
K7IWH [1]

Residence: Lakewood, Washington, USA. Joined Wikipedia 17 March 2008. Auto-confirmed user, 82 Global Accounts. Sixth generation native born Pennsylvanian. I mostly edit articles of subjects that I have a connection with, eg a unit I served in, but not necessarily military history in general. Meine uralte Heimat The Holy Ground My ancient Home Meine Wahlheimat Benim Eșimin Ailesinin Memleketi

  • Bundesakademie für Wehrverwaltung und Wehrtechnik (BAkWVT). verschiedene Lehrgänge, 1973 bis 1977.
  • WBK VI Schützenschnur Gold. 24 Juli 1985. Verteidigungskreiskommando 632, Nürnberg. Obstlt u StvKdt HEINZ, HFw u StKpChef PÖSCHL (RIP) und SU M. WIMMER, Heimatschutzkompanie 6322 Bayerische Territorialheer.
  • Wappen Bamberg Oberfeuerwehrmann a.D. Freiwillige Feuerwehr Stadt Bamberg, Löschgruppe 1. 02 August 1984 bis 08 Juli 1987. Leistungsabzeichen Bronze u. Silber. Ausgebildet von Hbm. K.H. Sackerlotsky (RIP).
  • Feuerwehrmann u. Ofw. a.D. der U.S. Army Fire Department, Standort (Warner Barracks) U.S. Feurwehr Bamberg 1983 bis 1987.
  • Diplom Bayer. Königliche Bayerische Verdienstkreuzträger, 2er Klasse, mit laute drõhänger.
  • AA, 1979, The University of the State of New York REX.
  • BA, 1982, The University of the State of New York REX.
  • Old Antarctic Explorers Association, Life Member.
  • The Queen's Own Rifles of Canada Association, Vancouver Island Branch, Honorary Life Member.
  • Scottish American Military Society, Life Member.
  • Marine Corps League, Life Associate Member.
  • 3rd Battalion The Royal Australian Regiment Corporation, Annual Allied Member.
  • House Rabbit Society (National and Washington State) Life Member, Family.
  • Lee Grant Rogers Lodge No. 61 F&AM (PHA) M.W.P.H.G.L. of Washington and It's Jurisdiction. Since 1991, Thrice Past Secretary.
  • American Radio Relay League (ARRL), Life Member.

A Coast Guard Family Since 1957.

Ancient and Honorable Polar Order of the Charlie Noble.

  • On 19 February 2011 I donated $100, USD to the Wikimedia Foundation. You need to do the same right now.
  • On 20 December 2012 I donated $100, USD to the Wikimedia Foundation, if you are reading this, you need to do the same mate.
  • On 18 August 2013 I donated $100, USD to Wikimedia Foundation. Please consider giving now, if you have not already done so.
  • On 15 June 2014 I donated $100, USD to Wikimedia Foundation. Do not be shy...please give now.
  • On 20 May 2015 I donated $100 USD to Wikimedia Foundation. Get hot... Bigman !
  • On 26 November 2016 I donated $100, US to Wikimedia Foundation. Spend now !
  • On 28 October 2017 I donated $100, US to Wikimedia Foundation.
  • On 05 NOV 2018 I donated $100 USD to Wikimedia Foundation.
  • On 05 MAY 2019 I donated $100 USD to Wikimedia Foundation.
  • On 29 OCT 2020 I donated $100 USD to Wikimedia Foundation.
  • On 06 DEC 2021 I donated $100 USD to Wikimedia Foundation.
  • On 30 SEP 2022 I donated $100 USD to Wikimedia Foundation.
  • On 22 JUL 2023 I donated $100 USD to Wikimedia Foundation.
  • On 24 APR 2024 I donated $100 USD to Wikimedia Foundation.

Feldkreuz Hochtannbergpass 1