Devlat til tõğri-dagi qonu-ŋi joriy etmoq komisa a’zosi, Õzbekiston Yozuvçi-lar õyuşma-si boşqaruv kotib Tohir Malik bilan suhbatleşdik.

— Tohir Malik, aytdi til heqida-gi qonuň qabul qilgan həm 34 yil tõldi. Fikrda, 34 yil mobayni-da qənday õzgariş-lar bõldi? — Bizda odat bor. Bu — qonuň çiqan kuni, uni joriy etmoqçi-lar bor, deb õzi-miz çetga oliş odati. Õzbek til Devlat til obrusiga erişmoq yõlida toliba, ziyo-li va olim-lar ğeyrat va şijovat bilan mehnat qilmoda. Qonuň qabul qilgaç esa bu şijovat pastroq buldi. Ya’ni tilga Devlat til obrusi berilgan sõng biz xursand bõldik xotirjem bõldik, tuğilgan heqida-gi hujat nom-lari istal-gonça yozdir-moq, kõça nom-lari õzbeklaşuv bilan kõp nersa-ga erişmoq bõlmaydi. Bu odiy holat, xalos. Ona tilda asil holiga keltirmoq įçun hali juda kõp mehnat qilmok lozim. Tõri, komisa, komite-lar tuzilgan, meblağ bor. Biroq hema joyda həm įş bir xilda olib borilmay-di. Ba’zi joylar-da jonkuyar kimsa-ler bilan aktiv bulmoq va ser-ğeyratlik bõlsa, ba’zi-lerda esa til tõğri-sida-gi Qonu-ŋi joriy etişga e’tibor-siz bilan qarel-moqda. Naşriyot organi sõz-lar-ŋi õzgartirmoq biroz xato-ga yõl qõyilgan, be’zan esa notõğri yõldan ketiş həm kuzatil-moqda. Misol, Univer-sited õrniga oliy dargoh sõzi işlatmoq. Bu sõz mutlaqo notõğri. Oliy dargoh oliy joy degani. Bilmgoh tõri keladi. Bu yerda goh sõzi forsiydan õtgan. Şunday, avrupo sõzlar-ŋi berçasi-dan voz keçmoq notõğri deb õyladim. Dunyovi ibora-lar seqlaş lozim. Kõp işlat-gan sõz-larni õzgar tirmoq-dan oldin xalq oldin uni qabul qilgan yoki yõqmi aniqleş lozim. Çunki, turk-lar həm til-ŋi isloh qilmok įçun juda kõp yildan beri herokat qilmoda. Misol, biz madeniyot deymiz, bu areb sõz, turk-lar esa kültur deyişgan. Jurnal-ŋi — muqova, gazet-ŋi esa rõznoma deyapmiz. Asli-da esa rõznoma emas, kunoma. Çunki rõz fors tilda kun degani. Bunda 80−90 yilar oldin, olim-lar, jumla-den, jadit-lar turkiy til-ŋi puxta bilgan. Lekin ular gazet sõzni seqlab qolişgan. Misol, «Turkiyon viloyat gazeti». Ya’ni gazeta emas, gazet. Men turkiy telafuz etilgan holda biz õrganib qolgan lotin va Yevropa sõzlar-ŋi seqlab qoliş teraf-dori-man. Sõzlar bir tildan boşqa tilga kõçib yuradi. Įqlem deymiz, bu grek tilda klimatos sõzni areb til orqali iqlem kõrin-işda kelgandir. Sõz-larni õz joyiga keltirmoq įçun vaqt lozim. Lekin, ta’kid leyman, qonu-ŋi joriy etmoqda įş-lar sekin bulyabti.

