
About Me

Welcome to my feedback page!

Comments from Christine on Mom & Me & Mom review: Sea, I think this feedback page is a marvelous idea, something I've not seen before but think that many of us should adopt. You give good and helpful reviews, so I'm glad to assist you as you've assisted me several times with my GACs. I try really hard to be as prepared as possible before submitting my articles to be reviewed because I like easy reviews (and I suspect reviewers like them too), so I want thorough reviews. You seem to have only a few comments about my GACs, but I prefer to chalk that up to my preparedness. This was the case for this article, although I did appreciate the comments you made and the little things you tend to catch, since I don't see them because I'm too close to the product. Personally, I don't like the template you use; it's bulky, difficult to navigate, and has a tendency to focus on things that aren't as important. My favorite template is Template:GAList2; it's simple and allows me to check for the same things that you look at in your reviews. I think that regardless of the template you use, it's crucial to do a prose review, and you always do one. Again, thanks for your reviews of the articles I submit and I hope to continue our pleasant corroboration. Please let me know how I can assist you in your editing efforts. Christine (Figureskatingfan) (talk) 16:30, 7 March 2014 (UTC)

Comments from Prism on BlackBerry Bold 9700 review: This is a really good idea, I wouldn't have thought of making a feedback page for myself. Relatively to your reviews, I think they are thorough and concise, and I think you are one of the main users that are helping reduce the backlog. However, I recommend you don't have so many reviews open simultaneously, if in any way you feel pressured and have to give up on free time just to come here. I also think you should use a different GA list as the templates one is "bulky" (as Christine said); you should also check sources better as I've seen one of your other reviews and there were some unreliable links. Keep up the good work and thank you! Prism 17:20, 7 March 2014 (UTC)

Comments from Cirt on Free Expression Policy Project review: