User talk:Ortolan88

hello, I am a student from the british schools in Uruguay, I am sitting for the IB exam of chemistry in may. I ahve to perform an experiment related to alcohol. My idea was to get different alcoholic beverages and calculate its percentage. I thought that I could do this by a fractional distillation, so there I cpuld identity the quantity of alcohol in that beverage. but is there a better way of calcultating the %??? pleasde I thank you if you answer me thank you !!!!!!! Agustina please contact me: [email protected]

Please see Ortolan88's Archive1 for everything from mav's cheery greeting in March '02 to yesterday's windstorm that made me decide it was time for filing away. Ortolan88 03:11 Jan 22, 2003 (UTC)

If you put something here that requires an answer, I will answer on your user talk page. That way, if anyone wants to eavesdrop on our conversation, they will have to go to considerable trouble.

If you put something tiresome here, I will delete it, quite possibly without answering except for a sarcastic or despairing summary line. That way, if anyone wants to see something tiresome, they will have to go to considerable trouble.

Fire away!

Hello Ortolan,

May I recommend the hydrochloric acid page? You were one of the first contributors to it. It is now up for Peer Review request.

Met vriendelijke groeten, Wim van Dorst 22:36, 2005 Feb 18 (UTC)

Good day to you, Tom!

Please accept my apologies. It does appear that there was considerable confusion about the origin of the material. Please do let me know your opinion of my extensive - and IMO superior, rewrite. However, with respect for citations - with which were absent - please do cite them. I'm sure that musicologists and others would be interested. Just so you'll know, I have been a long-time resident of that area, and have done some study of Handy. His music figures importantly in my musical development. As for the quality of the article - without regard for that now-resolved issue previously in question - I thought it was atrocious and most definitely did not even adequately render the subject. Again, perhaps a new category describing how his music was different from the standard of the time, and of today, would be an excellent in-depth. Further, to say he was a trained musician demeans his tremendous and extraordinary contributions. A monkey or dog can be trained, but only a human being can be educated - and Handy was EDUCATED. That is one very important thing that set him apart from others. Also, I most definitely DISAGREE with the rap references on "Long Gone". I do have that recording, it is nothing like rap in any sense, save for a few spoken words. If, however, spoken word categorizes and suffices for rap, I submit Johnny Cash's "Ride This Train" was the FIRST rap... and not Debbie Harry's or anyone elses. Regards, K. L. Bardon 15:53, Dec 22, 2004 (UTC)

You're a funny guy.  :-) Koyaanis Qatsi

Thanks! God Bless you!! :)

Sincerely yours, AntonioMartin

O, the mail that I sent to wikien-l was received, but the two I sent to wikipedia-l both bounced back saying there is no such address. -- Zoe

I dig your work. Some generally great additions you make.  :-) Koyaanis Qatsi

I do want a laugh. The only time I can remember not wanting one was when I got the hiccups from watching There's Something About Mary. Koyaanis Qatsi

I think this goes without saying, but for what it is worth I am glad you were "sucked in" to the NI article, however briefly. Slrubenstein

Just like those French, children reading poems by preverts! 168... P.S. I hope this doesn't count as vandalism. I saw no Talk:Ortolan88 and knew I could just call you a hypocrite if you were to reject my one liner. Didn't get your blue-paint joke at Talk:Editor, but would like to.

Regarding Manual of Style

not the place to explain commas, particularly if not quite correctly)

What do you mean by that? Commas are not optional? Some (including me) might wonder In physics, bahabah or In physics bahabah -- Taku 18:29 Jan 25, 2003 (UTC)

Hey Yo! Ortolan88!

  1. can you break talk:Manual of Style into smaller pages so that we "bad browser citizens" can play?
  2. Your last comment brought to mind a problem with the wekipedia style manual. If real names, rather than known names, are used, both Jesus (actually Yeshua or something like that) and Buddha have to be secondary in the encyclopedia. This doesn't seem strange to you?

Arthur 23:25 Jan 25, 2003 (UTC)

Dear Orto: Hey whats up? Hey I was just wondering if you could put world boxing champion next to the names of those boxers who have been world champions when yo are ID'ing people on the biographical listings. It's just that, well, I mean, boxers who have been world champions are in a way, lto boxing, like world leaders are to politicians. Not every boxer gets to be a world champion, and I have had to write about some boxers who were non champs too. (Some non champs have had quite a significant contribution to society, such as Chuck Wepner.

Anyways, I just think that for example, no one would write Politic next to Bill Clinton on the biographical listing, and it would be nice to see some protocol in noting which of the boxers on the list have been world champions too.

