User:Technical 13/Scripts/GANreview

Browser/skin compatibility table
Browser\Skin Vector MonoBook Modern Cologne Blue
Chrome 29 All pages All pages All pages All pages
FireFox 23 All pages All pages All pages All pages
IE 7 Truncates # on left
All pages
Truncates # on left
All pages
Trunc CAT: # on left
Rest overflow
Truncates # on left
Categories only
Opera 16 All pages All pages All pages All pages
Safari 5 All pages All pages All pages All pages
Author(s)Technical 13
UpdatedSeptember 29, 2013‎
Browser supportFirefox 24
Skin supportVector

This script changes the links for all Good article nominations using the GANentry template to offer links to either the existing nomination talk page discussion or to create a new discussion using a preloaded template.

[[?title=User_talk:Technical_13/Scripts/GANreview&action=edit&section=new&preloadtitle=Bug+Report+%7B%7Bsubst%3A%23time%3Ad+M+Y%7Cnow%7D%7D Report a bug |?title=User_talk:Technical_13/Scripts/GANreview&action=edit&section=new&preloadtitle=Bug+Report+%7B%7Bsubst%3A%23time%3Ad+M+Y%7Cnow%7D%7D Report a bug]] [[?title=User_talk:Technical_13/Scripts/GANreview&action=edit&section=new&preloadtitle=Feature+Request+%7B%7Bsubst%3A%23time%3Ad+M+Y%7Cnow%7D%7D Request a feature |?title=User_talk:Technical_13/Scripts/GANreview&action=edit&section=new&preloadtitle=Feature+Request+%7B%7Bsubst%3A%23time%3Ad+M+Y%7Cnow%7D%7D Request a feature]]