User talk:Alvin the Almighty

13:22 Friday 6 September 2024 - - - - Welcome to Alvin's Talk Page

This is the talk page of Alvin the Almighty AA

If you would like to find me, please leave a message here by adding a new section or edit below a sub-heading. Thank you.

I don't see my activity going back up any time soon, and in any case, this time off has made me realise that, frankly, I just find this place depressing at the moment. Probably just burnout from the attendant dramas over the last days, but whatever the reason, right now Wikipedia isn't something I feel very motivated by. I'm therefore hanging up my Edit tab and bowing out. Maybe several months down the line I'll start to remember the good times a bit more and re-appear; that doesn't seem likely right now, however. Thanks to all the wonderful folk I've encountered and collaborated with over the past months; despite my current attitude, it has most definitely been fun. I shall always be proud to have been a part of this project, and to have met and worked with you all.

However. I will revert vandalisms or unwanted content in my talk page periodically.