

She is described to have human body with eight arms, head of a boar and also having three eyes.

As Varahi[3] she destroys evil forces that obstructs the devotees' progress, paralyses the enemies, and lead the devotees ultimately to Sri-Vidyas.

With Kurukulla, she is accorded the parental status to Sri-Chakra[4]. While Kurukulla represents the full moon, Varahi represents the new-moon.

And while Varahi represents the illumination[5] aspects of the mother-goddess, Kurukulla is the "deliberation"[6] aspect.

In another aspect, Varahi is also said to be one of the Yoginis, taking the form of a boar. She is said to lift up the earth with her tusks to confer benefits on all creatures. She is imagined as an eight-armed and three-eyed lady with a face of a hog, seated under a Palmyra tree, and functioning as a trusted attendant of the Goddess as her chief counselor.

In this form she is known as Chaitanya-bhairavi[7]. She is being described as a fierce[8] and as Commander of the forces, she moves about in a chariot drawn by boars. She is said to reside in the ocean of sugar-cane juice[9], one of the four oceans that surrounds the mother goddess, holding her court in the island of nine-jewels, and facing the mother-goddess."

  • Sarama


Matrikas: JSTOR search matrka, saptamatrka, astamatrka, matrkas

Mothers Devi coburn kashi [18]

Hindu panthenon[19]

There are two kinds of Matrika, the beneficent eight Shaktis— Brahmani, Karttikeyi Varahi, Vaishnavi, Maheshvari, Mahendri, Aindri, and Yami—and the Dakini Matrikas, of terrific aspect and destructive disposition, such as Mukta-keshi, Smitanana, Lola-jihva, and others. The Yogini Tantra (Eighth Patala) gives an account of the origin of the latter.
