
Below is my suggestion of updating the template {{Reqimage}} and adding a new template {{Reqimgbox}}. I feel this will help with users looking for projects to do. I also think that each biography should have a photo for historical purposes, and this will help facilitate a way of knowing which articles are in need. I also suggest placing the request on the main article and NOT the talk page. I have gone through the image request categories, and some of those requests have been there for awhile. Also, when the request was moved to the talk page, it lost its original request date, making it seem like the request hadnt been there so long. A great deal of these articles with the request on the talk page, had the request filled or even had the article deleted. Less than half of with wiki readers and editors use the talk page. I designed the template to be more viewer friendly on the article page, and no longer use the coffee-rolled version.

  • Update: The new design {{reqimage}} is article friendly and is just a place holder for the image that is requested.

Please Let me know what you think. <> Who 02:16, 22 May 2005 (UTC)