User:Theresa knott/Those who disagree with Angela must not sign their comments

Note: The above so-called "semi-prod" is part of a semi-experimental indefinite deletion policy and may or may not be semi-disputed in the interim.

This page is a candidate for speedy semi-deletion
If you do not fail to disagree with its speedy (or lethargic) semi-deletion, please explain yourself on its talk page, or at Speedy semi-deletions.

Note: All signatures have been removed from this page (except for the signatures that remain on this page), pending the appropriate legistrative passing of appropriate Wikipedia:Semi-policy with regard to disagreement with [User has entered the Witness Protection Program].

This page is a proposed Wikipedia policy, guideline, process, word-of-God, or written-in-stone. The proposal may still be stupid, as proven under discussion, or in the process of adopting consensus for gathering.1

References or links to this page should not describe it as "George".

Note: On 31 August, 2004, hard-banned user AdmN (talk · contribs) took it upon himself to excise exercise exorcise 10 signatures from this semi-policy, in violation of semi-policy. His doppleganger Func (talk · contribs) has now restored them, per hemidemisemiquaver-policy. Thank you. func(talk) 03:48, 6 Jun 2005 (UTC)

This a proposed new policy. Note that since there is no consensus[citation needed] for this policy some users call this a Wikipedia:Semi-policy. It should be noted,2 there is no consensus regarding the nature of semi-policy, or what force, if any, it has within Wikipedia's day-to-day function.

It has been proposed that in the interim pre-consensus period, this semi-policy be rigorously enforced as an aid in consensus formulation. (Typographical exuberance added for greater clarity.) The period for comments on this proposal (that is, the second proposal, not the other one) is now open.

I have two questions

  1. What is "semi-deletion"?
    1. You know when you use a poor quality rubber (eraser) on a thick pencil mark, and no matter how hard you rub a faint lines remains on the paper? Well semi deletion is nothing like that. Nor is is a partial deletion or any other understandable concept. It's more like a superposition of deleted and not deleted states that refuse to collapse. Imaging the entire universe splits into two parallel universes (well actually they are more at right angles than parallel but I didn't do the naming) In one unverse the page get's deleted, in another it's kept. Now rotate the universes back into one another so that everything lines up perfectly. There is now two of everything but we cant tell because the two Angelas occupy the exact same space. They are right on top of each other. The only thing that doesn't line up exactly is this page. In one universe it's deleted, in the other one it's kept, what's more it can't collapse in the normal way because rotating a whole univese tends to fuck up quantum mechanics.3 Theresa Knott (ask the rotten)
  2. Who is Angela?
    1. There Is No Angela. (Which leads us to the question: Who the hell is Tina? 4 )
    2. See below: Angela is the one more likely to prompt reactions in the style of Leslie Phillips (Ding Dong!) rather than in the style of Bill the Cat (sorry Jimbo but the boobs simply don't go with the beard :-)
    • Should I sign this comment? -- PaulHammond 00:16, 7 Jan 2005 (UTC) (Newbie at large)
In a nutcase:
  • Disagreeing with [User has entered the Witness Protection Program] may or may not be bad for you, but it could be.
  • Don't push your luck.
  • If you ignore the above advice then don't sign your comments.