User talk:AmiDaniel

Welcome to the talk page for Wikipedia user and administrator Daniel Cannon, who uses the alias AmiDaniel.

You may contact me on this page by following this link. If you post to my talk page, please observe the following guidelines:

  • Please sign your comments using four tildes (~~~~). Place comments that start a new topic at the bottom of the page and give them ==A descriptive header==. If you're new to Wikipedia, please see Welcome to Wikipedia and frequently asked questions.
  • Be polite. Messages that are rude, offensive, or disruptive may well be ignored, refactored, or archived at my discretion.
  • Assume good faith. I truly don't go out of my way to make life difficult for you; however, I am human and thus fallible. If I have done something with which you disagree, please do not immediately jump to conclusions about my intentions, as it may have simply been a misunderstanding or a mistake.
  • No personal attacks will be tolerated. If you make personal attacks against me or any other contributor, expect that you will be blocked.
  • Do not provide private information on this page. Comments made here are public to everyone, so if you need to convey private or personal information to me, do so by e-mail. I have a responsibility to protect the confidential information of individuals, and as such, I will not republish any e-mail I receive, in part or in whole, without your explicit consent.

If you have come to this page because you believe you have been unfairly or incorrectly blocked by me, please send me an e-mail. If you are unable to use this link to e-mail me because you do not have a user account or because you have not set and confirmed your e-mail, then please send an email to [email protected] where I or another administrator will review your block. In either case, include in the e-mail your username (if you have one), your IP address, the reason specified for your blocking, the username of the blocking administrator, and your reason for why the block should be reversed. If you do not provide all of this information, your block cannot be reviewed. In e-mails sent either to the mailing list or to me directly, please observe proper etiquette, try to keep a cool head, refrain from harsh language, and avoid making presumptions about my intentions.

My PGP public key ID is 0xEFE649A3, expand for key:
Version: GnuPG v1.4.2 (GNU/Linux)

  1. 27 Feb 06 – 31 Mar 06
  2. 01 Apr 06 – 13 Apr 06
  3. 14 Apr 06 – 25 Apr 06
  4. 26 Apr 06 – 12 May 06
  5. 13 May 06 – 24 May 06
  6. 25 May 06 – 28 May 06
  7. 29 May 06 – 1 June 06
  8. 1 June 06 – 4 June 06
  9. 5 June 06 – 8 June 06
  10. 9 June 06 – 17 June 06
  11. 18 June 06 – 22 June 06
  12. 23 June 06 – 3 July 06
  13. 4 July 06 – 24 Aug 06
  14. 25 Aug 06 – 6 Oct 06
  15. 6 Oct 06 – 25 Nov 06
  16. 26 Nov 06 – 02 Mar 07
  17. 03 Mar 07 – 09 May 07
  18. 09 May 07 – 21 Sep 07
  19. 21 Sep 07 – 19 Nov 07
  20. 20 Nov 07 – 1 June 09
  21. 15 June 09 – 19 April 11