User talk:Karl Dickman/Archive 09

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Archive 1 2004-05-23 2004-12-31
Archive 2 2005-01-01 2005-06-23
Archive 3 2005-06-23 2005-09-05
Archive 4 2005-09-05 2005-12-01
Archive 5 2005-12-01 2005-02-10
Archive 6 2006-02-10 2006-04-14
Archive 7 2006-04-14 2006-07-09
Archive 8 2006-07-09 2006-11-15
Archive 9 2006-11-15 2007-01-10
Archive 10 2007-01-10 2008-03-30
Archive 11 2008-03-30 2015-09-08
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90 minutes in heaven


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When you removed the plot from 90 Minutes in Heaven, were you concerned about copyright infringement? I'm afraid this isn't entirely clear from your edit summary.

Also, wouldn't a significantly more vigourous rephrasing of the plot eliminate this problem? Karl Dickman talk 17:43, 15 November 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Tl button


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Hi Mark,

Per the invitation on your XEB page, I tried adding a TL button to the code, right below the Subst button (Z). I used the following code:

'TL':['3/37/Button_tl_template.png','Template link',"{{tl|","}},'Template name'],

However, it didn't like this. In fact, it caused the entire script to stop working altogether.

So I guess you can count this as a feature request. Cheers, Karl Dickman talk 01:57, 17 November 2006 (UTC) (formerly Ingoolemo)[reply]

A few more things. XEBOrder isn't allowing be to use any more than 17 buttons, which is as likely as not due to some error in User:Karl Dickman/standard.js. Also, What does XEBOrder.split do? Does it allow the end-user to add buttons between the buttons added by your XEB script. For example, a script exists that can suppress the standard editbuttons; if such a feature existed, I could reinsert the standard buttons in the order I wanted (for example, putting the standard link button right before the sub-link button, and the standard image button right before the advanced image button, etc.) Just some thoughts to chew on. Cheers, Karl Dickman talk 11:30, 17 November 2006 (UTC)[reply]
Okay I've had a look:
  • The TL button wasn't working because it was missing a closing quote for the last but one argument (}}). The odd thing was that the missing quote showed up if you looked at the new code on its own, but appeared when you compared the two versions of the code. I have now added the TL button. It isn't a standard button at the moment so you will need to use XEBOrder to include the button.
  • I had a quick look at the 17 buttons issue. There was an issue if you used the all option for XEBOrder. You had to get the case right (so 'ALL' and 'aLL' did not work for example). I'm not sure if this (or any of the other changes) will fix the issue for you. Can you let me know if you still have a problem. If you do then I'll have another look.
  • I have updated the images with your newer PNG version - much better.
  • One thing, which I hadn't thought about properly, is that changes to the live version may possible affect all the XEB users immediately. I'm going to change the XEB instruction page to encourge users to test changes in a development version before putting them on the live version. At the moment I don't have any way to prevent changes to the live version because as a non-admin I can't protect the page. Hopefully some better instructions on this will help. --MarkS (talk) 19:12, 19 November 2006 (UTC)[reply]
Regarding your final point: I just realised this: because I am an admin, I am in fact one of the few people who can edit your javascript page. I'm pretty sure that any .js file in another user's userspace cannot be edited by any other user who doesn't have administrative privileges.
Also, thanks for fixing the 17-buttons issue. I now have all the buttons in operation. Tschüs. Karl Dickman talk 19:53, 26 November 2006 (UTC)[reply]