
I pronounce my nick NicDumZ [nɪk.d̪ymz], from my real name, and no DumZ was not meant at first for dumb [dʌm] :)

I am...

  • 20, an Open Source developer, working for Google, living in Tokyo Zurich.
  • A sysop on the (in French) wikipedia.
  • A bot owner.
  • A pywikipedia developer.
  • Wikipedia-retired.

When online, I'm usually available on IRC, on #wikipedia-en or #pywikipediabot for example.

fr Cet utilisateur a pour langue maternelle le français.

en-4 This user speaks English at a near-native level.
Pieter Bruegel de Oude (1525-1569), De Toren van Babel (1563)

I am the Bot owner of

DumZiBoT (contribs)

This user is a WikiOgre.
This user has created a global account and the main one is on Wikipedia (fr)
Committed identity: 0e2b98b5500d5e5334cc002bd526220c0928d3d20dc8ca760f32d6f83f7640e39954a190a8d00b4fae53a333c0d0e6346cfaf5cc53f91a326ca50a14ffbd8023
is a SHA-512 commitment to this user's real-life identity.