— Qonu-ŋi joriy etişga 34 yilga qadem qõydik. Bunda e’tibor-ŋi nima-lerga qaretmok lozim, deb hisoblay-siz? — Õzbek til yolğiz rivoj olmaydi. Turk, qazox, qirğyz, turkman, ozar kabi turkiy tilar bilan birga rivoj topiş mukin. Xudi şu kabi qazox, qirğyz, üyğur, turkman tilar həm õzbek til-siz tõla şakil olmaydi. Çunki tilar həm bir oila farzendi kabi uzviy boğlanip ketgan. Bunda teşqari boşqa jõmhuriyat-lerda həm Devlat til obrusi deyarli bir vaqt-da berilgan juda yaxşi bõldi. Bir-çi gelda turkiy jõmhuriyat devlat-lari mesali įş-lari merkaziy etmoq lozim. Sõng esa turkiy xalq-lerni yozuv-dagi farqlov-ŋi yõqotiş lozim. Misol, bizda ba’zi harf-lar qazox-lerda yõq.

Ular-ŋi harf-lari õzbek dan kõproq: ɛna şu farqlov-ŋi tugadmoq payti keldi. Harf-lar bir xil bõlsa bir-birnə edabiyot bilan tanişmoq həm ason bõladi. Qazexiston-da yaqin peytida qazox til jõmhuriyat kõngil jemiyat tuzilgan. Yeqinda uni Şimkent-dagi ta’sir mejlis-da qetnaşdim. Majlis davomi-da qazox til revnaqi jemiyat fondiga bir neça yuz ming sõm kelib tuşdi. Ular hato jemiyat gazet-ŋi həm naşir etmoqda. Bizda esa atəm-lar komisa veroqda çiqar-moqçi. Bu bilan įşda olğa seljib bõlmaydi. Gundalik yoki juda bõlmagon-da «Nedila» şeklida heftalik gazet lozim. Yuqorida-gi misolar hal bõlsa, til tõğri-sida-gi Qonuň joriy etmoq mukin. Bu juda uliğ įş ekanlig qayd etgan holda, uni xavotir-lį teraf-lari həm borlig aytib õtmoqçi edim. Qonuň qabul qilgan dan sõng kõpgina yoş-lar-da boşqa tilar-ŋi õrganmoq şart emas degan fikr paydo bõldi. Areb alifbo yozuvida va tilga bõlgan telab kuçaydi. Bu yaxşi lekin gap Õzbekiston-da ekanomi siyo-siy mustaqil bulmoği heqida ketar ekan, Avrupo tilar-ŋi puxta õrganmoq zarulik ünit-maslik şart. Misol, areb-lar həm dunyo bilan engliş til orqali əloqa qilmoda. Avrupo tilar-ŋi õrganmoq bizda azel-dan e’tibor-siz qareb kelgan.

Tilşunos olim-lerni kõp-lari Avrupo tilar-ŋi yaxşi bilmagon įçun jahon miqyos-ga çiqa olmay otgani həm sir emas. Õzbek yozuvçi-leridan engliş, faronsuz, italyon, nemis, ispan tilar-dan tõridan-tõğri tərjima qilgan barmoq bilan sanoqli, õzbek til-dan çet el tilga tarjimon esa deyarli yõq. Hozirda õzbek, eyniqsa, mutoqabil edabiyot dunyo-dagi eng ilğor edabiyot edi. Lekin, õzbek-ŋi şoh aser-lari boşqa xalq-ler-ga yetib bormay qoldi. Kitob-lar oldin rus tilga tərjima buladi va tərjima yaxşi çiqsa, sõng xorij e’tiborga tuşmoği mukin. Õzbek til obrusi heqida gapir-ğonda şu piroblem həm unitmas lig lozim. Men eyniqsa, mektab õquvçi-lari xorij tilar-ŋi puxta õrganmoqi istar edim. Hato boğçe-dan boşlap engliş- faronsuz, nemis, yapon tilar- õrgatil-sa, ba’zi olim-lar esa oldin õz ona til-ŋi õrganmoq deyişmoq-da. Tõri, ona til-ŋi õrganmoq farz, majburiy, lekin boşqa tilar-ŋi puxta bilmoq heç qaçon ona til õrganmoq-lika tusiq keltirmas. Eksinça, kõp tilar-ŋi bilmoq xalq-ŋi medaniy saviye-ŋi belgilay oladi. Meni yena bir fikr kõp õylantir moqda. Toşkendagi bir neçta mektab-da 2 sinfdan boşlap rus tilda dars utilmoqda. Rus til-ŋi õrganmoq, meniça, bola lerga heç narse bermaydi. Dunyoga rus-lar həm boşqa dovlet-lar bilan engliş til orqali əloqa qilmoda. Areb yoki rus tilda talim bergan mektab-lerda engliş yoki boşqa xorij tilar-ŋi õrgatmoq yõlga qõyilsa, nur ustiga nur bõlardi.

