User:Richwales/Tabs/Status Info

My current time is:    18:04, September 6, 2024 MDT [refresh]

Click here to view my PGP public key — or download it here from the OpenPGP key server.

Committed identity: 98ff1499f50a4f54a908cf45fb26a145 670488c80b7b71f4428ffb4bab0e10ee d9da583e11201548825b5bb727249a3a 708f032ed8674d9a434f7c23232fa6ca is a SHA-512 commitment to this user's real-life identity.

Administrators are Wikipedia editors who have been granted the technical ability to perform certain special actions. Administrators assume these responsibilities as volunteers who go through a community review process. The English Wikipedia currently has 850 administrators.

— from WP:ADMIN

Requests for adminship and bureaucratship update
No current discussions. Recent RfAs, recent RfBs: (successful, unsuccessful)


WikiDefcon 4
Low to moderate level of vandalism

3.50 RPM according to EnterpriseyBot —21:10, 6 September 2024 (UTC)

Admin statistics
Action Count
Edits 17490
Edits+Deleted 18136
Pages deleted 45
Revisions deleted 82
Logs/Events deleted 1
Pages protected 50
Pages unprotected 5
Protections modified 13
Users blocked 184
Users reblocked 34
Users unblocked 3
User rights modified 4

English Wikipedia right now
Wikipedia is running MediaWiki version 1.43.0-wmf.21 (b7b9c62).
It has 6,879,471 articles, and 61,393,972 pages in total.
There have been 1,239,664,634 edits.
There are 924,655 uploaded files.
There are 47,928,830 registered users,
including 850 administrators.
This information is correct as of 00:04 (UTC) on September 7, 2024.