User talk:SportsLair

Welcome to the SportsLair talk page. Before you post any messages, please read the rules in the green folder below. Happy contributing.

Talk page rules
  • No rude or offensive comments:

Do not post any insults or anything offensive.

  • No spamming:

Everyone hates spam. There is a tolerance of a few lines, and posting any unwanted or unnecessary material is not allowed. This may represent that you're trying to attract only attention for yourself, such as posting gibberish and all other things that don't make sense.

  • No advertising:

Do not post any advertisements or any URL that leads to certain pages that consist signing up for things or downloading things.

  • No trolling, bullying, or harassment:

Do not post anything on this page that consists nasty or harmful stuff.

  • English only please:

This user understands and is a native speaker of the English language. Any other language posted here will be reverted or deleted.

  • No phishing:

This consists attempting to obtain sensitive information such as usernames, passwords, and financial details. If you are caught doing this, you will be reported to the Administrators' Noticeboard for Incidents and may lead to an eventual block.

  • No promotions of obscene acts, violence, or pornography:

Posting such content like this is not allowed. If you are caught doing this, you will be reported to the Administrators' Noticeboard for Incidents and may lead to an eventual block.

  • Do not post any personal information:

No matter who owns any account (especially this one), commenting any personal information such as the user's real name, date of birth, place of birth, phone number, place of residence, personal identification numbers, or anything beyond that is strictly prohibited. If you are caught doing this, you will be reported to the Administrators' Noticeboard for Incidents and may lead to an eventual block.

  • Do not type only in capital letters:

Typing only in capital letters may think you're shouting or screaming in anger or in exclamation. This such behavior is unacceptable, and any such activity like this will be deleted or reverted.

  • No threats:

Threats consist plotting to terrorize, harm, or endanger someone. We take this matter very seriously. Doing something like this will lead to a discussion on the Administrators' Noticeboard for Incidents, an indefinite block, and a possibility of legal action.

  • No impersonation:

Do not perform any forgery or theft of this user's signature or make any accounts that pretend to be this user. Do not mini-op or cut ahead to tell stories or any happenings in disguise of this user. Doing so will lead to a discussion on the Administrators' Noticeboard for Incidents and an eventual block.

  • No telling lies, slandering, or posting fake news:

Do not post news or events that are untrue to the public as this may lead to major confusion. If you are caught doing this, a discussion at the Administrators' Noticeboard for Incidents could be posted.

  • No spying, tampering, hounding, or overlooking:

Do not constantly look over this user's contributions just only to revert edits, and to post near-false warnings on the talk page. This does not always assume good faith, and can lead to mountainous tensions and major confusion. If this persists, you may be reported at the Administrators' Noticeboard for Incidents.

  • Do not trick others into breaking these rules:

If you try to trick someone else into breaking these rules, or any of the other Wikipedia guidelines, this could lead to major confusion, and you could end up exposed yourself, so don't do it.