User talk:172/Talk block 11

Magnificent job on the Zimbabwe History section. Thank you. Wizzy 13:27, 21 Apr 2004 (UTC)

BTW, I've been interested in overhauling History of Africa whew - looks like a big job :-) It could use a little more structure, perhaps the colonial period could use a section sorted by colonial powers. Maybe a timeline ? No mention seems to be made of the search for the source of the Nile, which I was under the impression drove the colonialisation of East Africa. And I would love one of those old maps, where the Mediterranean is the centre of the world, and Africa has mythical beasts in it :-) However, most of the written history is irretreviably Euro-centric. For a little more perspective, you might try looking for Credo Mutwa - here is one [[1]]. If I can help, it might be on East and Southern Africa, and the Bantu. Wizzy 07:40, 22 Apr 2004 (UTC)