User talk:Gandydancer/Archive 4

Archive 1 Archive 2 Archive 3 Archive 4
MastCell, I've meant to thank you for your thoughtful replies here, and regret waiting so long. I agree with every point you've made. But I did do some digging and found support for the contention that research is impeded and slanted due to US law. Best, petrarchan47tc 00:49, 9 January 2014 (UTC)

Last night before I went to sleep I thought of a whole bunch of brilliant advise to give to Petrar, but right now I am so pissed about the latest turn of events at the BP article that I'm not in the mood to think of much else. If it actually does turn out that we are unable to even discuss the spill's health effects without using medical reviews--nothing from any news reports, etc., I will know for certain that Wikipedia has destroyed the town to save it. This is what happens when the touch with reality is completely lost. Gandydancer (talk) 15:41, 11 December 2013 (UTC)

MEDRS is being misused, period. petrarchan47tc 18:04, 11 December 2013 (UTC)
I'm being told at Medical Cannabis talk that I need MEDRS to talk about the history of the DEA's scheduling of cannabis! CNN's Sanjay Gupta laid out the history of the classification of cannabis as a dangerous drug, and showed that laws surrounding cannabis were never based on science, but actually a lack of it. In response to my sharing this information from a CNN article, I am told "please engage the WP:MEDRS-compliant secondary reviews". petrarchan47tc 22:22, 11 December 2013 (UTC)
Ya know, <sigh> ... misrepresentation is so time consuming. Petra, you may notice two sections above this a discussion between Gandydancer and myself, and I've had this page watchlisted since then. You are not being told you *have* to use MEDRS for citing history. You are being told that when we have an abundance of high-quality journal secondary reviews that cover the very same territory much better than a television commentator did, you would be best advised to use those highest quality sources. Particularly since they do a very good job of covering just what you seem to want to cover. And particularly since many of them are freely available. And also because an encyclopedia that cites a TV commentator over journal sources looks amateurish. You could write it to at TV commentator, Sanjay Gupta, and then your effort would be wasted when someone came along and rewrote the text to better sources. Who would that benefit? Collaboration (working together and using the best sources) is a far better use of your time than going off and assuming bad faith and making claims about my alleged POV all over Wikipedia which most people who have worked with me will know to be ... untrue. SandyGeorgia (Talk) 22:31, 11 December 2013 (UTC)
I'm certainly stunned that you would be watching my talk page just because you thought that I was being careless on a medical article. Whatever did you expect to find? Gandydancer (talk) 00:00, 12 December 2013 (UTC)
Did I say that? We had a conversation last week, and I had not unwatched your talk. SandyGeorgia (Talk) 00:12, 12 December 2013 (UTC)
OK, but please try to be a little less prickly--I like to try to have some fun around here. Gandydancer (talk) 12:54, 12 December 2013 (UTC)
So do I :) I've rarely encountered such dramatic hostility and refusal to rationally discuss things, accompanied by smears of other editors (including moi), as I have in this particular instance. Usually I keep my head down and try not to pay attention to untrue things being said about me elsewhere (after all, it's the internet, anyone can say anything anywhere), but since it just happened that I hadn't unwatched your page after our conversation last week, these tidbits here came to my attention. Best, SandyGeorgia (Talk) 13:59, 12 December 2013 (UTC)
It is hard to find myself in the middle of this because I think highly of both Petra, and you, and Doc James. I don't know you, but if memory serves me correctly you were good friends with Moni3, and I worshiped the ground she walked on--which made any friend of hers a friend of mine. As for Doc James, over the years he has always been helpful and kind, and I especially appreciate the "kind" part, what with so much goddamn meanness around here. As for Petra, few people know how dedicated she has been to this place and how many hours she has put into the articles that she has worked on.
I hope that feelings haven't been so hurt that it is beyond repair. Sandy, it seems that you are not aware of how much my feelings were hurt at the cholera article. I hope that in the future you do not embarrass fellow editors by telling them to be more careful. You could say, "Did you know...", or "I wonder if we should..." or something--anything but tell them that they are being careless. I'm sure that you would not say that to one of your fellow employees. That is something one might be expected to hear from their boss if they were getting a bad review. I was surprised that you did not say you were sorry. Gandydancer (talk) 16:55, 12 December 2013 (UTC)
Ah, yes, Moni was certainly one of a kind!!! And I worry that Doc James is going to burn out if he keeps working as hard as he does. I am sorry your feelings were hurt at cholera, and will take your advice on board. As to Petra, well, considering she has some blather about "peace" on her user page, I have rarely worked with such a mean-spirited person in here. Perhaps she can be convinced to adjust her approach (and take less cue from Viriditas, who has been hostile as well). Seriously, folks AGF works; we're not all enemies in here. Petra might also try to learn some better sourcing practices, as almost all of her work requires correction because of poor sourcing. We just want accurate information on one of the top websites about medical conditions. Best, SandyGeorgia (Talk) 17:01, 12 December 2013 (UTC)