User talk:Rotterdarned

I am a former 40-year trader in edible and other real commodities, as well as a trader in "exotic currencies" (e.g. non-convertible currencies). I devoted my career in this field to returning the control and marketing of indigenous products to the indigenous producers of said products in areas of the world where much left-over of the colonial era still existed in thinly veiled form. Later, I was hired by one of America's largest universities to develop and write the curricula in a new bachelor's and master's degree area of International Trade & Affairs: it is a "practicum" in the field as opposed to a business degree in the far more generalist International Business area. It addressed at senior levels serious issues in the field for which there are no real answers, such as corruption and falling prey to same: do you accept that bribe or not? Do you give that bribe or not? These issues are far more common in International Trade than in Domestic Trade, due to "the nature of the beast." Students are obliged to consider them before they enter the field. The curricula was well-received.

My hobbies since the 1960's include both creative and investigative writing and journalism, and the enjoyment of playing music on a variety of instruments on which I was trained as a child. I am a proud grandfather with family overseas. i_made_this 18:36, 15 June 2011 (UTC)