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fr-1Cet utilisateur peut contribuer avec un niveau élémentaire de français.
la-1Hic usor simplici latinitate contribuere potest.
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' This user supports Wikipedians against censorship

Hi. I’m WikidSmaht/2Wikid.( I originally created and started using my account as “WikidCool”.) Apparently my username requires a bit of clarification. It’s not: bragging, serious, Wiki D Cool, Wiki dCool, or anything like that. It is: humorous( or at least I thought so), a play on “wiki” and the stereotypical Bostonian pronunciation of “wicked smart”( “wicked” being a local slang intensifier, often taking the place of the adverb very, or sometimes the adjective cool). You can also find me around the Internet as OhThatEthanMiguel, EthMiS, OhThatEthMiSGuy, AKAGamerGuy, and NintendoGaymer.

I’m 41/m, I live in Hyde Square, Jamaica Plain, Boston, and I have high-functioning autism and a host of typical comorbid issues including physical hypersensitivity, ADHD, OCD, and advanced cognitive capacity; but according to most people I meet( which is a lot for someone autistic) you’d never know it. That’s because my “focus” is human beings and social communication; I have been explicitly studying other people and how they relate to each other since I was 7 years old. As someone who can communicate vividly and passionately about experiences with a condition that renders most victims unable to communicate at all, I aspire to build a bridge of understanding between folks like me and the NT( neurotypical) communities of the world. And because I learned to simulate sensory integration by letting ADHD and OCD play off each other, my sensory capability amount to a minor superpower, which I would like to teach to others who have the same issues.

I’ve been openly gay since the ’90s, back when that was still a big deal in high school. I like men, kitty cats, video games, theatre... In fact, I have established a major gaming social group, StreetPass Boston which I ran for years, and I majored in musical theatre and earned my Associate Degree. If you think that just involves acting and singing, think again: carpentry, fashion, dramaturgy, design, and more are all important parts of a theatre education.

I believe that, as human beings, we all have strengths and weaknesses, and every sapient being deserves to have his/her(/its?) unique strengths recognized and relied upon so as not to be or feel a burden, and his/her/its individual weaknesses known and covered without hesitation so that no one needs to suffer. When we all work together, we become something greater than the sum of our individual existence.

You may notice my idiosyncratic punctuation on talk pages and in edit summaries, it’s intentional, not ignorant. Still, until the English-writing world comes ’round to my way of thinking, you might want to watch my edits and make sure it doesn’t slip into the encyclopedia articles. ;-)

I hate the generic use of the word “you” because I think it’s confusing enough already that the singular and plural 2nd-person pronouns in English are the same. I’m trying to bring back “one” instead; it’s for clarity, not pretentious. When I do use “you”, I literally mean you, each and every individual reader without exception. As with everything I say or write, I’m not trying to “sound smart”, I really do talk this way naturally due to my upbringing and love of precision.

This user page updates sporadically( almost never), but say hi on my talk page if you like; I usually respond to comments within a week or two.