Hello, I'm new to Wiki, I find its collaborative aspects intriguing. OK I'm not so new anymore but I still find it intriguing.

I just brought my personal website online

I will concentrate mostly in the areas of anarchism, libertarianism and economics because that is where my interests lie.

In the past I have worked on Carl Menger, Preterism and Jefferson Davis.

Message Board
If you want to get in touch with me leave a note here.

To Do List

Expand the entry for the Austrian School including Bios for all the major members, history of the Austrian school of thought and major contributions to economics as a whole.

Anarcho-capitalism needs LOTS of work. How can you have an article about AC without a single mention of Murray Rothbard? It's downright incomprehensible.

Libertarianism when I have the strength I'll tackle this one. Seems to be written by someone with a shallow understanding of the various nuances.

Jesus Christ I'd like to add more about the historical Jesus' life, maybe including a timeline. This is a whole article about Jesus Christ without a single mention of his prophesied Second Coming! How did that happen?

Christianity is a mess. Uh, the article not the religion :-P

Christian eschatology if a non-christian looked at this article right now I dare say he/she would be MORE confused about what Christians believe about 'the end of the world' than they were before.

Comic book is a complete mess! Someone please either fix it or put it out of its misery!