
# External URLs matching this list will be reverted when added to a page WHEN THEY ARE IN A REFERENCE.
# Notes:
#  - The bot does not revert when the account is older than 7 days (except when the rule is on override)
#  - The bot does not revert whitelisted users
#  - The bot reverts when it detects that the link is in a reference
#  - The bot does not revert when the user uses an undo/revert, or the user is a recognised bot.
#  - The bot only reverts a user once (except when the link is on override).
# This list affects only the English Wikipedia
# entries must be logged: http://en.wikipedia.orgview_html.php?sq=Qlik&lang=&q=User:XLinkBot/RevertList_requests/log
# Syntax is as follows: 
#   * Everything from a "#" character to the end of the line is a comment
#   * Every non-blank line is a regex fragment which will only match hosts inside URLs
# More notes:
# * All rules are converted to lowercase, and tested with the 'i' parameter (case INsensitive match) on added  links.  
# * Both the linkwatchers (who do the actual parsing to see which links are added) and XLinkBot are written in Perl.
# Shortcut: WP:RRLIST
#  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
#    Other revertlists:
#    User:XLinkBot/RevertList                -> main revertlist of XLinkBot
#    User:XLinkBot/RevertReferencesList      -> reverted when link is inside ref-tags.
#    User:COIBot/RevertList.css              -> COIBot private part
#    User:COIBot/RevertReferencesList.css    -> COIBot private part - reverted when link is inside ref-tags.
#    User:MER-C/RevertList.css               -> MER-C private part
#    User:MER-C/RevertReferencesList.css     -> MER-C private part - reverted when link is inside ref-tags.
#  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



# don't create lines with length > 500

# per [[Wikipedia:Bots/Requests_for_approval/XLinkBot_2]]
# The following rule catches email addresses:

# Redirect TO spam - high on list so bots detect it in preference

### Removing email address, now in Abuse Filter - Dragons flight
### Filter disabled, now again here.

adsense 9445189103749654
\byoutube\.com\b # YouTube should not be used as a reference but not ripe for blacklist.
\blulu\.com\b # Self-publishing site, should not be used as a reference but not ripe for blacklist.
\bblogspot\. # Any blogspot domain
\bblogger\. # Any blogger domain
\bwordpress\. # Any WordPress domain
\b10\.4172\b # DOI for OMICS Group, a predatory open access publisher. Staff are banned from Wikipedia.
\besciencecentral\.org\b # OMICS Group
\bomicsonline\.com\b # OMICS Group
\bomicsonline\.org\b # OMICS Group
\bomicsgroup\.org\b # OMICS Group
\b10\.4236\b # Scientific Research Publishing, a predatory open access publisher
\bscirp\.org # Scientific Research Publishing, 
\b10\.11648\b # Science Publishing Group, a predatory open access publisher
\bsciencepublishinggroup\.com\b # Science Publishing Group
\b10\.5897\b # Academic Journals, a predatory open access publisher
\bacademicjournals\.org\b # Academic Journals
\bacademicjournals\.com\b # Academic Journals

# Beall's list 2016 
\b1088\.email\b # 1088 Email Press
\b2425publishers\.org\b # 2425 Publishers
\b5thpublisher\.com\b # The 5th Publisher
\babcjournals\.net\b # ABC Journals
\bampublisher\.com\b # A M Publishers
\babhinavjournal\.com\b # Abhinav
\bacademeresearchjournals\.org\b # Academe Research Journals
\bacademiapublishing\.org\b # Academia Publishing
\bacademiaresearch\.org\b # Academia Research
\bacademiascholarlyjournal\.org\b # Academia Scholarly Journals (ASJ)
\baabri\.com\b # Academic and Business Research Institute
\bacascipub\.com\b # Academic and Scientific Publishing
\bacademicdirect\.org\b # Academic Direct Publishing House
\bacademicjournals\.org\b # Academic Journals
\bacjar\.org\b # Academic Journals and Research ACJAR
\bacademicjournalsonline\.co\.in\b # Academic Journals Online (AJO)
\bacademicjournalsinc\.com\b # Academic Journals, Inc.
\bakrpub\.com\b # Academic Knowledge and Research Publishing
\bacademicoasis\.org\b # Academic Organization for Advancement of Strategic and International Studies (Academic OASIS)
\bacadpubl\.eu\b # Academic Publications, Ltd.
\barseam\.com\b # Academic Research in Science, Engineering, Art and Management (ARSEAM)
\bacademicresearchjournals\.org\b # Academic Research Journals
\bacrpub\.com\b # Academic Research Publishers (ARPUB)
\barpapress\.com\b # Academic Research Publishing Agency
\barpgweb\.com\b # Academic Research Publishing Group
\bacadrp\.org\b # Academic Research Publishing House
\bacademic-publishing-house\.com\b # Academic Scholars Publishing House
\bijaponline\.org\b # Academic Sciences
\bacademicstar\.us\b # Academic Star Publishing Company
\bastarstore\.us\b # Academic Star Publishing Company
\bacademicwebpublishers\.org\b # Academic Web Publishers (AWP)
\bawer-center\.org\b # Academic World Education & Research Center
\bacademicdirect\.org\b # AcademicDirect Publishing House
\barcjournals\.org\b # Academicians' Research Center (ARC) (ARC Journals)
\bacademicsworld\.org\b # Academics World
\baelsindia\.com\b # Academy for Environment and Life Sciences
\bacademyjournals\.net\b # Academy Journals
\babrmr\.com\b # Academy of Business & Retail Management (ABRM)
\babsronline\.org\b # Academy of Business & Scientific Research (ABSR)
\bacademyirmbr\.com\b # Academy of IRMBR International Research in Management and Business Realities
\bakpinsight\.webs\.com\b # Academy of Knowledge Process
\bscienceengineeringacademy\.org\b # Academy of Science and Engineering (ASE)
\basss-web\.com\b # Academy of Science and Social Science (ASSS)
\basaarjournals\.com\b # Academy of Scientific and Applied Research (ASAAR)
\bacademypublish\.org\b # Academy Publish
\baccessinterjournals\.org\b # Access International Journals
\baccessjournals\.org\b # Access Journals
\baccesspublishers\.org\b # Access Publishers
\bghrnet\.org\b # ACT Publishing
\bactascientifica\.com\b # Acta Scientifica
\badpublication\.org\b # AD Publication
\badpublications\.org\b # AD Publications
\bada-lovelace\.co\.uk\b # Ada Lovelace Publications
\baeirc-edu\.com\b # Advance Educational Institute & Research Centre (AEIRC)
\badvancejournals\.org\b # Advance Journals
\baicit\.org\b # Advanced Institute of Convergence Information Technology (AICIT)
\badvancedjournals\.org\b # Advanced Journals
\badvancedresearchjournals\.org\b # Advanced Research Journals
\badrpublications\.com\b # Advanced Research Publications
\badvancedscholarsjournals\.org\b # Advanced Scholars Journals
\basetrc\.org\b # Advanced Science and Engineering Technology Institute (ASET)
\badvancedscienceresearchjournals\.org\b # Advanced Science Research Journals
\batscience\.org\b # Advanced Technology & Science (ATScience)
\baditisci\.com\b # Advancement and Development in Technology International (Aditi)
\bajournals\.com\b # Advancements in Science
\badyanacademicpress\.com\b # Adyan Academic Press
\baensiweb\.com\b # AENSI (American-Eurasian Network for Scientific Information)
\bafrrevjo\.net\b # African Research Review (AFRREV)
\bagialpress\.com\b # AgiAl Publishing House
\bagropub\.com\b # Agropub
\bainstin\.com\b # AINSTIN Knowledge Hub
\bairccse\.org\b # AIRCC Publishing Corporation
\baizeonpublishers\.net\b # Aizeon Publishers
\balbertscience\.com\b # Albert Science International Organization
\balliedacademies\.org\b # Allied Academies
\balliedjournals\.com\b # Allied Journals
\bambitjournals\.org\b # Ambit Journals
\bamepc\.org\b # AME Publishing Company
\baasrc\.org\b # American Academic & Scholarly Research Center (AASRC)
\baascit\.org\b # American Association for Science and Technology (AASCIT)
\bamjournals\.org\b # American Journal
\baripd\.org\b # American Research Institute for Policy Development
\barjonline\.org\b # American Research Journals
\barepub\.com\b # American Research Publications
\basraresearch\.org\b # American Scholarly Research Association
\baspbs\.com\b # American Scientific Publishers 
\bamericanscientificresearchjournals\.org\b # American Scientific Research Journals
\basrn\.org\b # American Society of Registered Nurses
\bas-se\.org\b # American Society of Science and Engineering
\bvkingpub\.com\b # American V-King Scientific Publishing
\baessangli\.in\b # Amoghsiddhi Education Society (AES) (AES Journals in Engineering Technology, Management, and Sciences ; AES E-JOURNALS)
\bejournal\.aessangli\.in\b # Amoghsiddhi Education Society (AES) (AES Journals in Engineering Technology, Management, and Sciences ; AES E-JOURNALS)
\bandrewjohnpublishing\.org\b # Andrew John Publishing Inc.
