User:ProfGray/Transgender Genocide draft

Link to Zotero group with trans genocide sources:

Articles needed to be digested:

general on violence and stigma, incl by state: review article Silva, Izabel Cristina Brito da, Ednaldo Cavalcante de Araújo, Alef Diogo da Silva Santana, Jefferson Wildes da Silva Moura, Marclineide Nóbrega de Andrade Ramalho, and Paula Daniella de Abreu. "Gender violence perpetrated against trans women." Revista Brasileira de Enfermagem 75 (2022).

Queer theory

Vernon, Patrick. "Queering Genocide as a Performance of Heterosexuality." Millennium 49, no. 2 (2021): 248-279.

  • discusses Spivey Robinson, Waites, Nellans, but not an easy

Re: genetic ethics:

Saad, Toni C., and Daniel Rodger. Can Conscientious Objection Lead to Eugenic Practices against LGBT Individuals? p. 5. This piece argues against: Brummett, Abram. “Conscience Claims, Metaphysics, and Avoiding an LGBT Eugenic.” Bioethics, vol. 32, no. 5, June 2018, pp. 272–80. (Crossref),

Re: Brazil

Leal, Dodi T. B. “Gender in Danger: Transdanger People in Performing Arts in Brazil.” Theatre Research International, vol. 46, no. 3, Oct. 2021, pp. 398–406. (Crossref), // Re: add theatre studies to disciplines list?

already in the article, but looks like it has empirical data on trans ppl that could be added and a high quality source: Swift, Jaimee A. “Gender and Racial Violence Against Afro-Brazilian LGBTQ+ Women.” Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Politics, by Jaimee A. Swift, Oxford University Press, 2021. (Crossref),

Politics scholarship:

Panter, Heather. “Understanding Hetero-Nationalism and the Politics of Psychological Silence.” Genocide and Victimology, edited by Yarin Eski, Routledge, 2020, p. 17. //she's a criminologist

Tschantret, Joshua. “Revolutionary Homophobia: Explaining State Repression against Sexual Minorities.” British Journal of Political Science, vol. 50, no. 4, Oct. 2020, pp. 1459–80. (Crossref),


Robertson, Michael D., et al. “Psychiatry and the ‘Gay Holocaust’ – the Lessons of Jill Soloway’s Transparent.” Australasian Psychiatry, vol. 24, no. 6, Dec. 2016, pp. 571–74. (Crossref), // and Media studies? This may appear to be about anti-gay genocide but framed in terms of trans, I think.

Syropoulos, Stylianos, et al. “Bigotry and the Human–Animal Divide: (Dis)Belief in Human Evolution and Bigoted Attitudes across Different Cultures.” Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Feb. 2022. (Crossref), // dehumanization as stage in genocide emergence btw

More bioethics:

Carastathis, Anna. "Compulsory sterilisation of transgender people as gendered violence." In) Fertile Citizens: Anthropological and Legal Challenges of Assisted Reproduction Technologies (2015): 79-92.

  • "Could legally mandated sterilisation of trans people constitute a crime against humanity with genocidal inflections -- deliberately constructed to bring about the systematic elimination or destruction of a particular group?" (80) ... AC's understanding of Rome statute "is informed by “everyday” understandings of what constitutes genocide and state persecution on the basis of a hypostatised, fungible identity. To be clear: my aim in this section is to identify the obstacles to cognising compulsory sterilisation of trans people in these terms, not to state that sterilisation constitutes genocide based on these legal definitions. Indeed, my claim is that trans people are systematically written out of legal existence precisely through the concepts which define ‘the human’ in cisgenderist, heteronormative and bio/logical terms” (2015, 81) last sentence quoted by Repo, too
  • "In other words, I would suggest that conceptualising compulsory sterilisation of transgender persons through the exclusionary definition of crimes against humanity and genocide reveals the heteronormative and cisgenderist boundaries of nation-states." 83

Repo, Jemima. "Governing juridical sex: Gender recognition and the biopolitics of trans sterilization in Finland." Politics & Gender 15, no. 1 (2019): 83-106.

  • Repo accepts and quotes the point in Carastathis. Then argues, "Rather than writing trans people out of existence, compulsory sterilization appears precisely to be a part of legislation that juridically recognizes the existence of trans people and their right to alter their official identity records. Once this is taken into account, a more complex picture of the contemporary governance of trans lives emerges, one in which sterilization is not simply a mode of exclusion or extermination but rather a disciplinary condition for inclusion in political existence and life." (88)
  • "On the one hand, it can be seen as a response to the state’s need to govern trans people as transsexuals who are presumed to desire their own sterility. On the other hand, it is a material technology of power that aims to neutralize potential forms of parentage that are not deemed compatible with existing legal and normative categories of kinship relations. In other words, sterilization becomes a means of governing trans kinship relations by attempting to render them impossible." 102
  • but then it doesn't quite work, trans ppl can still reproduce and there is resistance: "Like many techniques of biopower, however, the attempt to govern trans kinship through sterilization, failed as soon as it was attempted. Although the Trans Law’s policy documents reveal a governmental fear that juridically recognized men could be registered as mothers, this had already been and continues to be a reality.... It is in these leaks and cracks that we find subtle forms of resistance to power, going hand in hand with the legislation aiming to suppress it." 102-3

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