
☙ This user wishes well to all who may come across this page. ❧

This user tries her best to abide by

First pillar Second pillar Third pillar Fourth Fifth pillar

The Five Pillars of Wikipedia.

This user, being a bit stodgy, is bewildered by the smashing of the original pillars and a bit confuzzled by the new icons.

This user believes Wikipedia should be neutral and unbiased:

"Just the facts, Ma'am."
And not just the facts, but all the pertinent facts:
"The truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth."
And no smothering the simple facts with irrelevant blankets of obfuscations
or layers of details that belong elsewhere!
This user believes Wikipedia should never chuck anything down Orwell's memory hole. Ever!
We shouldn't be trying to control the past, present, or future,
but recording the facts as accurately and succinctly as humanly possible.

This user appreciates that many decent human beings

find Christianity absurd or distasteful.
She would be happy to explain why she finds it true and satisfying,
but only if you ask.
This user knows that although you don't have to be stupid to be a Christian,
you can be stupid and still be a Christian.
Yet not all Christians are stupid,
Nor are all stupid people Christians.

This user has an annoying habit of thinking

even when she should be working,
and yet can be inadvertently thoughtless.

This user answers to "Grandma" 👵 and sometimes veges out at Funtrivia.

This user is getting a kick out of referring to herself in the third person,

but lacks the chutzpah to use the royal we.