— Qonuň qabul bulgan kun şunça vaqt õtgani-ga qare-may həmon ba’zi idora-lerda suhbat rus tilda õtyop-ti… — Tõri, kõp joylar-da įş yuritmoq majlis-lar rus tilda olib boril-moqda. Buni bir sebavi, ayrim majlis-lerga, seminar lar Moskav, Sant-Petirbug şaher-lerga boriş istak paydo bulmoqda. Texnik jihozlaş juda naçor ahvol-da. Ular-ŋi sinxron tərjima qurilma-si bilan təminlaş lozim. Me’ruza-ŋi tezlik bilan sõzma-sõz tərjima-si bõlgonda bu holga barhem beriş mukin. 2-çidan, õzbek til-ŋi õrganiş-ga hafselik bilan qerayot-gan, 8 yilda õrgena-man deguvçi kimse-lar həm topilar. Bunday teşqari, õz til-ŋi bilmay-digon õzbek-lar həm borki, kõpi ular til-ŋi şunmoqda lekin, gapire olmaydi. Bular-ŋi boş sebavi, til-ŋi şu vaqt-geça rus tildan keyin tuşib qolgani. Õzbek-da bir maqol bor: «Bemor-ŋi kelmoqi ason, ketmoği qyin». Biz dars-ŋi endi boşladik. Bu işga juda ehtiyo bulmoq puxta yondaşuv lozim. Kõp bilan kengaşib davoni xalq-ŋi õzidan izlaş lozim. Yangi sõzlar juda kõp. Çunki xalq oğzaki ijod nihoyat-da boy. Har bir kitobdan yangi sõz, buzilmağon ibora va jumla-ler olasiz. Kõp nersa-lar tõqiş şart emas, semalyot-ŋi tayore deyapmiz, tayor asli da areb çeda quş degani. Šunga, kebutar həm kõm quş ma’nosi- buladi. Holbuki, turk-lar semalyot-ŋi uçak deyişmoq-da, ya’ni uçmoq sõzidan paydo bulgan. Ba’zi-lar semoval-ŋi «tekisla» deyişmoq-da. Bunday sõzlar tilga qenday singar ekan, jumboq bulmoqda. Ba’zi sõz-lar asıl holda turgani yaxşi. Buni vaqt kõrsatdi

— Til heqida-gi Qonu-ŋi beynal milat dõstlik revoji-ga ta’sir qenday deb hisoblay-siz? — Dunyo-da bita mantiq qonuň bor. Siz õz ona-ŋi hurmat qilmay turib qõşni ovul dagi ayol-ŋi hurmat qila olmaysiz. Xudi şunday, õz ona til-ŋi qadir qilmoğan boşqa tilda həm qadir topmaydi. Ona til-miz revnaqi įçun boşla yotgan įş-miz bironta til-ŋi heqorat hisobga bõlmaydi. Qaysi xalq qayer-da yaşemoq dan qat’i nezar õz ona tilga sodiq qolsin. Biz boşqa yerda õzbek-lar yaşemoq-ŋi həm õnit maylik. Misol, yeqin-da Toşkend viloyat Ğoliba "rayoni" (əslida men "tumani" deb ateş teraf dori man) Karil Marks nomli kalxoz xõjalik-da bõldik. Aholi: 95 foiz qazox-lar, rus-lar esa ati-gi 1 foiz-ŋi həm taşkil qilmay-di. Berça levha va e’lon-lar õzbek va rus tilar-da ekan. Siğnoq-da Mir-Temir tuğilgan õsgan ovulda esa õzbek-lar yaşerdi. Bu yerda-gi lavhe -lar õzbek, qazox va rus tiler-da yozilgan. Ager qazox-lar bu yer bizga, fəqat şu tildan foyda-lane-miz deyişğon-da boşqa xalq-lar ranjib qolişgan bulardi . Bizda qazox, tojik, qirğyz, üyğur, turkmen-lar neça asir-ler-dan beri şu yerda yaşeydi -lar. Õzbek-lar rostan həm bağri keng beynal milat, berça bilan dõstlik-da yaşemoq istay-dįgan xalq. Lekin beynal milat õz ona til revnaqi-ga putir yetkazğon dəroja bõlmasig lozim.