\bannexpublishers\.com\b # Annex Publishers
\bansinet\.com\b # Asian Network for Scientific Information (ANSINET)
\bdomainsmoon\.com\b # Antarctic Journals
\baperito\.org\b # Aperito Online Publishing
\bapexjournal\.org\b # Apex Journal
\bapplied-science-innovations\.com\b # Applied Science Innovations
\bapst\.co\.in\b # APST Publication
\bpuneresearch\.com\b # Aradhya International Publication 
\barcjournals\.org\b # ARC Journals
\baein\b # Archers & Elevators Publishing House
\barchyworld\.com\b # Archyworld
\barpnjournals\.com\b # ARPN Journals
\baspublishers\.com\b # AS Publishers
\basdpub\.com\b # ASD Publisher
\bashdin\.com\b # Ashdin Publishing
\bashese\.co\.uk\b # AshEse Visionary
\bapamr\.org\b # Asia-Pacific Association of Medical Research
\bapiar\.org\.au\b # Asia Pacific Institute of Advanced Research
\basianacademicresearch\.org\b # Asian Academic Research Associates
\baarpub\.com\b # Asian and American Research Publishing Group
\baessweb\.com\b # Asian Economic and Social Society (AESS)
\basianonlinejournals\.com\b # Asian Online Journal Publishing Group
\bajouronline\.com\b # Asian Online Journals
\basianpharmaonline\.org\b # Asian Pharma Press
\baijsh\.org\b # Asian Research Consortium
\basian-transactions\.org\b # Asian Transactions
\baarf\.asia\b # Associated Asia Research Foundation (AARF)
\basers\.eu\b # Association for Sustainable Education, Research and Science (ASERS)
\btheaceee\.org\b # Association of Computer Electronics and Electrical Engineers (ACEEE)
\banahei\.org\b # Association of North America Higher Education International (ANAHEI)
\basterpublications\.org\b # Aster Publications
\bastonjournals\.com\b # AstonJournals
\bathalgroup\.com\b # Athal Press & Media
\batharvapub\.com\b # Atharva Scientific Publications 
\batiner\.gr\b # Athens Institute for Education and Research (ATINER)
\batlas-publishing\.org\b # Atlas Publishing, LP
\bchesci\.com\b # Aufau Periodicals (AP)
\baustinpublishinggroup\.org\b # Austin Publishing Group
\bacrd\.net\.au\b # Australasian Centre for Research and Development (ACRD)
\baabss\.org\.au\b # Australian Academy of Business and Social Sciences
\baabl\.com\.au\b # Australian Academy of Business Leadership
\baiac\.org\.au\b # Australian International Academic Centre Pty. Ltd.
\bausinternationaljournals\.com\.au\b # Australian International Research Consortium (Australian International Journals)
\bscie\.org\.au\b # Australian Society for Commerce Industry & Engineering (SCIE)
\baeuso\.org\b # Austrian E-Journals of Universal Scientific Organization
\bautpub\.org\b # Austrian Scientific Publication House
\bavantipublishers\.com\b # Avanti
\bavensonline\.org\b # Avens Publishing Group
\bavestia\.com\b # Avestia Publishing
\bavicenapublisher\.org\b # Avicena Publisher
\bavidscience\.com\b # Avid Science
\baxisjournals\.com\b # Axis Journals
\bwjgnet\.com\b # Baishideng Publishing Group
\bbasharesearch\.com\b # Basha Research Corporation (BRCORP)
\bbasicresearchjournals\.org\b # Basic Research Journals
\bbellpress\.org\b # Bell Press
\bbenthamopen\.com\b # Bentham Open
\bbestjournals\.in\b # Best Journals
\bbapress\.ca\b # Better Advances Press
\bbettyjonespub\.com\b # Betty Jones & Sisters Publishing
\b1010press\.com\b # Binary Information Press
\bbioaccent\.org\b # Bio Accent (Bioaccent)
\bbiocoreopen\.org\b # Bio Core (Biocore)
\bbioflux\.com\.ro\b # Bioflux Society
\bbiohelikon\.org\b # Biohelikon
\bbiohouse\.us\b # Biohouse Publishing Group
\bbioinfopublication\.org\b # BioInfo Publications
\bbipublication\.com\b # BioIT international Journals 
\bbacpl\.org\b # Biological and Chemical Publishing
\bbiomedpress\.org\b # BioMed Press
\bbmrjournals\.com\b # BioMed Research
\bbiomedscidirect\.com\b # BioMedSciDirect Publications
\bbiopublisher\.ca\b # BioPublisher
\bbret\.ac\.in\b # Bioscience Research & Educational Institute <em>[Link dead as of 2012-11-14]</em>
\bblazejournals\.org\b # Blaze Journals
\bblue-ap\.org\b # Blue Apple Publications
\bblueeyesintelligence\.org\b # Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering & Sciences Publication
\bborjournals\.com\b # Blue Ocean Research Journals
\bbluepenjournals\.org\b # BluePen Journals
\bbonfring\.org\b # Bonfring
\bbowenpublishing\.com\b # Bowen Publishing
\bbrainybuzz\.in\b # Brainy Buzz
\bbretj\.com\b # Bret Research Journals
\bbjmhs\.baar\.org\.uk\b # British Association of Academic Research (BAAR)
\bbjournal\.co\.uk\b # British Journal
\bborpub\.com\b # British Open Research Publications
\bbrnsspublicationhub\.org\b # BRNSS Publication Hub
\bbusinessjournalz\.org\b # Business Journalz (BJ)
\bbizmanagementcentre\.com\b # Business Management Centre
\bbusinessperspectives\.org\b # Business Perspectives
\bcafetinnova\.org\b # Cafet Innova Technical Society (CITS)
\bcdbenchmark\.com\b # Cairo Center for Development Benchmarking
\bccsenet\.org\b # Canadian Center of Science and Education
\bcrpub\.com\b # Canadian Research Publication
\bcansrg\.com\b # Canadian Science and Research Group (CANSRG)
\bcanadianstpress\.com\b # Canadian Science and Technology Press Inc.
\bcardiologyacademicpress\.com\b # Cardiology Academic Press
\bcarijournals\.org\b # CARI Journals
\bcenetrionline\.org\b # Cenetri Publishing Group
\bcekinfo\.org\.uk\b # Center for Enhancing Knowledge (CEK), UK
\bcgrd\.org\b # Center for Global Research Development (CGRD)
\bcibmp\.org\b # The Center for Innovations in Business & Management Practice
\bcennser\.org\b # Center for Natural Science & Engineering Research (CNSER/CenNSER)
\bcpinet\.info\b # Center for Promoting Ideas
\bcddk\.org\b # Center for the Development and Dissemination of Knowledge
\bcasrp\.co\.uk\b # Center of Advanced Scientific Research and Publications (CASRP)
\bjournals\.cz\b # Central Bohemia University Publishing
\bcri\.ideainfinity\.pk\b # Central Research Insight
\bcibtech\.org\b # Centre For Info Bio Technology (CIBTech)
\bijsrit\.com\b # Centre for Promoting Knowledge (CPK) UK
\bcentreofexcellence\.net\b # Centre of Excellence for Scientific & Research Journalism (COES&RJ)
\bcprenet\.com\b # Centre of Promoting Research Excellence (CPRE)
\bceser\.in\b # CESER Publications
\bchitkara\.edu\.in\b # Chitkara University Publications
\bcirworld\.com\b # here
\bclerisyonlinepublishers\.org\b # Clerisy Publishers
\bclinmedjournals\.org\b # ClinMed International Library 
\bcloud-journals\.com\b # Cloud Journals
\bcloudpublications\.org\b # Cloud Publications
\bcluteinstitute\.com\b # The Clute Institute
\bclytoaccess\.com\b # Clyto Access
\bcoltharpinstitute\.com\b # Coltharp Institute
\buscip\.org\b # Columbia International Publishing
\bcomparativejournals\.org\b # Comparative Journals
\bcomprehensiveresearchjournals\.org\b # Comprehensive Research Journals
\bcscjournals\.org\b # Computer Science Journals
\bconfabjournals\.com\b # CONFAB Journals
\bcongresspress\.com\b # Congress Press
\bicdtdi\.ca\b # CONSORTIUM Intellectual Consortium of Drug Discovery and Technology Development, Inc. (ICDTD Inc.)
\bcrcenter\.info\b # Contemporary Research Center (CRC), Australia
\bglobalcis\.org\b # Convergence Information Society
\bcosmicjournals\.com\b # Cosmic Journals
\bcosmosscholars\.com\b # Cosmos Scholars Publishing House
\bcirworld\.net\b # Council for Innovative Research
\bcrdeep\.com\b # CRDEEP International Journals
\bcrescopublications\.org\b # Cresco Online Publishing
\bcrescoonline\.org\b # Cresco Online Publishing
\bcrestjournals\.com\b # CREST Journals
\bcrownjournals\.org\b # Crown Journals
\bcscanada\.net\b # CSCanada (also: Canadian Academy of Oriental and Occidental Culture, Canadian Research & Development Center of Sciences and Cultures)
\btcrjournals\.com\b # CTR Publications
\bcurresweb\.com\b # Current Research Web
\bcyberjournals\.com\b # Cyber Journals
\bsciencejournal\.in\b # DAMA International
\bdarsgah-e-ahlebait\.com\b # Darsgah-e-Ahlebait
\bdarshanpublishers\.com\b # Darshan Publishers
\bdavidpublishing\.com\b # David Publishing
\bdavidpublisher\.org\b # David Publishing
\bdeccanpharmajournals\.com\b # Deccan Pharma Journals
\bdenovojournal\.com\b # DeNovo Scientific Publishing
\bdentamedpublishing\.com\b # Dentamed Publishing
\bsign-ific-ance\.co\.uk\b # Design <em>for</em> Scientific Renaissance
\bdestechpub\.com\b # DEStech Publications, Inc.
