
She who knows not and knows not that she knows not is a fool. Avoid her.
She who knows not and knows that she knows not is a child. Teach her.
She who knows and knows not that she knows is asleep. Wake her.
She who knows and knows that she knows is a wise-ass. Kick her.[1]

  1. ^ Bartelby provides one of many versions of this proverb with the annotation "Lady Burton—Life of Sir Richard Burton. Given as an Arabian Proverb. Another rendering in the Spectator, Aug. 11, 1894. P. 176. In Hesiod—Works and Days. 293. 7. Quoted by Aristotle—Nic. Eth. I. 4. Cicero—Pro Cluent. 31. Livy—Works.XXII. 29. "