
MelonBot is responsible for the maintenance of the requests page at the League of Copyeditors. The listing system at the League of Copyeditors is quite complicated, and many listers do not properly format their requests - sometimes this just results in awkward formatting, but occasionally it can cause a significant problem. The list also suffers from attrition - listers include the current status of the article (FA, FAR, GAC, NA, etc) when making a request, but by the time the request is responded to the article has often passed or failed one or more nomination, and its status is very different to how it appears. MelonBot checks the talk pages of the listed articles to determine the article's current status, extracting data from {{ArticleHistory}} if necessary. If a mismatch is found between the current status of the article and the way it is presented on the requests base page, it updates the base page with the current status.

MelonBot also checks the talk page of each listed article for the presence of a {{LOCErequest}} template and compiles a list of articles which do not have exactly one copy of the template on their talk page; this list is currently perused by hand - in the future, it may be automated. It also compares the list of pages transcluding {{LOCErequest}} with those listed on /Base, to find any mismatches the other way.

A third task, not currently implemented, will be to archive completed LOCE requests, involving moving pages from Wikipedia:WikiProject League of Copyeditors/Requests/Foo to Wikipedia:WikiProject League of Copyeditors/Requests/Foo/ArchiveX and tagging the redirect with {{db-housekeeping}}. It will also move the template call for the completed article from /Base to the Completed Articles Archive.