Thanks and God bless! Oh and keep up the good and hard work!!

Sincerely yours, AntonioMartin

The governor called and commuted your sentence. Koyaanis Qatsi

Dear Orto: Hi! Thanks for answering..;) you dont know how much Id give to shake hands with Ingemar Johannsen, although knowing me Id also be extremely nervous and asking for an autoraph..LOL I will try also to put worlc boxing champ next to the name of such fighters on the bio list.

Thanks and God bless you!

Sincerely yours, AntonioMartin

Tom, I just love the way you rush in after people have cleaned up nonsense and fill the void with an actual article. I'm thinking of Liberace at the moment, but it seems to be one of your calling cards. -- Stephen Gilbert 19:58 Feb 5, 2003 (UTC)

I shall never be able to see Rappin' Rosalind Russell in quite the same way again. <G> -- "Rap Master " Someone else 00:14 Feb 10, 2003 (UTC)

On your recommendation, I'm going to look for that Wonderful Town recording. Of course, I'll have to take the "Ethel Merman Disco Album" out of my CD player to listen to it! -- Someone else 01:48 Feb 10, 2003 (UTC)

As someone who has previously contributed to music-related articles, consider this a cordial, engraved invitation to participate in the discussion at List of songwriters/temp. I think this page can actually be useful instead of a random list of songwriters, but more input is needed. Tokerboy 03:16 Feb 12, 2003 (UTC)

Your courage, insight, and reason are understated. -Stevert

I think you're cooler than a bowl of ice cream. And, uh, that's cool. Koyaanis Qatsi

I just looked at the formatting you did on Krazy Kat, & comparing how I left it versuses how it is now, I can't figure out just what you changed. (This is not a criticism -- I simply can't see the difference, except for your italicizing The Dingbat Family -- llywrch 18:29 Feb 23, 2003 (UTC)

Thanks for helping find the right words on the Lingua Franca page. I just reordered it a little. brettz9.

Re browser problems: this is getting curiouser and curiouser, as I would seem to have the same setup as you (Mac OS X, Omniweb, flat screen) and am not running into this problem with the white/tan. Hephaestos

Aha, a Radius. Does it have associated driver software? (It's been years since I've dealt with a Radius.) If so, it might be worth it to reinstall that. I agree with your brother that flat screens aren't quite so good with color, but doubt that's the specific problem here; most of my experience with Radius displays (dated, as I mentioned) has been that they're very good quality, but temperamental. Hephaestos

I was working on the Frozen Dead Guy Days article.  :) -- Zoe

What problem do you have with the statement that the concept scalar is used in mathematics and consequently also in physics? Before I added that, the article said the word is used in both mathematics and physics, thereby making it look as if this might be a case in which the same word is used for two different unrelated concepts. But they are not unrelated; the use in physics is more concrete, but it is not a completely different concept; it follows naturally from the concept of scalar in mathematics. Michael Hardy 22:45 Mar 10, 2003 (UTC)

To interject another opinion, do either of you know which has historical prescedence? Especially if the less technical, less mathematical version is older, it may be odd to introduce it primarily as a derivation of the more technical, more mathematical version. --Ryguasu 02:37 Mar 22, 2003 (UTC)


I finally found your comments on User:Ryguasu/Linguistics. I'm curious about a few things:

  1. Is your book published, and can one obtain it in the US?
  2. It would seem you would sympathize with Steven Pinker's discussion of "language mavens". Is this perhaps accurate?
  3. How often do people actually "mix up singular subjects with plural verbs?" This seems like the kind of mistake that people just won't tend to make, at least as native speakers of something more or less akin to Standard English.
  4. Do you have a coherent argument for why we ought to take opposite stands on prescription for written and spoken language? Why not have one standard for all of language?

--Ryguasu 02:37 Mar 22, 2003 (UTC)

Wow, has it been that long? Have a nice Wikipedia vacation. :) I hope you return soon nicely rested. --mav

Have a nice break, Tom, and come back soon. -- Zoe

We will miss you, Tom. Enjoy, and don't forget to come back! Tannin

Wow! We'll really miss you here, Tom. Hope you are back a lot sooner than you think! Danny

Hope to see you back soon Orto - enjoy the break. --Camembert

And back you are! Great to see you around again :) --Camembert

Likewise, good to see ya. - Hephaestos|§ 02:52, 4 Aug 2004 (UTC)

Yay! Nice to see you back Ortolan! --mav 06:39, 5 Aug 2004 (UTC)