User talk:Karl Dickman/Archive 08

Subpages in Karl Dickman's namespace

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Talkpage archives
 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
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Note: I am implementing the use of synchronised threads on my talkpage, identical to those used by Alphax. To prevent interference with the threads, please post a comment rather than use any other method. To edit the synchronised threads, just use the [edit] link at the top of each section. See thread help for more information.

If you wish to thank me for something, I appreciate it greatly. However, I rarely take the time to respond, as I am usually engaged in other activities. My apologies, and you're welcome (in advance).


Archive Start End
Archive 1 2004-05-23 2004-12-31
Archive 2 2005-01-01 2005-06-23
Archive 3 2005-06-23 2005-09-05
Archive 4 2005-09-05 2005-12-01
Archive 5 2005-12-01 2005-02-10
Archive 6 2006-02-10 2006-04-14
Archive 7 2006-04-14 2006-07-09
Archive 8 2006-07-09 2006-11-15
Archive 9 2006-11-15 2007-01-10
Archive 10 2007-01-10 2008-03-30
Archive 11 2008-03-30 2015-09-08
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User:Ingoolemo/Threads/06/07/06a User:Ingoolemo/Threads/06/07/18a