
New contributor. Made a few changes under my IP's. Left a few notes.

Long-term goal: To fix (mostly rewrite) the Young Israel page, which is pretty horrible.

One cause: Over-reliance on web-based sources by Wiki-editors. Particularly in Jewish subjects, such sources tend to be quite inferior to printed material. I am referring to general sources, not sources specific to particular topics or issues.

Revised the Erusin (Jewish Betrothal) article. Comments welcome, if anyone cares. The part that sounds like Jews are some obscure undiscovered tribe are not mine.

Attempted to fix the intermarriage articles; may have gone too far.

NOTE: All entries under my name for April 27, 2011, including the page the Next 100 Years are not mine. It was my mistake; I was logged into someone else's machine.

Most proud of: Inspiring others (I think) to modify Reliable Sources to distinguish between newspaper fact and opinion. And, over course, my adverb userbox.

Most frustrated by: After working long and hard to clean up the Erusin page, having it deleted wholesale by someone because it was mixed with the contributions of a banned editor. Furthermore, I was not able to put my contributions back because I have not yet had time to re-check all of the sources.

WikiProject Judaism This user is an
Orthodox Jew.
חרידי This user is a Chareidi.
This user believes the world is a happier, safer and saner place because of religion.
This user does not have a television set.

wiki-1This user is a beginning Wikipedia editor.
LIFEThis user has no life since they're always on Wikipedia.
This user often makes mistakes while typing, and would like to take this oppurtunity to aoplogiae.
InfallibleThis user can do no wrong, especially when it comes to editing Wikipedia.

This user has a wife.
GreenThis user loves the color green.
This user was born on 23 Iyar, 5719.

This user is a member of
WikiProject Judaism
This user is a member of the Jewish History WikiProject.
<ref>This user recognizes the importance of citing sources.

OyThis user speaks Yeshivish.
משתמש זה יכול לתרום ברמה מתקדמת של עברית.‏
yi-0דער באַניצער רעדט נישט און פארשטייט נישט קיין ייִדיש.
tmr-3האי מיתהנאה משתעי בארמאה דתלמודא בבלאה בדרגא מעליא.

(Actually, I need a Targum Onkelos Aramiac template)

enThis user is a native speaker of the English language.
en-4This user can contribute with a near-native level of English.
their, to, your, its, ... This users english is far from being perfect!.
-ly This user mourns the apparent death of the adverb, a loss that this user feels most serious.

This user understands grammatical gender historically preceded and is independent of natural gender.
whomThis user insists upon using whom wherever it is called for, and fixes the errors of whomever he sees.
less & fewerThis user understands the difference between less & fewer.
. TheThis user does not put two spaces after a full stop.
Wheaties, Cheerios, and Rice Chex This user prefers the cereal comma.
Latin Plurals: "Data is are..." This user uses "data", "media", "memoranda", "criteria", and "agenda" as the plurals of "datum", "medium", "memorandum", "criterion", and "agendum".
USAmerican English
is used by this user.

C-5This user is a professional C programmer.
C++-5This user is a professional C++ programmer.

{{Template:Proxy-Connection: keep-alive

Cache-Control: max-age=0

er c sharp-Proxy-Connection: keep-alive Cache-Control: max-age=0


for-2This user is an intermediate Fortran programmer.
PL/1-3This user is an advanced PL/1 programmer.
COBOL-1This user is a beginner COBOL programmer.
HTML-3This user is an advanced HTML user.
xsltThis user can write XSL Transforms.
XML-2This user is an intermediate XML coder.
C:\>_This user uses DOS, or knows how to use it.
This user wishes that the manufacturer did not install Windows Vista on his computer.
*nixThis user prefers a *nix operating system.
{{Wiki}}This user is just starting to learn to write in the MediaWiki language.
{{t|0}}This user has heard of these so-called "templates" but supposes that they must be like stencils or something.

SQLThis user uses SQL queries to locate his car keys.
Oracle PL/SQL-4This user is an expert Oracle PL/SQL programmer.
prog-NThis user thinks in bytecode and dreams of electric sheep.

Flag of the United StatesThis user is proud to be a United States citizen.
This user is proud to be an Israeli.

It is approximately 7:01 AM where this user lives (Haifa, Israel). [refresh]
This user has no understanding of time and does everything at the last minute.
This user's watch
always has the correct time.
00:00This user uses 24-hour time.

This user does NOT support abortion except when a woman's life is at serious risk.
EuThis user does NOT support euthanasia and is strongly opposed to all forms of eugenics.
This user believes that the death penalty should be used for certain crimes.
This user realizes that people from the Middle Ages already thought that the Earth was spherical.
WWWD?What would Wally Do?
 This user enjoys SF.
42This user has the answer to Life, The Universe, and Everything.
7+1This user's favourite colour is octarine.
This user is interested in retrocomputing.
This user listens to comedy music.
This user is a bibliophile.
This user enjoys reading almost anything.
This user enjoys reading humorous literature.
This user enjoys the works of
J. R. R. Tolkien.
This user enjoys the works of
Mark Twain.
This user enjoys the works of Robert A. Heinlein.

(except the later junk)

This user enjoys reading short stories.
This user enjoys the works of
Rudyard Kipling.
This user enjoys the works of George Orwell.
ASoUEThis user enjoys A Series of Unfortunate Events.
CthulhuThis user is interested in the Great Old One.
This user is interested in politics.
RR This user is on the religious right.
This user is a social conservative.
This user is a classical liberal.
This user knows that tax cuts increase freedom and growth.
This user supports the use of nuclear energy.
This user opposes
universal health care.

(and I live under it!)

This user believes the First Amendment was written to protect freedom of religion, not abolish it.  
This user does NOT support the United Nations.

??This user doesn't know how to organize his userboxes.