
List of Cambodian districts and sections

Notes and reminders for things to do:

  • Check all district articles have at least one ref to preempt deletion - I swear I did this in 2009! - done up to Takeo
  • Create missing districts - Odongk District - done
  • Add 2008 census numbers to all district articles
  • Finish Kampong Speu district expansions
  • Finish Kampong Som district expansions
  • Add DAB pages for all repeated names
  • Untangle the mess of the Battambang geo articles
  • Upload Koh Kong photos to commons
  • Upload other district photos to commons
  • Takmau redirects to Takmau City. It probably needs separate articles on the town and the district like the other provincial capitals.
  • Oddar Meanchey Province has five district articles, although it had only four districts during the 1998 census. How to ref pop for the new district? - sorted
  • Trapeang Prasat was added in around 2001 - well done Blofeld for getting it up - how to ref? - sorted
  • Anlong Veang wasn't included in the 98 census but we now have 2008 figures - how to ref? - sorted
  • Get Ou Chrov District to start class
  • Check all old expansions for vandalism - done
  • The Kizuna Bridge is now a redirect - dammit
  • Get Baribour District to start class
  • Siem Reap District is a redirect to the town - sorted
  • Angkor Thom and Banteay Srei both need DABs and page moves