
My interest in Guy Davenport first brought me to Wikipedia. I've made minor contributions to the Davenport entry -- back in January, shortly after Guy's death, and again today. I helped with Guy's last signed limited edition and have been the point person in getting copies of that edition into the world. At this writing, that task is all but complete -- made possible by such creative internet tools as Google and Wikipedia.

Guy famously claimed to have perhaps 18 readers. It's probably at least 10,018 but definitely not anywhere near 100,018. In any case, those of us who share an interest with a comparatively small and geographically dispersed band of others are living in a wonderful era. That each of us can have a way to add something we happen to know to what others happen to know about someone like Guy Davenport is a true wonder.

Hurray for Wikipedia! -- SocJan 09:57, 26 September 2005 (UTC)