User talk:GPinkerton

Vatican Hill and Old St Peter's Basilica, Rome. Illustration from the Nuremberg Chronicle (1490). The large domed structure with windows at the left represents the Mausoleum of Honorius
The topmost column drum of the Column of Leo, (in the gardens of the Topkapi Palace, Istanbul. The Forum of Leo in Constantinople was the probably the last Roman forum of Antiquity.
The Constantinian dynasty in the reign of Constantine the Great and his sons, with the augustus crowned by the manus dei
The Triumph of Joseph in Egypt, a reminiscence of the Constantinopolitan Roman triumphs of the Macedonian dynasty
Detail of Anicia Juliana, a 6th-century member f the Valentinianic–Theodosian dynasties, from the Vienna Dioscurides, her own copy of Dioscurides's De materia medica