
Previous guides: 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011

Standard disclaimer: This represents my views and opinions, especially on Wikipedia philosophy. I encourage you to do your own research.

A bit about myself: editor since 2005, admin since 2005, OTRS agent since 2012. I am a contributor to the U.S. Roads project and have two FAs and 16 GAs. I have been following virtually all the 2012 ArbCom cases, and have been an official party to three: Highways (2006), Highways 2 (2008), and Racepacket (2011). I have also commented on quite a few others: Ottava Rima restrictions and Civility enforcement come to mind; I have also filed a few declined requests (another Racepacket one, one on the Featured articles process, and one on Youreallycan).

In regards to User talk:Jclemens#Please_resign, as a guide writer I publicly state that at no time did I receive any confidential material, directly or indirectly, from Elen of the Roads. --Rschen7754 08:41, 26 November 2012 (UTC)