\bdcthink\.org\b # Developing Country Think Tank Institute
\bdhanmedpublishers\.com\b # Dhan Med Publishers
\bdidacticjournals\.org\b # Didactic Journals
\bdirf\.org\b # Digital Information Research Foundation (DIRF)
\bdscipress\.com\b # Digital Science Press
\bdirectresearchpublisher\.org\b # Direct Research Journals
\bdisa\.org\.in\b # DISA Publication Group (DP Group)
\bresjournals\.org\b # Discourse Journals
\bdiscoveryjournals\.com\b # Discovery Publication
\bdjjames\.org\b # DJ Publications
\bdonnishjournals\.org\b # Donnish Journals
\bdormaj\.com\b # Dorma Journals
\bdrbgrpublications\.in\b # Dr.BGR Publications 
\bdrunpp\.ba\b # DRUNPP Sarajevo (Society for Development of Teaching and Business Processes in New Net Environment in B&H)
\bdynamicpublishers\.org\b # Dynamic Publishers
\be-century\.org\b # e-Century Publishing Corporation
\becronicon\.com\b # E-Cronicon
\bworldresearchjournals\.com\b # e-journal ( also (
\besciencecentral\.org\b # e-Science Central
\be3journals\.org\b # e3Journals
\beaglegp\.org\b # Eagle Publishing Group
\bearthjournals\.org\b # Earth Journals
\bew-a\.org\b # East West Association For Advanced Studies and Higher Education
\bebioscholar\.com\b # Ebioscholar
\bebupress\.com\b # Ebu Press
\becanadianjournals\.com\b # eCanadian Journals
\beconjournals\.com\b # Econjournals
\btesdo\.org\b # The Economics and Social Development Organization (TESDO)
\bedelweisspublications\.com\b # Edelweiss Publications
\bedugait\.com\b # EDUGAIT Press
\beijasr\.com\b # E-International Journals of Academic & Scientific Research (EIJASR)
\beisrjc\.com\b # E-International Scientific Research Journal Consortium (E-ISRJC)
\binternationaljournalesrg\.org\b # Eighth Sense Research Group
\beijo\.in\b # Einstein International Journal Organization (EIJO)
\beisrjc\.com\b # EISRJC Journals (E-International Scientific Research Journal Consortium
\bejmscience\.com\b # eJM (eJM Science, eJManager)
\bejarr\.com\b # eJournals of Academic Research & Reviews
\bekojournal\.com\b # Eko Journal
\btheelearninginstitute\.org\b # eLearning Institute
\becisi\.com\b # Electronic Center for International Scientific Information
\bm\.elewa\.org\b # Elewa Bio Sciences
\belitehall\.elitehall\.com\b # Elite Hall Publishing House
\beliteresearchjournals\.org\b # Elite Research Journals
\belkjournals\.com\b # ELK Asia Pacific Journals
\bscience-fellows\.org\b # ElmCore Journals
\belmerpress\.com\b # Elmer Press
\belvedit\.com\b # ELVEDIT.COM
\belynsgroup\.com\b # Elyns Publishing Group
\bemergingresource\.org\b # Emerging Academy Resources (EAR)
\betpub\.com\b # Engineering and Technology Publishing
\benggjournals\.com\b # Engineering Journals (Engg Journals Publications)
\bephjournal\.com\b # Engineering Publication House
\berpublication\.org\b # Engineering Research Publication
\berpublications\.com\b # Enhanced Research Publications (ER Publications)
\benlivenarchive\.org\b # Enliven Archive
\bprintjournals\.com\b # Enriched Science Publication
\benviropublishers\.com\b # Enviro Research Publishers
\bresearchersworld\.com\b # ERM Publications (Educational Research Multimedia & Publications)
\bephjournal\.com\b # EPH Journal (Engineers Publication House)
\bepixpub\.com\b # EPIX PUB (EPIXPUB)
\beprajournals\.com\b # EPRA Journals
\beprawisdom\.com\b # EPRA Wisdom
\beruditejournals\.org\b # Erudite Journals Limited
\besrsa\.org\b # ESRSA Publications, Engineering and Science Research Support Academy
\bescijournals\.net\b # ESci Journals Publishing
\bescipub\.com\b # eScience Publisher (eSciPub)
\betamaths\.com\b # ETA Maths Journals
\bethanpublishing\.com\b # Ethan Publishing Company
\beurasianacademy\.org\b # Eurasian Academy of Sciences (Avrasya Bilimler Akademisi)
\beurasianpublications\.com\b # Eurasian Publications
\berepub\.com\b # Eurasian Research Publishing
\beuroasia-science\.ru\b # Eurasian Union of Scientists (Eurasian Scientific Union ESU | Евразийский Союз Учёных ЕСУ)
\beuroasiapub\.org\b # Euro Asia Research and Development Association
\beurojournals\.com\b # EuroJournals
\bea-journals\.org\b # European-American Journals
\beuser\.org\b # European Center for Science Education and Research (EUSER)
\bejobm\.org\b # European Journals of Business Management (EJoBM)
\boapub\.org\b # European Journals of Education Studies
\beurope-science\.com\b # The European Scientific Community
\beurpub\.com\b # European Union Research Publishing
\beverant\.in\b # Everant
\beverscience\.org\b # EverScience Publications
\bojs\.excelingtech\.co\.uk\b # ExcelingTech Publishing Company, Ltd.
\bexcellentpublishers\.com\b # Excellent Publishers
\bexcellentwordjournals\.org\b # Excellent Word Journals
\bexcelyticspublishers\.com\b # Excelytics Publishers
\bexpertjournals\.com\b # Expert Journals
\bfareastjournals\.com\b # Far East Research Centre
\bficuspublishers\.com\b # Ficus Publishers
\bonlinejournal\.in\b # Finlogy
\bfirepubs\.com\b # Focus in Research & Education (FIRE, Firepubs)
\bfopras\.org\b # Foundation for Promotion of Basic & Applied Science (FOPRAS)
\bfspublishers\.org\b # Friends Science Publishers (FSP)
\bfrontiersin\.org\b # Frontiers
\bbioscience\.org\b # Frontiers in Bioscience (FBS)
\bfssh-journal\.org\b # FSSH Scholarly Journals
\bfundamentaljournals\.org\b # Fundamental Journals
\bfrdint\.com\b # Fundamental Research and Development International (FRDI)
\bfutureacademy\.org\.uk\b # Future Academy
\bgkpublication\.in\b # Galore Knowledge Publication Pvt. Ltd.
\bgathacognition\.com\b # Gatha Cognition
\bgavinpublishers\.org\b # Gavin Publishers
\bgbspublisher\.com\b # GBS Publishers & Distributors (India)
\bgpublication\.com\b # Genexcellence Publication (G Publications)
\bgrsci-techpress\.org\b # German Science and Technology Press
\bgexinonline\.com\b # Gexin Publications
\bglobalacademicinstitute\.com\b # Global Academic Institute
\bgarj\.org\b # Global Advanced Research Journals
\bglobalbizresearch\.org\b # Global Business Research Journals
\bgifre\.org\b # Global Institute for Research and Education
\bparipex\.in\b # The Global Journals
\bglobaljournals\.us\b # Global Journals, Inc. (US)
\bglobalopenjournals\.org\b # Global Open Journals
\bglobalopenaccess\.com\b # Global Openaccess
\bgpcpublishing\.com\b # Global Publishing Corporation
\bglobalresearchjournals\.org\b # Global Research Journals
\bglobalresearchonline\.net\b # Global Research Online
\bgrpjournal\.org\b # Global Research Publishing (GRP)
\bgrjournals\.com\b # Global Researchers Journals
\bglobalscholarsjournals\.org\b # Global Scholars Journals
\beuropean-science\.org\b # Global Science Center LP
\bglobalsciencepg\.org\b # Global Science Publishing Group
\bglobalscienceresearchjournals\.org\b # Global Science Research Journals
\bglobalpublication\.org\b # Global Scientific, Inc.
\bgsrjournals\.com\b # Global Scientific Research Journals (GSR)
\bgssrr\.org\b # Global Society of Scientific Research and Researchers (GSSRR)
\bgtia\.co\.in\b # Global Technocrats & Intellectual's Association (GTIA)
\bglobalskope\.com\b # GlobalSkope Publishing Society
\bgnosisoa\.org\b # Gratis Open Access Publishers]
\bijcns\.com\b # Gopalax
\bgrabstrust\.com\b # GRABS Educational Charitable Trust
\bgrantmedicaljournals\.org\b # Grant Medical Journals (GMJ)
\bgraphyonline\.com\b # Graphy Publications
\bgratisoa\.org\b # Gratis Open Access Publishers
\bgrdspublishing\.org\b # GRDS Publishing 
\bgejournal\.net\b # Green Earth Research Network
\bggfagro\.com\b # Green Global Foundation (GGF)
\bgjournals\.org\b # Greener Journals
\bgarph\.co\.uk\b # Greenfield Advanced Research Publishing House
\bgrowingscience\.com\b # Growing Science Publishing Company
\bgspublishers\.com\b # GS Publishers
\bgsblifesciences\.org\b # GSB Life Sciences
\bgscience\.gurpukur\.com\b # Gurpukur Research Institute (GPRI) (g-Science)
\bgyancity\.com\b # Gyancity Research Lab Private Limited
\bhalmacresearch\.org\b # Halmac Research [<em>Link dead as of 2016-05-23</em>]
\bhanspub\.org\b # Hans Publishers, Inc. (HansPub, 汉斯)
\bhkbpublications\.com\b # Har Krishan Bhalla & Sons (HKB Publications)
\bheighpubs\.com\b # Heighten Science Publications (HSP)
\bhelicsonline\.net\b # Helics Scientific Network (Helics Group)
\bhendun\.org\b # Hendun Research Access
\bhenrypublishinggroup\.com\b # Henry Publishing Group
\bheraldjournals\.org\b # Herald International Research Journals
\bheraldopenaccess\.us\b # Herald Scholarly Open Access
\bhoajonline\.com\b # Herbert Open Access Journals (Herbert Publications)
\bm-hikari\.com\b # Hikari Ltd.
