User talk:Sannse/Archive 2

January 2004 - June 2004

Greetings Sannse. Encouraged by your words from your user page about contributing photos to Wikipedia I've recently added one of my own photos for the article about Chuksha. I admit the photo is not perfect, since it was photographed during the late winter afternoon, but I guess it is better worse homegrown one, than of the "fair use" as you've written. I shall take some of daily ones and resend them over the existing. I hope that I've met at least sufficiently high criterion with my action. But if the photos are not suitable for the Wikipedia - they can be removed or changed easily. Best regards. --XJamRastafire 22:24, 6 Jan 2004 (UTC)

Looks good! I'm always pleased to see imaged added to articles, especially ones taken by Wikipedians and even more so when they are of dogs :) I've lightened the image slightly, I can revert if you don't feel it's an improvement. I'm still very much learning how to take photos, but I'm pleased with some of them - it's fun to do isn't it? I've been trying to get some pictures of birds too, but so far without success. I haven't really got the right equipment. Anyway, good work and I'm glad you took my thoughts on home-grown images to heart. Regards -- sannse 12:15, 7 Jan 2004 (UTC)

Wikipedia:Requests for mediation

Hi. Look what I did! Don't be mad, k? I figured it was better than nothing, and Ed told me to take my problems there, so... let me know what you think? JackLynch 12:48, 15 Jan 2004 (UTC)

Reply on User talk:JackLynch

Hello :-) please read this [1]. Thanks Anthere

Will do. Thanks Anthere -- sannse 20:41, 17 Jan 2004 (UTC)

--- Wikipedia:Requests for mediation

I object strongly to your changes. You can review my objection on Wikipedia Talk:Requests for mediation Jack 02:53, 18 Jan 2004 (UTC)

I do not appreciate you chopping up my text and failing to sign your rude and confrontational post. Please review Wikipedia:Talk page. Jack 08:30, 18 Jan 2004 (UTC)

Hello Jack. I have replied on Wikipedia talk:Requests for mediation hopefully that will clarify things a little. Just to repeat - the post you mention was from Anthere rather than me, I'm sure she didn't mean to sound rude or confrontational, I certainly don't read it as such. I hope my reply helps, please let me know if not and please believe me that my intention is not to offend in any way, so I'm sure we can sort any misunderstandings between us. Regards -- sannse 11:41, 18 Jan 2004 (UTC)

Yeah, I sincerely apologise. I admit I am rather thinned skinned on this whole subject. IMO the wiki should have had a fair and effective plan for resolving user conflicts long ago, and my bad experiences with wikipedia:conflicts between users made me perhaps overly hopeful that things would be sunshine and roses with the new wikipedia:requests for mediation I created. When it became clear that said mediators were less than enthusiastic (worrying I might be a bnned user, for example!) I became rather more irritable than would have been perfectly compatable with mediation, I will admit. In any case, thank you for your kind replies. Jack 02:18, 19 Jan 2004 (UTC)

wikipedia:Requests for mediation

"unless you feel you can make a true and heartfelt commitment to mediation" I don't understand where your going with this statement. What have I not done? What should I be doing? Are you speaking for the mediation commitee? Should I contact an arbitrator? This process needs alot of work :) Jack 10:40, 21 Jan 2004 (UTC)

Hello Jack. You said: "I am simply attempting to fulfil the formalities of the conflict resolution process so that I can seek binding arbitration." I feel that rather than seeing mediation as a set of formalities to get through on the road to arbitration it needs to be seen as a genuine attempt by all parties to find a solution. If you can enter into mediation with a real will to make it work and a willingness to try and find a solution then maybe it can be successful. If you are going through the motions in order to get to a goal of arbitration, then I don't think it will work. And above all I want mediation to work :)
I think there are two options here. If you feel that mediation is something you want to try - not as a formality but with real intent to make it work - then the next step is for you to tell LordKenneth that and to ask him to join you in seeking mediation. If you don't want to enter into mediation then I think you should approach the arbitration committee. (I'm not sure what stage they are at in setting up yet, so they may not be ready to take the case). I would guess that the arbitration committee will see it as a point against you if you have not made an attempt at mediation, just as they would see it as a point against the other party if they refused to try to talk things out. But that's just a guess based on how I would see things if I were in that committee, it's not a statement of their policy (I don't know their policy and am not sure if they do yet!)
Just to clarify. I'm speaking here as a member of the committee but not for the committee. At the moment the committee is a loose collection of interested wikipedians appointed by Jimbo. We are in discussion about the best ways to mediate, but at this stage we are working somewhat independently. Regards -- sannse 17:30, 21 Jan 2004 (UTC)

I am attempting to comply with your request. Jack 22:46, 21 Jan 2004 (UTC)

