
Sunday 22 September 2024
It is approximately 4:58 AM where this user lives (the United Kingdom). [refresh]
Cet utilisateur est prêt à être contacté en  français. Traductions tentatives seront ajoutés. (Attempted translations will be appended.)

I know a lot about love. I've seen it, centuries and centuries of it, and it was the only thing that made watching this world bearable.
All those wars. Pain, lies, hate... It made me want to turn away and never look down again.
But when I see the way that mankind loves...
You could search to the furthest reaches of the universe and never find anything more beautiful.
— Today's Motto of the Day
Commons picture of the day
The wheat harvest near Eldagsen in Germany. Today is the September equinox which marks the beginning of autumn, a season of harvest in the Northern hemisphere.
Tip of the moment...
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