User:Tedster41/Ted's B-Side Guide

Hello! If you've navigated your way here, which you seem to have, welcome! This is basically a public sandbox for me to show you something I work on in my spare time. That being finding all of the bonus tracks and little tidbits that didn't make it to an album, and instead appeared as a B-side or possibly an outtake that would be released years later. The main use of this page is to show you, yes, you, the bonus tracks, the b-sides and the outtakes from your my favourite albums, and how they can be arranged into a neat little tracklist alongside them. Crucially, this does not discuss external remixes (remixes made by artists other than the song's original creator) because the line between official and unofficial remixes is very blurred. Live versions (including when they are used as b-sides) are also excluded for similar reasons; the amount of live bootlegs out there makes it pointless to try and collect all the live versions of a certain song. This page also has a couple album concepts (e.g. vinyl editions and compilations).

However, in all honesty, what are the chances of you reading this? Obviously you are, but... you might be one of the only people on this Earth to read this. While I do say this is to show other people B-sides and so on, and it is, it's also because I just want to show those tracklists with all the joys of Wikipedia's formatting. But since you're here, have a good read. You might find an album you like somewhere in here, you never know.

Right, enough existentialism, let's get down to business.