
This is my sandbox, used to work on drafts and to store material for future editing. My sandbox is not part of the real Wikipedia and you read it at your peril. :=)

\relative a'' { 
\key a \minor
\time 6/8 
\partial 8 
\grace { dis16 [ (e16 f 16] }
e8.) dis16 e8 a, r a bes4 (b8_"cre-"
c4) cis8_"scen-" 
d4 (dis8_"do" e8) r8 
a\p g16 (f) e (d) c (b) a8 (gis8)

  \transpose c g \relative c' {
  \key c \minor
  \time 4/4
    c4 e8 e g4 g          % (text after the % is just a comment)
    <c es g>2 <c es g>    % angle brackets create chords
    es4 d( ces b)         % parentheses create slurs
    a4. r8 r8 a8 ~ a4     % r creates rests; ~ creates ties
    e-- e-> e-. g\fermata % accents and other signs
    \bar "|."