Hallo Sannse! beautifull butterfly image. I work on small critters in the ocean, you can see some of the macro images from my user page. I have depression too and wiki helps me to get back on doing things again. Please see my note on the admin req page - keep up with the good work and thanks for the help in admin - Professor Dr. habil Uwe Kils 21:44, 25 Jan 2004 (UTC)

Hello Kils. I'm sorry to hear you suffer from depression too, it's a difficult and unpleasant illness I know. I presume the note you refer to was the correction of my mistaken count of "support" - I've fixed that now, many apologies for the mistake. Thanks for the complements and for the generously polite message - especially in light of my opposition to your request for re-adminship (and my anonymity!). Regards -- sannse 18:08, 26 Jan 2004 (UTC)
Hallo Sannse! No, I meant the comment to the sysop. I do not care much about adminship, spent my time anyway more on editing (as you can see when I was a sysop once). It was a bet I lost in the Vikings experiment, which holds over 28 people of all ages and many professions (including two sysops). I expected to become not one "support" and was surprised to see two. I am not mad of you or any other sysops. I never cut away any besides our own stuff and discussion pages, because some children wrote there with their full name. I want to work only as contributor. Good content stays forever (hopefully), sysops disappear in the fog after a while. We had one of the very first wikis on the web, and is from one of my former students. wikipedia is a wiki with mostly anonymous sysops and we take it for such. This will however prevent it from raising noteworthy donations, I fear. Donators are very carefull on what links to their name, and philanthropy has something to do with names. In every author is visible, and dozens of donators knocked on the doors to get in. Consider us as wiki tester (I am probably more than twice your age) Good luck to you! Kils 22:12, 26 Jan 2004 (UTC)
here is a litle present to you which I made when I was young media:Black-browed albatross.jpg
Thank you for the picture Kils. -- sannse 23:42, 26 Jan 2004 (UTC)
Can you please delete the request - thank you - Uwe Kils 04:04, 27 Jan 2004 (UTC)
Done -- sannse 18:19, 27 Jan 2004 (UTC)
Thank you, Sannse, and have fun with your aquarium. I am a fisheries biologist and hope to see some nice image from you of Tanichthys albonubes, also in fishbase they could use another better image. Can you please help me in understanding something: Why are so many working in wikipedia without writing their name. Is there any advantage of it? Any source of knowledge is only as good as the people who make it and give their name for it. Good luck - Uwe Kils 18:44, 27 Jan 2004 (UTC)
I've not got any good photos yet, I need to read up about the best way to take fishy pictures. But when I do I will add them here and, of course, they will be licensed under GDFL so available for fishbase or anyone else :)
About anonymity - the first thing I would say is that I disagree with your view that real identities are necessary in making a good source of knowledge. What would my name tell you about my knowledge of the Grammy Awards for example? I have no qualifications or reputation in this field, just an interest in increasing the quality of the information about them on the 'pedia. My reputation is built up from my contributions - and that reputation is built around my constant identity as "sannse". Knowing my real name would not give you any more information about my ability to edit the encyclopaedia, especially as I don't edit in my professional field.
As to reasons, I can only speak of my own. I use a pseudonym for privacy and for my own feeling of security. I understand that that security is minimal, my real name is probably not that difficult to find, but I trust in the respect (and disinterest) of others to give me that minimal privacy. This is especially important to me because I talk of things on-line that I do not wish to discuss publicly in the 3D world (occasionally on Wikipedia but more so in other on-line settings). With anonymity I can have the confidence and courage to speak freely about personal and difficult subjects. I sometimes feel "sannse" is more truly my identity that the one I use in the "real world".
I hope this helps. -- sannse 21:46, 27 Jan 2004 (UTC)
Thank you very much - uwe Kils 22:08, 27 Jan 2004 (UTC)


The fault is not with me, it is with Jack himself. HE is the one making biased and unfair changes. I don't see how I can mediate with him when he's the actual problem. But, what do you suggest? - Lord Kenneth 19:32, Jan 26, 2004 (UTC)

Reply at User talk:Lord Kenneth

Hi, is there some sort of clash between tables and the new image markup? The image on American Cocker Spaniel seems to have got squashed over a bit with your change. I am guessing that the image width is somehow not influencing the table width as it should. What do you think? -- sannse 17:14, 4 Feb 2004 (UTC)

Re images: I saw that, but I figured it was my browser bumping against the new code; I'd left the center tag in the table as before. I'm not really sure what's going on there. - Hephaestos 17:18, 4 Feb 2004 (UTC)
It sort of works with the table set at 270px width, but still doesn't quite look right - I'll keep fiddling -- sannse 17:29, 4 Feb 2004 (UTC)
I think images look better in a taxobox if you use "none", rather than "thumb" and specify the size. WormRunner 17:38, 4 Feb 2004 (UTC)
Aha! Thanks, I'll try that. Didn't know that was an option. - Hephaestos 17:39, 4 Feb 2004 (UTC)