\be-hilaris\.com\b # Hilaris
\bresearchjournal\.co\.in\b # Hind Agri-Horticultural Society (HAHS ; HIND Institutes ; Research Journals)
\bhorizonjournals\.org\b # Horizon Journals
\bhrpub\.org\b # Horizon Research Publishing
\bhumanpub\.org\b # Human and Sciences Publications (HumanPub)
\bhrmars\.com\b # Human Resource Management Academic Research Society (HRMARS)
\birjcjournals\.org\b # i-Explore International Research Journals Consortium (IIRJC
\biamure\.com\b # IAMURE Multidisciplinary Research
\bibai-publishing\.org\b # ibai-publishing
\bibimapublishing\.com\b # IBIMA Publishing
\bicgst\.com\b # ICGST
\biconceptpress\.com\b # iConcept Press Ltd.
\bictactjournals\.in\b # ICTACT Journal
\bid-press\.eu\b # Id Press / ID Design
\bieripress\.com\b # IERI & PRESS
\bigmpublication\.org\b # IGM Publication
\biiardonline\.org\b # IIARD Publication Company (International Institute of Academic Research and Development (IIARD))
\bijarsgroup\.com\b # iJARS Group
\bijbsse\.org\b #
\bijmanager\.org\b # ijManager - Online Journal Management
\bijrcm\.org\.in\b # IJRCM
\bijmhr\.org\b # IMED Research Publications
\bimedpharm\.com\b # iMedPharm
\bimed\.pub\b #
\bimpactjournals\.com\b # Impact Journals (New York State, USA)
\bimpactjournals\.us\b # Impact Journals (Tamil Nadu, India)
\bimperialjournals\.com\b # Imperial Journals
\bimprintsonline\.org\b # Imprints Open Access
\biaraedu\.com\b # Indian Academicians and Researchers Association (IARA)
\biseeadyar\.org\b # Indian Society for Education and Environment (ISEE)
\bindianresearchjournals\.com\b # IndianResearchJournals.Com
\bindusedu\.org\b # Indus Foundation for Education, Research & Social Welfare
\binfinitypress\.info\b # Infinity Press
\binfofacility\.com\b # infofacility 
\binfonomics-society\.org\b # Infonomics Society
\binforesights\.com\b # Inforesights Publishing
\bier-institute\.org\b # Information Engineering Research Institute (IERI)
\bingenin\.org\b # Ingenious Enterprises International (INGENIN)
\binnovareacademics\.in\b # Innovare Academic Sciences
\binnovationalpublishers\.com\b # Innovational Publishers
\binnovativejournal\.in\b # Innovative Journals
\binnovativepublication\.com\b # Innovative Publication
\bissr-journals\.org\b # Innovative Space of Scientific Research (ISSR Journals)
\binnovinc\.org\b # Innovinc
\binrewi\.com\b # INREWI
\biphsci\.com\b # Ishaan Publishing House
\binsightcore\.com\b # Insight Core
\binsightknowledge\.co\.uk\b # Insight Knowledge
\bimedpub\.com\b # Insight Medical Publishing (IMedPub)
\binstascijournals\.info\b # Instaci
\btheibfr\.com\b # The Institute for Business and Finance Research (IBFR)
\birdindia\.in\b # Institute for Research and Development India (IRD)
\bi-asr\.com\b # Institute of Advanced Scientific Research
\btheides\.org\b # Institute of Doctors Engineers and Scientists (IDES)
\bieit-web\.org\b # Institute of Electronic & Information Technology
\biioab\.webs\.com\b # Institute of Integrative Omics and Applied Biotechnology
\binlcs\.org\b # Institute of Language and Communication Studies
\bresearch-advances\.org\b # Institute of Research Advances (IRA)
\biraj\.in\b # Institute of Research and Journals (IRAJ)
\btheired\.org\b # Institute of Research Engineers and Doctors (theIRED)
\btheires\.org\b # Institute of Research Engineers and Scientists
\biret\.co\.in\b # Institute of Research In Engineering and Technology (IRET)
\bisisworld\.org\b # Institute of Strategic and International Studies
\bintechweb\.org\b # Mirror site
\bintergratedjournals\.org\b # Integrated Academic Journals
\biirpublications\.com\b # Integrated Intelligent Research (IIR)
\bipublishing\.co\.in\b # Integrated Publishing Association
\bindianscience\.in\b # Integrated Science Publications
\bintellectualarchive\.com\b # Intellectual Archive
\bicmrr\.org\b # Intercontinental Management Research Review (ICMRR)
\bicjpublishers\.org\b # Interlink Continental Journals
\bintermedcentral\.hk\b # Intermedcentral
\binacj\.com\b # International Academic Journals
\biaph\.in\b # International Academic Publishing House
\biaabr\.com\b # International Academy for Advancement of Business Research (IAABR)
\biaster\.com\b # International Academy for Science & Technology Education and Research (IASTER)
\biaast\.org\b # International Academy of Arts, Science & Technology (IAAST)
\bintl-academy\.org\b # International Academy of Business
\biabe\.org\b # International Academy of Business & Economics (IABE)
\biacite\.org\b # International Academy of Computer & IT Engineering (IACITE)
\biaees\.org\b # International Academy of Ecology and Environmental Sciences (IAEES)
\biashe\.eu\b # International Academy of Science and Higher Education (IASH) (also: Global International Scientific Analytical Project (GISAP) )
\biaset\.us\b # International Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology (IASET)
\binternational-aset\.com\b # International Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology (International ASET)
\biastem\.org\b # International Academy of Science, Technology, Engineering and Management
\biap\.org\b # International Academy Publishing (IAP)
\biaria\.org\b # The International Academy, Research and Industry Association (IARIA)
\bintlafr\.com\b # International Advances for Research
\biadces\.com\b # International Agency for Development of Culture, Education and Science
\bacademians\.org\b # International Association for Academians
\biaetjournals\.com\b # International Association for Engineering & Technology
\biaeme\.com\b # International Association for Engineering and Management Education (IAEME)
\baicit\.org\b # International Association for Information, Culture, Human and Industry Technology
\biacsit\.org\b # International Association of Computer Science and Information Technology (IACSIT Press)
\biaaet\.org\b # International Association of Advances in Engineering and Technology (IAAET)
\biaetr\.org\b # International Association of Engineering & Technology Researchers (IAETR)
\biajc\.org\b # International Association of Journals & Conferences (IAJC)
\biasir\.net\b # International Association of Scientific Innovation and Research (IASIR)
\biatei\.org\b # International Association of Technology Education & Industry
\bbhssci\.com\b # International Bauhaus Science Press
\bicbr\.net\b # International Center for Business Research
\bicidr\.org\b # International Centre for Integrated Development Research (ICIDR)
\bicoci\.org\b # International Centre of Culture Inventory
\bi-cses\.com\b # International Computer Science and Engineering Society (ICSES)
\bicgst\.com\b # International Conference on Computer Science and Engineering
\bidosi\.org\b # International Digital Organization for Scientific Information (IDOSI)
\biedrc\.org\b # International Economics Development and Research Center (IEDRC)
\bierfinfo\.com\b # International Education Research Foundation (IERF)
\bpublisher\.ijier\.net\b # International Educative Research Foundation And Publisher
\binternationalejournals\.com\b # International eJournals
\bifgdg\.org\b # International Formulae Group (IFG)
\bifrsa\.org\b # International Forum of Researchers Students and Academician (IFRSA)
\binfomesr\.org\b # International Foundation for Modern Education and Scientific Research (INFOMESR)
\bifrnd\.org\b # International Foundation for Research and Development
\bihasr\.org\b # International House for Academic Scientific Research <em>[Link dead as of 2013-01-02]</em>
\bssmrae\.com\b # International Indexed Refereed Research Journal
\binformation-iii\.org\b # International Information Institute
\biiste\.org\b # International Institute for Science, Technology and Education (IISTE) (International Knowledge Sharing Platform) (also: International Knowledge Sharing Platform)
\biieng\.org\b # International Institute of Engineers (IIE)
\btheiier\.org\b # International Institute of Engineers & Researchers
\biiis\.org\b # International Institute of Informatics and Systemics
\biisir\.org\b # International Institute of Science & Industry Research (IISIR)
\binternationalinventjournals\.org\b # International Invention Journals
\bijcu\.us\b # International Journal of College & University (IJCU)
\bijrdo\.org\b # International Journal of Research & Development Organisation (IJRDO)
\bijpg\.org\b # International Journal Publishers Group
\btheinternationaljournal\.org\b # The International Journal Research Publications (TIJ Research Publications)
\bijddmr\.wordpress\.com\b # International Journals (Yadav Scientific Journals Publishers)
\binternationaljournals\.co\.in\b # International
\binternationaljournalsforresearch\.com\b # International Journals for Research (IJR)
\bijrgroup\.com\b # International Journals for Research (IJR Group)
\bijronline\.com\b # International Journals for Researchers
\beu-print\.org\b # International Journal of Academic Research (Publisher) (also: Progress Publishing Company)
\bijens\.org\b # International Journals of Engineering & Sciences
\bijmr\.net\.in\b # International Journals of Multi Dimensional Research
\bijmra\.us\b # International Journals of Multidisciplinary Research Academy
