
Today is 25 September 2024.
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As of January 21, 2016, I have 75k edits (everything included; I've forgotten where to find the edit counter breaking it down into article edits, user page edits, etc.). This is not a brag but a cautionary statement. Wikipedia is one of the all-time great concepts in history, but it is REPLETE with gag.

(1 Aug 2013, updated 24 Jan 2014, 30 Jan 2015, 21 October 2015) And that was then! It has now been estimated that there is enough gag within these cyber pages to choke every man, woman, child, and frog on the face of the earth twice over four times over eight times over sixteen times over (it's growing geometrically as we speak). I'm sure this is truer than ever, but I've stopped letting it bother me.