
Enigmatode is an unidentified and yet unproven organism responsible for a host of pathologies including Morgellon's, Delusional Parasitosis, Coke Bugs, and various other illnesses that remain a mystery to medical professionals and as such tend to be highly controversial. The causes of the "unexplained dematopathy" condition is currently (as of 2010) being investigated by the Centers for Disease Control, with little success as yet. [1] The CDC investigation began in 2006, but has produced no more understanding than other privately funded research . [2]The common denominator is a perception by those suffering of a "crawling bug" sensation. The relatively strange and severe nature of the affliction in large numbers of people without an identifiable cause or explanation is a modern medical mystery. [3] This continuing mystery, combined with an as yet, undocumented similarity or close relationship to the nematode phylum is the presumed origin of the term.[4] This mysterious nature and the controversy associated has grown to include several conspiracy theories and hosts of explanation including nanobots, combiners, chemtrails, and various plots of government and or sinister involvement and malfeasance. [5]