User talk:Smack/archive0

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Wikifairy or bus driver?

When you want a wiki editors help you can never get it, when you dont, two or three come along at the same time.

Greetings Smack,

crackle and pop, try as I might to write an article for a bunch of strangers I know not whom, for what, who cares, it can only end in tears. Nail me to a piece of wood I up here for the common good, and dont belive every thing you read. Australia, Critrcal Mass does not even recognise the existance of such a place, given reference to the Ramsgate Flat Earth Soc. edicts.

Please indicate such Sloppy articles as you would deem unworthy of the great wikifairy. It has been ordained by the prophet Ted that the teachings of Kiya Gowdie be ushered into the new century by electronic means. That he is no longer alive to defend his verse might mean you are too late to sip of the troff. We wonder how constructive is perfect truth when the means of delivery remais obscure.

By my rights under the gnu licence I allow alterations in my text, but it remains mine. I hold that I am at liberty to re write a tract of text by another author, and present similar facts in a different dialogue, and this is fair use. Blatant copying is, without consent just either forgetful or contemptuous. I find it annoying that I might even be in the middle of uploading a piece and before I am able to complete my work, it can be edited. This is the weekness of the Wikifairy, whom needs a stong draught of Dop Pnint, the sacred brew of the Troff of the Covenant. I feel content is worth more than presentation, espesially with numerous critics able to master the difficult tracts into a coherent wikipage. Is Dada art, punk or industrial opera music ? Faedra 00:39, 12 Jun 2004 (UTC) CONTACT WELCOMED.

Hi Smack, welcome to Wikipedia! Regarding moving pages, it's generally considered better to use the Move Page function to move pages because otherwise they lose their edit histories. If I move September 11th... to Generic title then all previous versions of September 11th... also move to the new title. If I just take the source code and put it in a new article then it has no edit history and it's more difficult to find out who has added what to the article and for what reason, who to ask about whether something is a violation of copyright if you think it might be etc. Also the Move Page feature moves the talk page as well which is a good thing for the same reasons and also because that it where people are supposed to put information about permissions of use of photographs and other media.

Have fun editing -- Ams80 08:04 18 May 2003 (UTC)

Truly an impressive entry on the First Age of Middle-earth. I really am going to finally go and read the Silmarillion now. Good job, and welcome to Wikipedia. -- General Wesc 13:22 22 May 2003 (UTC)

Hi there. Welcome to Wikipedia. Great article on tent! -- Tarquin 09:48 28 May 2003 (UTC)

Hi, I'm not 100% convinced that the Encyclopedia of Arda rules on map use are consistent with the GFDL. In particular, the GFDL allows you to sell GFDLed material for as much money as you can convince people to give (for instance, the FSF makes some of its income from selling printed GNU manuals through bookstores, even though the manual content is itself GFDL), but the Encyclopedia of Arda says in their FAQ "If you want to use elements of the Encyclopedia on a commercial site, please contact us for permission". Since I'm probably the first to notice this (being a Tolkien fan and all :-) ), and you may start getting additional people bugging you about this soon, I suggest that you a) add a comment to the image pages citing the EoA FAQ, and b) send email to the EoA folks. Even though Wikipedia is a "competitor" :-), I suspect they would be OK with Wikipedia's use, and then you can paste the email into the image pages, will keep even the strictest image-usage-cop happy. Stan 03:16 31 May 2003 (UTC)

In fact, I have already tacked a notification onto an email concerning EoA's own affairs. No reply yet. But it is indeed a good idea to allay fears by quoting their image use policy. Smack 05:23 31 May 2003 (UTC)

Generally people don't like to have talk page contents deleted - personally I don't think it's that big of a deal either way, but I follow the custom. It's always OK to create an archive subpage and move old stuff there, see for example Talk:List of French monarchs which is up to four archives now. Stan 06:12 31 May 2003 (UTC)

So do I "move" the page, or just create a new one and copy-and-paste?
Just make a link and paste the text you want to move. Page moving wouldn't make sense for archives after the 1st, since you want to preserve the list of links to archive pages. Stan 06:44 31 May 2003 (UTC)
An alternative is to refactor old talk to highlight the important issues and ditch the nonsense. A question of style... :) Martin

Hi! I just noticed you made some changes to Wikipedia:Topic index California, including removing most of the city, county, and school links. I know they clutter up the page something dreadful, but the purpose of the page is really to be used as a filter for "Related changes": taking the links out means changes to California city, county, and university articles won't show up anymore. It's probably better if they stay. --Brion 23:16 5 Jun 2003 (UTC)

