
This user thinks, on the basis of available evidence, that the world is round.
This user has been editing Wikipedia for more than twenty years.

My name is Abigail Brady. I am from London. Crikey, I've been here a long time. I came to the free culture movement from the free software movement, in which I was active during the late 1990s and early 2000s. I joined Wikipedia in 2003, and became an admin later that year. I wrote and stubbed innumerable articles about national leaders and world geography, along with stuff closer to home.

I used to make lots of maps, but retired from this a long time ago, after other people with actual graphic design skills came along. It was fun to do. I started the article about the 7 July 2005 London bombings. The next day I was interviewed by The World about this and Wikipedia. They used a sentence of me, in which I inadvertently predicted twitter's use in grass-roots news gathering. I also started the article about the rural district of Uxbridge. Nobody has ever interviewed me about that.

I am perhaps to blame for several things, including the use of templates to sidelink articles, image tagging, and the practice of Wikipedians meeting up, and possibly individual articles about episodes of television series.

In the late 2000s I became less active, and therefore have dropped in the high score table from #22 (in late 2006) to #1793 as of 2024. During some of this period I was involved in openstreetmap, mapping Leicester and central London.

I have a professional website.