User talk:NawlinWiki/Archive 8

Hey NawlinWiki, you have never deleted any of my contributions, but I can see you are an example of how absolute impotence corrupts absolutely. Wikipedia is supposed to be for the people, but you and other little tin gods have set yourselves up as gatekeepers for information you have no business tinkering with. You deleted an article of great importance to a professional field I am associated with, and I suspect you did it just because you could since it was so esoteric I'm positive you didn't understand what you destroyed. You are one of the reasons we information professionals are starting to eschew Wikipedia as a valid resource. Sleep well and know you are helping to wreck something that started with a good intention.


Please add all comments below the line. Why did you delete Flavorpill? My explanation that never got a chance to surface: Flavorpill has been pioneering the online events space since 2001. Long before, Time Out or any of the others. The network has taken on the duties of publishing 11 different web properties covering Fashion, Current Events, Books, Music and Art. Flavorpill has received praise from several highly regarded publishers including The New York Times, CNN, CNET, USA Today, Wired and Business Week.

Flavorpill writes all original content and has every right to have a wiki page describing its history, culture and business practices.

An entry in Wikipedia would not serve to further business goals, rather make more information about the company and its history available.

I will gladly alter the content to be less congratulatory and meet the specifications of the wiki community, but to be deleted on the grounds that it is a business and not relevant is something I do not understand.

Why did you delete my ryan ogrady articale i worked hard on it

Let me ask you something: Has it ever hit you: Wow, I spend my time editing wikipedia.

Seriously, do you have a life?