Hi Sannse, I noticed your remark in the villahe pump, where can i find the syntax of this new markup? TeunSpaans

Hi TeunSpaans. The table markup is here and the new image markup is here. -- sannse 11:52, 5 Feb 2004 (UTC)

Thx! TeunSpaans 12:09, 5 Feb 2004 (UTC) (now i no longer search in vain why my colspan didnt work :; )

You probably already noticed, but just in case you didn't, I just put a firm opinion on listing all possible breeds of dogs in List of dog breeds. I won't do anything rash until there's been some discussion and/or I know I won't get my nose tweaked. :-) Elf 05:06, 10 Feb 2004 (UTC)

Thanks Elf, I saw. Don't worry your nose is safe ;) I'll answer over there. Regards -- sannse 10:04, 10 Feb 2004 (UTC)

Please check Dog show and Newfoundland. I added an entry to the current news page referring to the Newfie that just won Westminster, so I tried to fill in the Dog Show stub and I'm afraid that I'm a complete novice at how dog shows really work, so I hope I didn't get the info way wrong. Also reformatted newfie with the new table from your snadbox; added links to AKC and FCI standards, but after finding everything else for all of this, 2 hrs later, I have to quit and get back to work so I haven't filled in more info about the Newfie. Elf 18:25, 12 Feb 2004 (UTC)

P.S. To clarify, I'm not asking you to fill in missing info--just to make sure I didn't add any incorrect info or nonstandard table format and so on. You seem the best person to ask at the moment. :-) Elf 20:08, 12 Feb 2004 (UTC)
Hi Elf. I'm not knowledgeable about how dog shows work either I'm afraid. My only experience of them is going to them to take photos for Wikipedia. As I understand it though, in England a dog has to win three challenge certificates from three different judges to become a champion (I met someone whose dog had just won it's third). I'm not sure of the exact criteria for winning challenge certificates though - I believe they can only be gained at championship shows, not open shows, and I think a dog only has to be best of breed rather than best in show - but I really am not sure and not sure how different it is elsewhere.
I made a couple of minor changes to the Newfoundland table but left the missing info for you. Let me know if there were any bits you couldn't find - I have a list off-line with all the info for tables for all the recognised breeds. Acually, I can send you a copy if you would find it useful, let me know and I can e-mail it to you (it would be as an excel spreadsheet).
I've been rather distracted with Grammy Award pages (and real life stuff) but hope to help out more on the dog stuff soon - It's great to see it progressing :) -- sannse 23:17, 13 Feb 2004 (UTC)

Thanks for the heads up on my user talk pg; usually I Watch pages where I've left comments, like this, but I guess I didn't this time around! I'd love to have a copy of your spreadsheet. Like you, don't know how much time I'll have to work on it--did a wee bit on Saarlooswolfhond the other day but was too lazy to go into the other room to get my books to fill it in more. And negotiating some of those breed standard sites is tedious!
Also--I figured, foolishly, that show-dog shows worked the same way everywhere--I don't know why, since i know perfectly well that obedience and agility are very different between, say, U.S. and U.K. Guess I'll have to find my own subject-matter expert. I certainly know enough people who show their dogs. Elf 01:40, 17 Feb 2004 (UTC)
Hi Elf. I should probably do what many do and reply on peoples talk pages - I just hate splitting conversations in that way so usually rely on people using watch lists. But anyway... I've mailed you with my address. I can't send the file via the Wikipedia mailing system but if you reply I can mail it to you direct. You might also want to know there is a list of photos without articles on User:Sannse/Dogs (User:Sannse/Dogs (full view) is the image intensive version) maybe you will be able to find homes for a couple as you work :). Talk later -- sannse 12:12, 17 Feb 2004 (UTC)
Responded to your email. Had already looked at photos; you've been busy! Elf 14:16, 17 Feb 2004 (UTC)

Actually, I think I messed up, either in the reading or the placement of my comments... In any case, I'm going to refactor and update AFAIK the Wikipedia:Requests for mediation page. Tuf-Kat 06:08, Feb 22, 2004 (UTC)

Thanks for the Wikipedia:WikiMoney. I appreciate it. -- Rbellin 23:30, 1 Mar 2004 (UTC)

You're most welcome :) -- sannse 11:03, 2 Mar 2004 (UTC)

Two pictures (not very good, but in the first case, there was not enough light, and in second, the puppies did not want to stand still :-)), but I actually took them thinking of you.


Thank you for the pictures, they are lovely. And thank you for for thinking of me too. Best wishes -- sannse (talk) 11:12, 4 Mar 2004 (UTC)