
supporting awesome knowledge,1000ψ at a time.

This is an idea for small simple community grants for knowledge in communities everywhere, to spur more awesome knowledge/science/education projects around the world and help creative folks find one another's work. Riffing off the Awesome Foundation. Help refine this into something delightful you'd be glad to contribute to each month, by editing or commenting on this page. :)

  • people submit awesome projects (their own or links to others)
  • every month one or more is chosen to receive recognition, no strings attached
  • projects can translate wikis into support from those offering their help
  • results tracked online: projects by hashtag, network on a collage site
  • anyone who wants to help support awesome knowledge projects joins in to update the project tables (nominate or vote on projects) or offer wiki services (coding, scripting, design, visibility, testing, feedback, translation, &c)
  • each month a number of tickets to a funding event are available for purchase (say 10 100ψ tickets)
  • the first 10 people to claim them get to review/select the next project for support

Currently starting with a single global group, reviewing projects from anywhere and everywhere.