Yeah, I was rather hasty with that, but the problem is that the lists as I found them were incomplete. I think it would be better just to go to each of the individual pages (i.e. List of cities in California) and watch them. Wait. There is no "watch links" link. I don't know what you're talking about. Please explain.
It used to be "watch links", at some point it was renamed to "related changes". --Brion 23:42 5 Jun 2003 (UTC)
Well then. Just go to "related changes" for each individual page. I can certainly imagine people wanting to track, for example, universities but not cities.
I'm going to post this in the talk:. Smack
That would, of course, defeat the purpose of having a single view that covered the entire topic. :) See the link to my suggestions at Wikipedia talk:Topic index California. --Brion
Thanks for pointing this out, I've changed everywhere that used to say "Watch links" to "Related changes" now (I think), so this should cut down on the confusion for future users, at least until the next change in the software there. ;) -- John Owens 04:33 6 Jun 2003 (UTC)

just playing with your talk page to see if I get a database error. Please ignore this. Tannin

Works fine for me. I hope it's working for you too. Tannin
Darn it! The car always starts working when you take it to the shop, doesn't it? I was getting a database error message that superimposed itself over the text at the top of the page. -Smack

I shouldn't edit while drunk! Thank Ghu the delete function asks for confirmation! I actually was confronted with confirming the deletion of your talkpage; when all I wanted to do was talk to you! Uhm. the think i WANTIED TO DISUSS. anuway uhm. What about two logs atop euch other don't you undesrtanad? --Cimon Avaro on a pogo-stick 11:52 6 Jul 2003 (UTC)

Pogo-stick indeed, I must say. :p You weren't very clear about the arrangement of the two logs. After some contemplation, I realized that you probably meant that they are to be parallel, like part of a log-cabin wall, but my initial interpretation was that they are to be laid crosswise, in the most stable configuration.
You might also wish to add something about how it can also be built on a small scale, with something smaller than tree trunks (right?)
And another question: does the bottom log burn completely? -Smack 23:18 6 Jul 2003 (UTC)

My sincerest apologies. I had honestly forgotten about the whole thing. I'm on it. -- Cimon Avaro on a pogo-stick 16:58 11 Jul 2003 (UTC)

Hi, re tsar versus czar. If the person being mentioned in the Russian emperor, then it should be tsar, not czar. On english wiki is the spelling to be used is the one used by english speakers, and that is tsar. Czar is now rarely used in english and generally replaced if found. Whether czar is the form used in Serbia is immaterial because on english wiki it is the generally used english language word that is used and that is tsar. (Congrats BTW on the renaming work!) lol FearÉIREANN 22:58 11 Jul 2003 (UTC)

I'm amazed. You replied within minutes - to a message on someone else's talk page.
I wasn't questioning the czar spelling. Tsar explains the origin of that little deviation very well. I was scratching my head over tzar. IIRC, all of the link-references to tzar, including the ones I fixed, refer specifically to the ruler of Serbia. -Smack 23:27 11 Jul 2003 (UTC)

Thanks. Well spotted about [[Cearbhall Ó Dálaigh[[. Typical Cearbhall. In life, in death, even on wiki he gets into problems! Thanks anyway, I owe you one. wikilove. FearÉIREANN 01:47 12 Jul 2003 (UTC)

I accept your suggestion -- as a challenge, almost. !. I really am a beginner at Japanese, so anything I do will be at a snails pace - using some newly avaliable technology -- like Jim Breen's Kanji dictionary -- and making some educated guesses as far as what connects to what. Im busy with the Arabic wikipedia at the moment, though. When I get that jumpstarted, Ill get on the proberb thing. I should also volunteer som real Japanese wikipedians to ambassadorial positions... :) -豎&#30505sv

Nice work on Jefferson Davis! The previous state of that article has bothered me since I first joined Wikipedia over a year an a half ago. --mav

Is there any reason why you posted message on my User page instead of Talk page? I don't mind, I'll move it soon or later (probably later!), but I am wondering if there was some technical problem. Because my Talk page seems to be still undersized. --Menchi 01:43 17 Jul 2003 (UTC)

Just saw your line-drawings for WP. They're really good, I like the slighyly curvy lines in Image:Dining fly (tent).png, makes it look 3-D. Did you draw them with stylus? Because most people can't make straight or curvy lines and cause the lines to slightly shaky. --Menchi 03:18 17 Jul 2003 (UTC)

Oh, no. I have a horrible hand. I used a program that looks like it's supposed to be used for making blueprints. Unfortunately, neither the program nor the company is mentioned on the 'pedia at all. The program is called Designer, and it's part of a suite made by Micrografx [sic]. -Smack 03:20 17 Jul 2003 (UTC)

Weighty reasons, eh? Sounds scary... have a good break, and good luck with college :) Martin 19:36 22 Jul 2003 (UTC)

Hi smack, thanks for the feedback on [OA]. It has been over 33 years since I was active in the OA, but those times are wonderfully fulfilling memories. I'll add more very soon. Blessings, Rich -- Niganit 16:38, 6 Aug 2003 (UTC)