
All commands are case insensitive. The command page is at User:SDPatrolBot/configuration/status.css

Command Name Description Example
update If the text in the command page starts with update (can be followed by anything), then the bot will attempt to update the following configurations: warningslmt, replacementslmt and notereport. If there is a problem updating the configuration, then the bot will replace the page with update - problem loading config, will continue to try loading, and will pause editing in the meantime. Note that the command page will still start with update, so the bot will keep automatically checking for updates. Please do not change the page until the configuration is changed and updated successfully. update followed by any text
stop Stops the bot, this requires a manual restart (the bot can not be restarted from the command page). stop
forget Forces the bot to forget that it reported a user to AIV. In general, the bot will remember users it has already reported, to avoid duplicates. The format is forget [username]. forget Kingpin13
remember Similar to the above command, can fool the bot into thinking it has already reported a certain user to AIV. Format is remember [username]. remember Kingpin13
hello bot Use to check if the bot is alive, if it is it will reply with hello human. hello bot

If the command is invalid, the bot will note that it has rejected it. Check the history of the command page for some more examples.