\bijnngt\.org\b # International Journals of N&N Global Technology (IJNNGT)
\bintjr\.com\b # International Journals of Research (INTJR)
\bgssrr\.org\b # International Journals of Research Papers (IJRP)
\bijsht-journals\.org\b # International Journals of Sciences and High Technologies (IJSHT)
\bijsk\.org\b # International Journals of Scientific Knowledge (IJSK)
\bijsrpub\.com\b # International Journals of Scientific Research Publications (IJSRPUB)
\bijscience\.com\b # International Journals of Scientific Research (IJSR)
\bikpresse\.com\b # International Knowledge Press
\binast\.org\b # International Network for Applied Sciences and Technology
\binnspub\.net\b # International Network for Natural Sciences (INNSPUB)
\binsii\.com\b # International Network for Scientific & Industrial Information
\bioksp\.com\b # International Online Knowledge Services Provider (IOKSP)
\biomcworld\.com\b # International Online Medical Council (IOMC)
\bocerint\.org\b # International Organization Center of Academic Research (OCERINT)
\biosi\.in\b # International Organization of Scientific Invention (IOSI)
\biosrjournals\.org\b # International Organization of Scientific Research (also: IOSR Journals)
\biosrd\.org\b # International Organization of Scientific Research and Development (IOSRDD)
\binternationalpostgraduatenetwork\.org\b # International Postgraduate Network (IPN Network)
\bipco-co\.com\b # International Publisher & C.O (IPCO)
\bipasj\.org\b # International Publisher for Advanced Scientific Journals (IPASJ)
\blsrj\.in\b # International Recognition Multidisciplinary Research Journals, Monthly Publish
\blsrj\.in\b # International Recognition Research Journals
\biracst\.org\b # International Research Association of Computer Science, & Technology (IRACST)
\boiirj\.org\b # International Research E-Journals
\birgjournals\.org\b # International Research Group
\bresjournals\.com\b # International Research Journals (Accra, Ghana)
\binteresjournals\.org\b # International Research Journals (Lagos, Nigeria)
\birocsjournals\.org\b # International Research Organization of Computer Science (IROCS)
\birphouse\.com\b # International Research Publication House (IRPH)
\binposo\.org\b # International Research Society For Promotion of Science (INPOSO)
\binternationaljournalofresearch\.org\b # International Scholarly Open Access Research (ISOAR)
\binternationalscholarsjournals\.org\b # International Scholars Journals
\bisrjournals\.org\b # International Science & Research Journals (ISRJ) (isrjournals)
\bisamedjournals\.com\b # International Science and Medical Journals (isaMed)
\bisca\.in\b # International Science Community Association
\bisacorporation\.org\.in\b # International Scientific Academic Corporation
\bisaet\.org\b # International Scientific Academy of Engineering & Technology
\biserp\.org\b # International Scientific Engineering and Research Publications
\bisij\.in\b # International Scientific Invention Journals
\bscientific-publications\.net\b # International Scientific Publications
\bisroset\.org\b # International Scientific Research Organization for Science, Engineering and Technology (ISROSET)
\bisroj\.net\b # International Scientific Research Organization Journals (ISROJ)
\bacjournal\.in\b # International Skill Research Journals
\biserd\.co\b # International Society for Engineering Research and Development (ISERD)
\biser\.co\b # International Society for Engineers and Researchers (ISER)
\bisgsemjournal\.blogspot\.com\b # International Society for green.sustainable engineering and management
\biszr\.org\b # International Society for Zoological Research (ISZR)
\bistp\.org\.in\b # International Society of Thesis Publication (ISTP)
\bisurs\.org\b # International Society of Universal Research in Sciences (EyeSource)
\btheiti\.net\b # International Technology Innovation (ITi)
\binternationaljournals\.co\.in\b #
\bispub\.com\b # Internet Scientific Publications
\binterscience\.org\.uk\b # Interscience Journals
\binterscience\.in\b # Interscience Open Access Journals
\binter-use\.com\b # Inter-USE (International Union of Scence and Education)
\bintuitionjournals\.org\b # Intuition Journals
\binventionjournals\.org\b # Invention Journals
\bioreinternational\.org\b # IORE International
\biospublishing\.org\b # IOS Publishing (Institute of Science Publishing)
\biprobegrp\.com\b # iProbe Group
\birapub\.com\b # Ira Publications
\btheired\.org\b # IRED International Journals
\birojournals\.com\b # IRO Journals
\birosss\.org\b # IROSSS (International Research Organization of Sciences and Social Sciences)
\bisaacpub\.org\b # Isaac Scientific Publishing
\biserjournals\.com\b # iSER Publications
\bishitvtech\.in\b # Ishitv Technologies
\bisisn\.org\b # ISISnet
\biwnest\.com\b # Islamic World Network for Environmental Science and Technology (IWNEST Publisher)
\bispacs\.com\b # ISPACS (International Scientific Publications and Consulting Services)
\bivyunion\.org\b # Ivy Union Publishing
\bjabalpurmanagementassociation\.co\.in\b # Jabalpur Management Association
\bjacobspublishers\.com\b # Jacobs Publishers
\bjacsdirectory\.com\b # JACS Directory
\bjaypeejournals\.com\b # Jaypee Journals
\bjetpublishing\.org\b # JET Publishing
\bjournals-of-scientifcs-rd\.com\b # Journals of Scientifics R&D
\bjosephpublishinggroup\.com\b # Joseph Publishing Group
\bjournaldynamics\.org\b # Journal Dynamics
\bjournalissues\.org\b # Journal Issues
\bjournalnetwork\.org\b # Journal Network
\bjupapadoc\.startlogic\.com\b # Journal of Comprehensive Research
\bjohronline\.com\b # Journal of Harmonized Research Publications
\bjiaats\.com\b # Journal of The International Association of Advanced Technology and Science (JIAATS)
\bjournalsclub\.com\b # Journals Club & Co.
\bjournalspub\.com\b # Journals Pub
\bjournalsbank\.com\b # JournalsBank
\bjscholaronline\.org\b # JScholar Journals
\bjscimedcentral\.com\b # JSciMed Central
\bjulypress\.com\b # July Press
\bjuniperpublishers\.com\b # Juniper Publishers
\bjyotiacademicpress\.net\b # Jyoti Academic Press
\bkaavpublications\.org\b # KAAV Publications
\bkjournals\.org\b # Kaleidoscope Journals
\bkwpublisher\.com\b # KambohWell Publisher Enterprises
\bkrepublishers\.com\b # Kamla Raj Enterprises (KRE Publishers)
\bjournals\.ke-i\.org\b # KEI Journals
\bkejapub\.com\b # KEJA Publications
\bkenkyuonline\.org\b # Kenkyu Group
\bkeyresearchjournals\.org\b # Key Research Journals (KRJ)
\bkindipublication\.com\b # Kindi Publication
\bknowledgepublishinghouse\.com\b # Knowledge Publishing Printing & Distribution House
\bknowledgebasepublishers\.org\b # Knowledgebase Publishers
\bknowledgecuddle\.com\b # KnowledgeCuddle Publication
\bknowledgespublisher\.com\b # KnowledgesPublisher
\bknowledgia\.net\b # Knowledgia Scientific (formerly Knowledgia Review)
\beuacademic\.org\b # Kogaion Publishing Center
\bkowsarpub\.com\b # Kowsar Publishing
\bkozmenkopublishing\.com\b # Kozmenko Science Publishing
\bkrishisanskriti\.org\b # Krishi Sanskriti
\bkspjournals\.org\b # KSP Journals
\bkypublications\.com\b # KY Publications
\bladderpublishers\.org\b # Ladder Publishing House
\blandmarkresearchjournals\.org\b # Landmark Research Journals 
\bthelar\.org\b # LAR
\blawarencepress\.com\b # Lawarence Press
\blecolinkresearchjournals\.org\b # Lecolink Research Journals
\blectitojournals\.com\b # Lectito Journals
\bajssh\.leena-luna\.co\.jp\b # Leena & Luna International
\blexispublisher\.com\b # Lexis Publisher
\bthelar\.ca\b # Library of Academic Resources (LAR)
\blifescienceglobal\.com\b # Lifescience Global
\blifescifeed\.com\b # LifeSciFeed Ventures
\blighthousejournals\.org\b # Lighthouse Journal Publication (Lighthouse Journals)
\bliteratipublishers\.com\b # Literati Scientific and Publishers  (Literati Publishers)
\bjournalspress\.com\b # London Journals Press
\blbrpublishing\.com\b # Longbridge Publishing Company
\blookacademy\.nl\b # Look Academic Publishers
\bloremjournals\.com\b # Lorem Journals
\bmacoctagonjournals\.org\b # Macoctagon Journals
\bmacrojournals\.com\b # macroJournals
\bmacrothink\.org\b # Macrothink Institute
\bmacroworldpub\.com\b # MacroWorld
\bmadridge\.org\b # Madridge Publishers
\bmainspringer\.com\b # Mainspringer 
\bmanagementjournals\.org\b # Management Journals
\bsciencepub\.net\b # Marsland Press
\bmarynsam\.co\.uk\b # Mary and Sam Research Academia
\bmiredu\.org\b # Maryland Institute of Research
\bmasaumnet\.com\b # MASAUM Network
\bmathewsopenaccess\.com\b # Mathews Open Access Journals
\bmaxwellsci\.com\b # Maxwell Scientific Organization
\bmayfeb\.com\b # MAYFEB Technology Development
\bmcmed\.us\b # McMed International
\bmeaspublishing\.co\.uk\b # Meas Publishing Ltd
\bmecs-press\.org\b # MECS  (Modern Education and Computer Science Press)
\bmedcraveonline\.com\b # MedCrave
\bghrnet\.org\b # Medical science
\bmedical\.sciencejournals\.cc\b # Medical Science Journals <em>[Link dead as of 2012-11-14]</em>
\bmedipacademy\.com\b # Medip Academy
\bmcser\.org\b # Mediterranean Center of Social and Educational Research (MCSER)
\bmedtechnano\.com\b # MEDNANO Publications
