User talk:Gryffindor


Hello, welcome to my talk page. You are welcome to post any comments below. Please be polite and follow Wikipedia guidelines.

-- coding courtesy Eleassar, thanks alot :-)

Welcome to the discussion board. Please follow the Wikiquette guidelines when posting a message [1]. I believe in good behaviour, and respect of each others opinions and intelligence and knowledge. I also believe in the good intent that each user has in this fine project. Therefore, I would ask users who post messages in the discussion board, to respect certain rules:
  • Please do not post abusive messages. Please post messages in a manner that you yourself would like to be adressed in. Messages deemed abusive or with a rude tone, condescension, nonsense or un-P.C. content will be deleted from this board [2]. Users who continuously disrespect these guidelines will be asked not to post here anymore.
  • Please post a message in neutral letters. Do not post a message in bold or CAPITALISED letters. It is unnecessary.
  • I believe that we can all be constructive members of this project, and therefore will offer my help if anyone needs anything. Likewise I appreciate and thank everyone who so far have kindly helped me out on everything :-)

Note: We all make mistakes. If you would like to leave constructive criticism regarding my performance on Wikipedia (technical issues, tone of discussion, etc.), please feel free to leave them on my own request for comments. Please leave my talk page for content-related issues.

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