— Qayer- da yaşemoq-dan qati mehaliy xalq til-ga çõqur hurmat bilan qarəş zarul. — Juda tõri. Hayoti bir misol: Õzbekiston-dagi qazoğ-lar va Qazeğiston-dagi õzbek-lar yoki tojik-lar tilar-ŋi yaxşi bilmoqda Hozir jõmhuriyat də xorijda yaşeğon õzbek-lar kõplab kelayotir. Arebiston-dagi õzbek-lar kõçeda areb-ça, įsda faronsuz tilda mulaqot qilyap yotir. Uyda esa albet õzbekça gapleşmoq, hato xalq qõşik-lari həm bor ekan. Bu õzga tilga bõlgan çeksiz hurmat, milat õzlįg-ŋi seqlaşdir.

Til obrusi heqida gap ketsa Õzbekiston-da ahvol yaxşiroq edi. Qazexiston va Qyrğizįston esa jarlik yoqasi-ga kelib qolgandi. Hato üş-bu jõmhuriyat poytex-lari õz tilda urgatmoqçi boğça va mektab-lar yõq edi hisob.

Berça jõmhuriyat tilar devlat obrusi olgani keçroq bõlsa həm əmali oşgeni-ga xursand bõlmoq lozim. Çunki rus tilda həm ahvoli noçar-laşib qolgan edi. Õz navbəti bu tilda həm boşqa tilar-dan kərib qolgan atəmo-lar kõpayib ketgan edi. Hato rus yozuvçi-larį həm til toza-leş ustida õylemoqda. Šu sebapli til heqida-gį Qonu-ŋi qõlab-quvetla-moq lozim.

— Qonu-ŋi əmal-ga oşirmaq piroblema nima-lerdan iborat? — Meblağ borlį-gi yaxşi, lekin keyin yena juda kõp meblağ lozim bõladi. Bu piroblem õzbek til jemiyat taşkil etilsa, ənça hal bõlardi. Çunki a’zolik beda-lari, xayri- įş rivoj-ga kota hisa qõşgan bõlardi. Įşh-miz-ŋi orqega qaytmoği eng kota piroblema dan bįri — bu ziyo-lar-miz-dagi loqayd-lik. Šuni yengib õtmoqlik lozim. Keyin-gį yilar unemliroq õtkaziş įçun õtgan bįr yil bizga saboq bõlsin. Naşir įş-lari həm sekin boryapti. Aqlį, yetuk til-şunos olim-larį-miz ozli-gį hem įş-ŋi orqega suryapti.

— Til-ŋi rivoj topişga sõzlar-ŋi xalq oresida omaviy bulişga edabiyot-ŋi xizmatį kota. Edabiy įş-miz heqida-gi fįkrlan-giz? Õtmiş edabiyot til-ŋį hozir edabiyot tilga qiyoslab qenday farq-ŋi kõrasiz? — Til qotib qolmegan. U hemişa herokat-da bõlgani įçun rivoj topadi, õzgarib turadi. Bu tabiy jerayon. Hemişa şunday būlip kelgan. Alişer Navoiy til kitobda forsiy sõz-lar kõp. Unday aldinroq õtgan Lutfiy-ŋi tuşinmoq ason-roq. Endi A. Qodirįy, Çõlpon, Fitrat yozuvi va hozir-gi til-miz orasi-dagi farq ular xelqa yaqinroq bõlişgan, til ustida həm kõproq išlaşğon. Tə’kidlab õtiş joiz, hozir badiy esar til biroz qurik bõlip qoldi, axbor terziga õxsaš. Çunki sõz boylig-miz ozdir. Oldin-gilar esa xalq oğzaki ijod va klasik juda yaxşi õrganib edabiyot-ga kerib kelişgan. Biz şunga əhemiyat bermadik. Hozir həm juda kõp sõzlari notõğri işlate-miz. Misol, Qunelğa-ŋi aero-portga nisbat qõlaymiz. Holbuki, u tõxaş joyiga tõri keladi. Bekat esa vokzal, stan-šiya ma’nosi-ŋi beradi. Bu kabi sõzlar kõpdir. Muhin gap va jumla tuzğonda sõzlar-ŋi çõqur his qilmoq mehorati-ga ega bõlişe-miz lozim.