\bmedwelljournals\.com\b # Medwell Journals
\bmedwinpublishers\.org\b # Medwin Publishers
\bmeghanapublications\.com\b # Meghana Publications
\bmehtapress\.com\b # Mehta Press
\bmeritresearchjournals\.org\b # Merit Research Journals
\bmrpress\.org\b # Meta Research Press
\bmnkjournals\.com\b # MNK Publication
\bmodernrespub\.org\b # Modern Research Publishers
\bmodernscientificpress\.com\b # Modern Scientific Press
\bmrscholar\.com\b # Mr. Scholar
\bmuhammadon\.org\b # Muhammadon Centre for Research and Development (MCRD)
\bmukpublications\.com\b # MuK Publications & Distributions
\bmultidisciplinaryjournals\.com\b # Multidisciplinary Journals
\bmustangjournals\.com\b # Mustang Journals
\bnngt\.org\b # N&N Global Technology (NNGT)
\bnpplweb\.com\b # Narain Publishers Pvt. Ltd (NPPL)
\bnational-science\.ru\b # National Association of Scholars (Национальная ассоциация ученых : НАУ)
\bncnp\.org\b # National College of Physicians
\bnaturalspublishing\.com\b # Natural Sciences Publishing Corporation
\bnaturepub\.org\b # Naturepub
\bnaukpublication\.org\b # Nauk Publication
\bnemisjournals\.org\b # Nemis Journals
\bnessapublishers\.com\b # Nessa Publishers (NP)
\bnetjournals\.org\b # Net Journals
\bnewcpress\.com\b # New Century Publishing Group
\bnewcenturyscience\.com\b # New Century Science Press
\bndpublisher\.in\b # New Delhi Publisher
\bnewgroundresjournals\.org\b # New Ground Research Journals
\bweb\.newscienceseries\.com\b # New Science Series Journals (NSSJ)
\bnewscientistpublish\.com\b # New Scientist Publishers
\bnewworldpub\.com\b # New World Publishing
\bnewwsa\.com\b # New World Sciences Academy
\bnewpubli\.com\b # Newpubli
\bnexusacademicpublishers\.com\b # Nexus Academic Publishers (NAP)
\bnhsjournals\.org\b # nhsJournal
\bnapublisher\.org\b # Noble Academic Publisher (NAP)
\bnobel\.gen\.tr\b # Nobel International Journals
\bnobleresearch\.org\b # NobleResearch
\bnonolympictimes\.org\b # Non Olympic Times
\bnarpub\.com\b # North American Research Publishing
\bnairjc\.com\b # North Asian International Research Journal Consortium (NAIRJC)
\bnaun\.org\b # North Atlantic University Union
\bnotoare\.com\b # Noto-are
\bnovaexplore\.com\b # Nova Explore Publications
\bnvlscience\.com\b # Novel Science
\bnoveltyjournals\.com\b # Novelty Journals
\bnovusscientia\.org\b # Novus Scientia Journals
\bnucleionline\.org\b # Nuclei Online
\boapublishinglondon\.com\b # OA Publishing London
\boaepublish\.com\b # OAE Publishing, Inc. (OAE) (OAE)
\boakfortressjournals\.org\b # Oak-Fortress Journals
\boaspjournal\.org\b # OASP Journals
\boceanicjournals\.org\b # Oceanic Journals
\bologyscience\.com\b # Ology Science
\bomicsonline\.org\b # OMICS International
\bommegaonline\.com\b # Ommega Publishers
\bonecentralpress\.com\b # OneCentral Press
\bonlinejournals\.oscij\.com\b # Online Journals Management System (OJMS)
\bonlineresearchjournals\.org\b # Online Research Journals
\bonlinesciencepublishing\.com\b # Online Science Publishing
\bopastonline\.com\b # OPAST
\bopenaccessebooks\.com\b # Open Access eBooks
\bopenacademicpress\.de\b # Open Academic Press
\btheojal\.com\b # Open Access Journal Limited (The OJAL)
\bopenaccessjournals\.com\b # Open Access Journals
\boaj-pc\.com\b # Open Access Journals Publishing Company
\boalib\.com\b # Open Access Library
\bopenaccesspub\.org\b # here
\boapub\.org\b # Open Access Publishing Group
\bopenaccessscience\.com\b # Open Access Science Research Publisher (OASRP)
\boatext\.com\b # Open Access Text (OAT, OA Text)
\bobm-pc\.com\b # Open BioMedical Publishing Corporation (OBM)
\bambs-journal\.co\.uk\b # Open Journal Systems
\bokjournals\.org\b # Open Knowledge Journals
\borslib\.org\b # Open Research and Science Library (ORSlib)
\bopenresearchnetwork\.org\b # Open Research Network
\bopen-knowledge-society\.org\b # Open Research Society
\bopenscienceonline\.com\b # Open Science
\bopensciencepublications\.com\b # Open Science Publications
\bopenaccesspub\.org\b # here
\bopenventio\.org\b # Openventio Publishsers
\boprscience\.com\b # OPR Science
\borb-academic\.org\b # ORB Academic Publisher
\boricpub\.com\b # ORIC Publications 
\bozelacademy\.com\b # Ozean Publications
\bpacesetteronlinepublishers\.org\b # Pacesetter Online Publishers
\bpacificejournals\.com\b # Pacific Group of e-Journals (PaGe)
\bpakinsight\.com\b # Pak Publishing Group
\bpsmpublishers\.org\b # Pakistan Science Mission (PSM)
\bpalgojournals\.org\b # Palgo Journals
\bprlpublisher\.com\b # Panacea Research Library
\bpaperpublications\.org\b # Paper Publications
\bpapersciences\.com\b # PaperSciences Research Publisher
\bpbsjournals\.com\b # PBS Journals
\bpeakjournals\.org\b # Peak Journals
\bpearlpub\.com\b # Pearl Publication
\bpearlresearchjournals\.org\b # Pearl Research Journals
\bpeertechz\.com\b # Peertechz (Peer Teechz)
\bpelagiaresearchlibrary\.com\b # Pelagia Research Library
\bpencilacademicpress\.org\b # Pencil Academic Press
\bpezzottaitejournals\.net\b # Pezzottaite Journals
\bpharmaintelligence\.org\b # Pharma Intelligence
\bpharmapublisher\.com\b # Pharma Publisher
\bpharmaresearchlibrary\.com\b # Pharma Research Library
\bpharmresfoundation\.com\b # Pharmaceutical Research Foundation
\bpharmainfo\.in\b # PharmaInfo
\bpharmainterscience\.com\b # PharmaInterScience Publishers
\bpharmascope\.org\b # Pharmascope Publications
\bphilair\.ph\b # Philippine Association of Institutions for Research (PAIR)
\bsites\.google\.com\b # Photon Foundation
\bpjpub\.org\b # Pinnacle Journal Publication
\bprj\.co\.in\b # Pinnacle Research Journals (PRJ)
\bpspchv\.com\b # Pioneer Scientific Publisher
\bpiscomed\.com\b # PiscoMed Publishing
\bpsrcentre\.org\b # Planetary Scientific Research Center (PSRC)
\bplatinumglobaljournals\.org\b # Platinum Global Journals
\bpremierpublishers\.org\b # Premier Publishers
\bpressacademia\.org\b # PressAcademia 
\bprimejournal\.org\b # Prime Journals
\bprjp\.org\b # Pristine Research Journal Publications (PRJP)
\bprjpublication\.com\b # Priyanka Research Journal Publication
\bidpublications\.org\b # Progressive Academic Publishing
\bpscipub\.com\b # Progressive Science Publications
\bprojectinnovation\.biz\b # here
\bprojournals\.org\b # ProJournals (Professional Journals)
\bproscience-journals\.com\b # Proscience Journals
\bprudencejournals\.org\b # Prudence Journals
\bprudentjournals\.org\b # Prudent Journals
\bpubicon\.com\b # Pubicon International Publications (Pubicon Journals)
\baiscience\.org\b # Public Science Framework
\bphosciences\.com\b # Publishing House of Sciences (PHS)
\bpulsus\.com\b # Pulsus Group
\bpurplejournals\.org\b # Purple Journals
\bpphmj\.com\b # Pushpa Publishing House
\bpyrexjournals\.org\b # Pyrex Journals
\bqingres\.com\b # Qingres
\bquazzyjournals\.org\b # Quazzy Journals
\bquestjournals\.org\b # Quest Journals
\brdmodernresearch\.com\b # R&D Modern Research Publication
\bsites\.google\.com\b # R & S Publications <em>[Link dead as of 2013-07-04]</em>
\bra-j\.org\b # RAJ Group
\bratingacademy\.com\.tr\b # Rating Academy
\breadersinsight\.net\b # Readers Insight Publishers
\brecentscience\.org\b # Recent Science
\brfppl\.co\.in\b # Red Flower Publication Private Limited 
\bredfame\.com\b # RedFame Publishing
\bremedypublications\.com\b # Remedy Publications
\brenupublishers\.com\b # Renu Publishers
\brajournals\.in\b # Research & Analysis Journals (RA Journals)
\brassweb\.com\b # Research Academy of Social Sciences (RASS)
\bresealert\.com\b # Research Alert Journals
\bresindia\.org\b # Research and Educational Society
\briojournals\.com\b # Research and Information Organization (RIO)
\brekpub\.com\b # Research and Knowledge Publication
\brsisinternational\.org\b # Research and Scientific Innovation Society (RSIS)
\brroij\.com\b # Research & Reviews (International Journals)
\brcmss\.com\b # Research Centre for Management and Social Studies (RCMSS)
\brecopublisher\.org\b # Research Consultants and Publisher
\brfh\.org\.pk\b # Research Foundation for Humanity (RFH)
\bripublication\.com\b # Research India Publications (RIP)
\bripknet\.org\b # Research Institute for Progression of Knowledge (RIPK)
\bjournal\.ristas\.org\b # Research Institute for Science, Technology, and Society (RISTaS)
\bresearchjournalz\.com\b # Research Journal
\bresearchleap\.com\b # ResearchLEAP
\bresearchopenworld\.com\b # Research Open
\bresearchpublish\.com\b # Research Publish Journals
\bresearchpub\.org\b # Research Publisher
\brpublishing\.org\b # Research Publishing Group 
\brstpublishers\.com\b # Research, Science, and Technology Publishers (RST)
\bresearchscript\.com\b # Research Script
\bresearchtrend\.net\b # Research Trend
\bresearchwebpub\.org\b # Research WebPub
\bresearchjournali\.com\b # Researchjournali
\brevistas-academicas\.com\b # Revistas Academicas
\brevotechpress\.com\b # Revotech Press
\brgsociety\.org\b # RG Education Society (RG Journals of Scientific Research)
\brisingvision\.org\b # Rising Vision (RV)
\brossscience\.org\b # Ross Science Publishers
\brspublication\.com\b # RS Publication
\brutveg\.com\b # Rutveg Publishing, Inc.
