
This is the Talk page of zeppelin manufacturer and 'big steel' tycoon User:Silence. Feel free to leave a comment.
  • Archive I: July 2004 to September 2005. Nothing important happened in this one.
  • Archive II: October 2005. Nothing important happened in this one.
  • Archive III: November 2005. Nothing important happened in this one.
  • Archive IIII: December 2005. Nothing important happened in this one.
  • Archive V: January 2006. Nothing important happened in this one.
  • Archive VI: February 2006. Nothing important happened in this one.
  • Archive VII: March 2006. Nothing important happened in this one.
  • Archive VIII: April 2006. Nothing important happened in this one.
  • Archive VIIII: May 2006 to December 2006. Nothing important happened in this one.
  • Archive VV: January 2007. Nothing important happened in this one.
  • Archive VVIIIIV: February 2007 to July 2007. Nothing important happened in this one.
  • Archive IIIVXXXLCCCCDM: August 2007 to August 2009. In this one I edited Łobżany.
  • Archive IIXV: September 2010 to September 2015. Nothing important happened in this one.

What sort of freak then is man!
How novel, how monstrous, how chaotic, how paradoxical, how prodigious!

Judge of all things, feeble earthworm, repository of truth, sink of doubt and error, glory and refuse of the universe!

―Blaise Pascal

Every man supposes himself not to be fully understood; and if there is any truth in him, if he rests at last on the divine soul, I see not how it can be otherwise. The last chamber, the last closet, he must feel was never opened; there is always a residuum unknown, unanalyzable. That is, every man believes that he has a greater possibility.

―Ralph Waldo Emerson