— Fors-lar va turk-lar tejriba-sidan õrnak olib bu hem boşqa tildan kirgan sõzlar õrniga maqbul sõz birmak -lari-ŋi tuzsak qenday bõlarken? — Šubhasiz, bu tõğri yõl. Lekin iste’mol-dagi çet el sõzlar-ŋi yuz foyzi-ŋi almeş-tirmoq şart emas. Ayrim-ler-ŋi olib qoliş lozim. Ba’zi sõzlar borki, til-mizga sin-gib ketgan. Misol, Gul-çehra, õrta-miyona, qerçiloma — berçasi turkiy-forsiydan tuzilgan. Biz iloj boriça turkiy sõzler-dan sõz birmak-lari yešaş-miz lozim. Misol, akodemiy-ŋi baytul-hikmat deb etaşi miz-ŋi hem õylab kõriş-miz lozim. Beruniy zemonida baytul-hikmat olim-lar yiğela-digon joy ma’nosi beldirgan. Forsiy-lar arebiy, turkiy sõzlar-ŋi tõla õzgarti-rişga muvefaq bõloma-dilar. Misol içun, metro-ŋi qenday etaş mukin, eskaltor-ŋi õzi yurma zina desak ibora çõzileb ketadi. Lekin biroz muşoheda qelinsa, kõp maqbul sõzlar-ŋi uxşa-si topila-di. Misol, jyuri — hakem-lar hey’ati, (turk-lerda şunday işla-teladi), labvoy steklo — peşoyna, moşina oynasi toza-leydi-gon çutka «oynateziç» sifat-da iste’molga kiryap-ti. Olim-leri-miz fe'olaş-selar, telvizor, radio orqali xelqa murojat qilsak, atəmo-lar burçag-ŋi neşriyot-da davom etirsak, sezilar-li yutiq-lerga erişmoq mukin. Yena ta’kid leyman, bizga boşqar-digan merkaz lozim. Misol, yozuvçi-lar õyuş-masi hem jemovat taşkil etsin. Yozuvçi-lar boş-ŋi qovuş-terib edabiy hayoti-miz-ŋi izga solib turadi. Jemiyat tuzilsa, boriŋg-ki, u ona tilda jemiyat bõlsin, unda qazox, qirgyz til bõlim-lar-ŋi oçiş hem mukin. Şunday qilsak, yuqori netija-lerga erişa ola-miz.

Xulosa qelib şuni aytmoq-çiman-ki, biz til-miz-ŋi şu ahvol-ge tuşgaŋi heqida gapir-ğonimda ustoz-lerdan til revnaqi-ga beparvo qarodin-lar deb gina qila-miz. Holbuki, har bir-miz õzim-izga savol beriş-miz lozim. Õtmiş peytida til heqida Qonu bõlmogan edi. Hozir esa bor: xõş, õzi-miz nima qel-dik? Bizdan 20−25 yil keyin avlod şunday savol bersa, nima deb javob qaytermiz? Ena şu savol kasb-koridan qat’i nezar har bir õzbek-ŋi xeyolidan heç qaçon kõtaril-maslig lozim Distinct characters edit

A Nowruz sign in front of the State Art Museum of Uzbekistan written using an ʻokina-like symbol When the Uzbek language is written using the Latin script, the letters Oʻ (Cyrillic Ў) and Gʻ (Cyrillic Ғ) are properly rendered[citation needed] using the character U+02BB ʻ MODIFIER LETTER TURNED COMMA,[30] which is also known as the ʻokina. However, since this character is absent from most keyboard layouts (except for the Hawaiian keyboard in Windows 8, or above, computers) and many fonts, most Uzbek websites – including some operated by the Uzbek government[10] – use either U+2018 ‘ LEFT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK or U+0027 ' APOSTROPHE to represent these letters.

The character U+02BC ʼ MODIFIER LETTER APOSTROPHE (tutuq belgisi) is used to mark the phonetic glottal stop when it is put immediately before a vowel in borrowed words, as in sanʼat (art). The modifier letter apostrophe is also used to mark a long vowel when placed immediately after a vowel, as in maʼno (meaning).[31] Since this character is also absent from most keyboard layouts, many Uzbek websites use U+2019 ’ RIGHT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK or U+0027 ' APOSTROPHE instead.

Currently most typists do not bother with the differentiation between the modifier letter turned comma and modifier letter apostrophe as their keyboard layouts likely accommodate only the straight apostrophe.

Sample of the scripts edit Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights:

Uzbek in Latin script (official) Uzbek in Cyrillic script Uzbek in Arabic script Uzbek in Yangi imlo (1923–1928) Barcha odamlar erkin, qadr-qimmat va huquqlarda teng boʻlib tugʻiladilar. Ular aql va vijdon sohibidirlar va bir-birlari ila birodarlarcha muomala qilishlari zarur. Барча одамлар эркин, қадр-қиммат ва ҳуқуқларда тенг бўлиб туғиладилар. Улар ақл ва виждон соҳибидирлар ва бир-бирлари ила биродарларча муомала қилишлари зарур. برچه آدملر اېرکین، قدرقیمت و حقوقلرده تېݣ بولیب توغیلدیلر. اولر عقل و وجدان صاحبیدیرلر و بیربیرلری ایله برادرلرچه معامله قیلیشلری ضرور.‎ بەرچە ئادەملەر ئېركىن، قەدر-قىممەت ۋە ھۇقۇقلەردە تېڭ بولىب تۇغىلەدىلەر. ئۇلەر ئەقل ۋە ۋىجدان ساھىبىدىرلەر ۋە بىر-بىرلەرى ئىلە بىرادەرلەرچە مۇامەلە قىلىشلەرى زەرۇر.‎ Uzbek in Yangalif (1929–1934) Uzbek in Yangalif (1934–1940) English translation Uzbek in International Phonetic Alphabet Barca adamlar erkin, qadr-qьmmat və huquqlarda teꞑ ʙolьʙ tuƣьladьlar. Ular aql və vьçdan sahьʙьdьrlar və ʙir-ʙirləri ilə ʙiradərlərcə muamala qьlьşlarь zəryr. Bərcə adəmlər erkin, qədr-qimmət və huquqlərdə teꞑ ʙoliʙ tuƣilədilər. Ulər əql və viçdan sahiʙidirlər və ʙir-ʙirləri ilə ʙiradərlərcə muamələ qilişləri zərur. All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood. [bɑrˈtʃɑ ɒd̪ɑmˈlɑr erˈkɪn ǀ qɑd̪r̩ qɨmˈmɑt̪ ʋæ huquqlɑrˈd̪æ t̪eŋ‿bɵˈlɨp t̪uʁɨlɑd̪ɨˈlɑr ǁ uˈlɑr ɑql̩ ʋæ ʋɪdʒˈd̪ɒn sɒhɨbɨdɨrˈlɑr ǀ ʋæ bɨr bɨrlɑˈrɨ iˈlɑ bɨrɒdɑrlɑrˈtʃæ mu.ɒmɑˈlɑ qɨlɨʃlɑˈrɨ

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Ismatullayev, Xayrulla (1991). Teach-Yourself Uzbek Textbook (in Uzbek). Tashkent: Oʻqituvchi. p. 4. ISBN 5-645-01104-X.
"The Unicode Consortium". Archived from the original on 22 August 2014. Retrieved 13 January 2015.
"Principal Orthographic Rules For The Uzbek Language", the Uzbekistan Cabinet of Minister's Resolution No. 339. Adopted on August 24, 1995. Tashkent, Uzbekistan.