\bresearchworld\.org\b # RW|ResearchWorld
\bsachajournals\.com\b # Sacha And Diamond Academic Publishers
\bjicep\.com\b # Sageya Publishers
\bsadgurupublications\.com\b # Sadguru Publications
\bsaiompublications\.com\b # Sai Om Publications
\bsphinxsai\.com\b # Sai Scientific Communications
\bijplsjournal\.com\b # Sakun Publishing House (SPH)
\bsamanmjournals\.org\b # SAMANM Group of Research Publications (SGRP)
\bsispress\.org\b # Sanford Inter Science Press
\bsansgroup\.org\b # Sans Publishing Group
\bsapientpress\.com\b # Sapient Press
\bsavantjournals\.org\b # Savant Journals
\bjournals\.savap\.org\.pk\b # SAVAP International
\bsavvysciencepublisher\.com\b # Savvy Science Publisher
\bscholarjournals\.org\b # Scholar Journals [Link dead as of 2013-04-20]
\bscholarpeople\.org\b # Scholar People
\bscholarpublications\.in\b # Scholar Publications
\bssjournals\.com\b # Scholar Science Journals
\bscholarena\.com\b # ScholArena
\bscholarlinkresearch\.com\b # Scholarlink Resource Centre Limited
\bsarjournals\.org\b # Scholarly and Academic Research Journals (SARJ)
\bscholarly-journals\.com\b # Scholarly Journals
\bsrjis\.com\b # Scholarly Research Journals
\bsrpublishers\.org\b # Scholarly Research Publisher
\bsaspublisher\.com\b # Scholars Academic and Scientific Publishers (SAS Publishers)
\bscischolars\.com\b # Scholars Scitech Research
\bscholarsmepub\.com\b # Scholars Middle East Publishers
\bscholarsresearchlibrary\.com\b # Scholars Research Library
\bscholarshub\.net\b #
\bthescholedge\.org\b # Scholedge R&D Center
\bscholink\.org\b # Scholink
\bscholoxy\.org\b # Scholoxy Publications
\bsci-africpublishers\.org\b # Sci-Afric Publishers
\bsci-edit\.net\b # Sci-Edit Publications
\bsciforschenonline\.org\b # Sci Forschen (also: SciForschen)
\bscidoc\.org\b # SciDoc Publishers
\bsciedu\.ca\b # Sciedu Press
\bsersc\.org\b # Science & Engineering Research Support soCiety (SERSC)
\bscik\.org\b # Science & Knowledge Publishing Corporation Limited
\bthesai\.org\b # The Science and Information Organization (SAI)
\bsandkrs\.com\b # Science and Knowledge Research Society (SandK Research Society)
\bsciacademypublisher\.com\b # Science Academy Publisher
\bscialert\.net\b # Science Alert
\btodayscience\.org\b # Science and Education Centre of North America
\bsciepub\.com\b # Science and Education
\bseipub\.org\b # Science and Engineering Publishing Company
\bscitechc\.com\b # Science and Technology Central
\bscitecpub\.com\b # Science and Technology Publishing
\bsciarena\.com\b # Science Arena Publications
\bscienceasia\.asia\b # Science Asia Journals
\bejournalnet\.com\b # Science Education Foundation
\bexplorerpub\.com\b # Science Explorer Publications (
\bsciencefairopenlib\.com\b # Science Fair Open Library (SFOL)
\bscienceflora\.org\b # ScienceFlora
\bscihub\.org\b # Science Huβ
\bsciipub\.com\b # Science Instinct Publications
\bsjpub\.org\b # Science Journal Publication (SJP)
\bscienceparkjournals\.com\b # Science Park Journals
\bsproc\.org\b # Science Park Research Organization and Counseling (SPROC)
\bthescipub\.com\b # Science Publications<br />
\bsciencepublication\.org\b # Science Publications
\bthesciencepublishers\.com\b # Science Publishers (TSP)
\bsciencepubco\.com\b # Science Publishing Corporation
\bsciencepublishinggroup\.com\b # Science Publishing Group
\bscienceq\.org\b # Science Q Publishing Group
\bsciencerecord\.com\b # Science Record Journals
\bscirea\.org\b # Science Research Association (SCIREA)
\bscienceresearchlibrary\.com\b # Science Research Library (SRL)
\bsciencesights\.com\b # Science Sights
\bss-pub\.org\b # Science Signpost Publishing Inc. (SSPub)
\bsciencetarget\.com\b # Science Target
\bsciencewebpublishing\.net\b # Science Web Publishing (Scienceweb Publishing)
\bsciencedomain\.org\b # here.
\bscience-line\.com\b # Scienceline Publications
\bsciencesolve\.com\b # ScienceSolve
\bscenrp\.com\b # Sciences & Engineering Research Publication
\bsciencescript\.org\b # ScienceScript
\bscienpress\.com\b # Scienpress Ltd.
\bsciencevier\.com\b # Sciencevier
\bscientonline\.org\b # Scient Open Access
\bsci-en-tech\.com\b # ScienTech Publisher
\bscientiaricerca\.com\b # Scientia Ricerca
\bscientiasocialis\.lt\b # Scientia Socialis
\bsapub\.org\b # Scientific & Academic Publishing
\bscientificadvances\.co\.in\b # Scientific Advances Publishers
\bsapub\.org\b # Scientific & Academic Publishing (SAP)
\base-scoop\.org\b # Scientific Cooperations
\bscientificfederation\.com\b # Scientific Federation
\bscientificfuturegroup\.com\b # Scientific Future
\bsiats\.co\.uk\b # Scientific Institute For Advanced Training and Studies (SIATS)
\bscientific-journals\.co\.uk\b # Scientific Journals
\bscientificjournals\.org\b # Scientific Journals International
\bscientificliterature\.org\b # Scientific Literature
\bscipublish\.com\b # Scientific Online Publishing
\bscientificoajournals\.org\b # Scientific Open Access Journals (SOAJ)
\bthescientificpages\.org\b # The Scientific Pages
\bwaprogramming\.com\b # Scientific Perspectives Publishing (Scipers)
\bsciencebeingjournal\.com\b # Scientific Planet
\bsciplatform\.com\b # Scientific Platform Online Journals
\bscigatejournals\.com\b # Scientific Research Gate
\bscirp\.org\b # Scientific Research Publishing (SCIRP)
\bscientifictimes\.org\b # Scientific Times
\bscientificviewers\.com\b # Scientific Viewers
\bscientificwebjournals\.com\b # ScientificWebJournals (SWJ)
\bscigmoid\.com\b # Scigmoid
\bsciknow\.org\b # Sciknow
\bscinzer\.com\b # Scinzer Scientific Publications
\bscipress\.com\b # SciPress Ltd
\bscireslit\.com\b # SciRes Literature
\bscirexonline\.com\b # SciRex
\bscitecresearch\.com\b # SCITECH
\bthescitechpub\.com\b # SciTech Publishers
\bscitechz\.com\b # Scitechz
\bscitechnol\.com\b # SciTechnol
\bscottishjournal\.co\.uk\b # ScottishGroup Education and Testing Services
\bscribesguildjournals\.org\b # Scribes Guild
\bseahipaj\.org\b # SEAHI Publications & Academic Journals (SEAHI PAJ)
\bsegmentjournals\.com\b # Segment Journals
\bseitejournals\.com\b # Seitejournals 
\bserialsjournals\.com\b # Serials Publications Pvt Ltd
\bsetscholars\.org\b # SETScholars
\binternationaljournalssrg\.org\b # Seventh Sense Research Group Journals
\bsphert\.org\b # Shri Param Hans Education & Research Foundation Trust
\bsiftdesk\.org\b # Sift Desk
\bsignificsonline\.com\b # Significs Online Publishing
\bsignpostejournals\.com\b # Signpost e Journals
\bsvpublishers\.co\.uk\b # Silicon Valley Publishers
\biaaet\.org\b # Singaporean Journals
\bsjournals\.com\b # SJournals
\bskyjournals\.org\b # Sky Journals
\bskaponline\.com\b # Slovakia Academic Publishing (SVAP)
\bsmjournals\.com\b # SM Group (SM Online Publishers)
\bsmartscitech\.com\b # Smart Science & Technology
\bsmatpub\.com\b # SmatPub
\bijsscr\.com\b # Smile Nation - Lets Smile Together
\bsmithandfranklin\.com\b # Smith & Franklin Academic Publishing Corporation
\bsasjournals\.com\b # Society for Advancement of Sciences
\bscholarpublishing\.org\b # Society for Science and Education United Kingdom (SSE-UK) (also: Society for Science and Education)
\bscienceandnature\.org\b # Society for Science and Nature
\bsbrconferences\.com\b # Society of Business Research
\bsdiwc\.net\b # Society of Digital Information and Wireless Communications (SDIWC)
\bsoeagra\.com\b # Society of Education
\bsestindia\.org\b # Society of Engineering Science and Technology (SEST India)
\be-journaldirect\.com\b # Sons and Daughters Publishing House (SDPHI ; E-JOURNALDIRECT)
\bresearchsource\.org\b # Source Journals
\bsaarj\.com\b # South Asian Academic Research Journals
\bsciencej\.com\b # Southern Cross Publishing Group
\bfoundationspeak\.com\b # Speak Foundation
\bspiri\.org\b # SPIRI The Global Research
\bspringcityculture\.com\b # here.
\bspringpublishing\.org\b # Spring International S&T Publishing Media Co. (Spring Media Publishing)
\bspringjournals\.net\b # Spring Journals
\bspringwoodpublication\.com\.au\b # Springwood Publishing Corporation
\bsprintjournals\.com\b # Sprint Journals
\bskirec\.org\b # Sri Krishna International Research & Educational Consortium (SKIREC)
\bsspublications\.co\.in\b # SS Publications
\bannemary\.org\b # St. Anne Mary Publication
\bstandardglobaljournals\.com\b # Standard Global Journals
\bthesij\.com\b # The Standard International Journals
\bstandardresearchjournals\.org\b # Standard Research Journals
\bstatperson\.com\b # Statperson Publishing Corporation
\bstmconnect\.com\b # STM Connect
\bstreemjournals\.org\b # Streem Journal
\bstringeropen\.com\b # Stringer Open
\bscholarlyoa\.wordpress\.com\b # Suryansh Publications
\bsustsci\.org\b # Sustainable Scientific Publisher
\bsvpublication\.com\b # SV Publication
\bswanopen\.com\b # Swan Open
\bswedishscientificpublications\.com\b # Swedish Scientific Publications
\bswiftjournals\.org\b # Swift Journals
\bswissjournals\.org\b # Swiss Journals
\bsymbiosisonlinepublishing\.com\b # Symbiosis (Symbiosis Online Publishing)
\bsynchropublisher\.com\b # Synchro Publisher
\bsynergypublishers\.com\b # Synergy Publishers
\btands-journal-publications\.com\b # T&S Journal PUblications
\btafpublications\.com\b # TAF Publishing
\bjournal\.medsys-site\.com\b # Takayama Publishing Group
\btakshila\.org\b # Takshila
\btaraksh\.org\b # Taraksh Journals
\btechmindresearch\.com\b # Techmind Research
\btechnicaljournalsonline\.com\b # Technical Journals Online
\btechnoparkpublications\.com\b # Technopark Publications
\btechnoscienceacademy\.com\b # Techno Science Academy
\bterminaljournals\.org\b # Terminal Journals
\btextroad\.com\b # Textroad Journals
\bthalespublisher\.com\b # Thales Academic Publisher
\bthavan\.org\b # Thavan E ACT International Journals
\btheticjour\.in\b # Thetic Journals
\btrpubonline\.com\b # Thomson & Ryberg Publications
\bwaprogramming\.com\b # TI Journals
\btimejournals\.org\b # Time Journals
\btimelinepublication\.com\b # Timeline Publication Pvt. Ltd.
\btlepub\.org\b # TLEP Journals (The Leading Edge Journal Publication Company)
\btomaspubs\.com\b # Tomas Publishing
\btopclassglobaljournals\.org\b # Topclass Global Journals
\btsijournals\.com\b # Trade Science, Inc
\btjprc\.org\b # Trans Stellar (Transstellar)
\btsest\.org\b # Transaction Series on Engineering Sciences and Technologies
\bicjpublishers\.org\b # Transcontinental Publishers
\buniversalresearchjournals\.org\b # Transnational Research Journals (formerly Universal Research Journals)
\bsites\.google\.com\b # TSPublications <em>[Link dead as of 2013-08-23]</em>
\bchallengejournal\.com\b # Tulpar Academic Publishing
\busspress\.com\b # U.S. Science Press
\buhedergisi\.com\b # here
\bulster-press\.uk\b # Ulster Press
\bunifiedjournals\.org\b # Unified Journals
\bujconline\.net\b # Unique Journals Communication (UJC)
\buniqueresearchjournals\.com\b # Unique Research Journals
\bunitedscholars\.net\b # United Scholars Publications
\bunitedscientificgroup\.com\b # United Scientific Group
\buacee\.org\b # Universal Association of Computer and Electronics Engineers (UACEE)
\buamae\.org\b # Universal Association of Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineers (UAMAE)
\bupro\.org\.in\b # Universal Publishing & Research Organization (UPRO)
\buniversalrg\.org\b # Universal Research Group
\burpjournals\.com\b # Universal Research Publications
\busp-pl\.com\b # Universe Scientific Publishing
\buniversitypublications\.net\b #
\b7universum\.com\b # here
\buptodateresearchpublication\.com\b # Uptodate Research Publication
\burojournals\.com\b # URO Journals
\busnsj\.com\b # USN Scientific Journal
\bvalleyinternational\.net\b # Valley International Journals
\bvbripress\.com\b # VBRI Press
\bverizonaonlinepublishing\.com\b # Verizona Publisher (VZP)
\bvipoa\.org\b # Vernon Innovative Publishers (Vernon, VIPOA, Vernon Open Access)
\bvibgyorpublishers\.org\b # VIBGYOR Online Publishers
\bvictorquestpub\.com\b # Victorquest Publications <em>[company dissolved]</em>
\bvidyapublications\.com\b # Vidya Publications
\bvfast\.org\b # Virtual Foundation for Advancement of Science and Technology (VFAST)
\bvnmpublication\.com\b # VNMPublication
\bvowscientificquest\.com\b # Vow Scientific Quest
\bvrjpublishers\.com\b # VRJ Publishers 
\bvsrdjournals\.com\b # SRD International Journals
\bwatchpub\.org\b # Watch Plus
\bwebcrawlerjournals\.org\b # Webcrawler Journals
\bsospublication\.co\.in\b # We-Together to Save Yourself Society
\bweberpub\.org\b # Wesley & Eber Publishing
\bwesteastinstitute\.com\b # West East Institute
\bwhitesscience\.com\b # Whites Science
\bwhioce\.com\b # Whioce Publishing Pte. Ltd.
\bwiloludjournal\.com\b # Wilolud Journals
\bwireilla\.com\b # Wireilla Scientific Publications
\bwitpress\.com\b # WIT Press
\bwoarjournals\.org\b # WOAR Journals (World Organization of Academic Research)
\bwajbas\.webs\.com\b # World Academic Journal of Business & Applied Sciences (WAJBAS Publishing) [Publisher]
\bacademicpub\.org\b # World Academic Publishing
\bworldacademicresearchjournals\.org\b # World Academic Research Journals (WARJ)
\bworldacademicunion\.com\b # World Academic Union
\bwarponline\.org\b # World Academy of Research and Publication
\bwarse\.org\b # World Academy of Research in Science and Engineering (WARSE)
\bwastinc\.us\b # World Academy of Science and Technology (WAST)
\bwaset\.org\b # World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology (WASET)
\bwbiworld\.org\b # World Business Institute
\bwassco\.org\b # World Business Institute
\bwjp\.co\.in\b # World Journal of Publisher (WJP)
\bwjoaa\.org\b # World Journals of Academic Advances
\bwoaj\.org\b # World Open Access Journals
\bworldresearchjournals\.com\b # World Research Journals
\bworldresearchlibrary\.org\b # World Research Library
\bwrpjournals\.com\b # World Research Publications
\bwscholars\.com\b # World Scholars
\bwsrpublishing\.com\b # World Science and Research Publishing (WSRP)
\bworldsciencepublisher\.org\b # World Science Publisher
\bwsrjournals\.org\b # World Science Research Journals (WSR Journals)
\bwseas\.org\b # World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society (WSEAS)
\bstandard\.org\b # World Standard Organization
\bworldwidejournals\.com\b # World Wide Journals (Sara Book Publication)
\bwudpeckerresearchjournals\.org\b # Wudpecker Research Journals
\bwynoacademicjournals\.org\b # Wyno Academic Journals
\bwyvernpublishinggroup\.com\b # Wyvern Publishing Group
\bxandhpublishing\.com\b # here
\bxiahepublishing\.com\b # here
\bjournal\.yloop\.com\b # Yellow Loop Journal
\bzantworldpress\.com\b # Zant World Press
\bzealscienza\.com\b # Zeal Scienza Realm of Erudition
\bzealscijournals\.com\b # ZealSci Journals
\bzeetarz\.com\b # Zeetarz Group Publishing
\bzenithresearch\.org\.in\b # Zenith International Research and Academic Foundation (ZIRAF)
\bziaworldpress\.com\b # Zia World Press
\bzolcat\.com\b # ZolCat Academic House
\bztjournals\.com\b # Zt-Journals
\bzygoscient\.org\b # Zygoscient
# End of Beall's list

## blhandler_end